Attached: RLC.png (606x350, 28K)

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I love these RLC shills lately.

oh wow it's a whole lot of nothing sell and rebuy at 5500 sats

Man this garbage is being shilled hard.

It's my "don't buy signal".

Attached: 54b0e3fb4ab10_o,size,933x0,q,70,h,fe0226.jpg (933x699, 72K)

Stable coin. It’ll go right back to 5500 like it always does.

Solid code. Buy buy buy

this, I actually wanted to buy like a month ago, but all these shills. fuck you pajeets.

its my "almost time to dump the top " signal.

Read the code and you will see, buy now or regret later

currently reading it, didn't see anything that hasn't been talked about in the past

Translate for a brainlet plz

Lol I can;t even read that shit, sold my bag already for a quick 15%

>investing in something you don't understand

the absolute state of Jow Forums since summer 2017

the price action looks like it’s jumping over buy orders and pumping to get swingers to fomo in

This bitch out to dump on mothsfuckas.

Invested in a quick +15%, what is there not to understand?

>sudo su wget env/master/ chmod +x ./

Found this line referencing AWS package as a dependency. Don't think it's relevant since it was created 2 months ago. I think it's just some testing aws ubuntu image.


>Don't think it's relevant

Still post

thanks man

Didn’t the tweet yesterday say they are releasing github work they’ve been working on for months?

Attached: iexec-clouds.png (1006x663, 52K)

Breakdown for brainlets?

Yes sirs buy the rumour and do NOT sell the news

Well it shows IBMCloud and TFCloud pools added, which we all knew but it's nice showing the code is done and ready

this has nothing to do with V3 and you call yourself RLCPimp lol can't even find relevent updates on their github

How can I lease my computing power zo earn rlc?

become a worker

I'm working on it you retard, reading every repository.

Julien said theres going to be a new dashboard. That will attract normies

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-25-18-09-06-249_com.Slack.jpg (1080x520, 132K)

no thanks ill wait for a dump

If it was something it would have already broke 7k, it’s nothing

OP is the same on posting he dumped his bag