Making money is all about who you know and having opportunities that not everyone has!

>making money is all about who you know and having opportunities that not everyone has!
>proceed to ignore all future opportunities and make absolutely no attempt to network

Why do people do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Why do people do this?
dignity my friend

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tried it
rich people are the biggest assholes
money gets to their mind and disconnects them to normal people
very hard to deal with them

I have to add that of course they are
not assholes if you have something for them
so rich fags won't think other rich fags are fags

Its all about daddys connections. most 20-somethings lack the social connections, but their rich boomer dad got them to other boomers.

It’s their retarded cope because deep down they know they deserve to be poor.

Yeah lets punish the family unit

it might come as a surprise to you but people suck. their critique is 100% valid, but they are still lazy asses at the same time. ideology is just a pretext, for almost everyone, whatever ideology you espouse or purport to espouse

Because most people who you think you know don't fucking care about who you are or what you can offer. Any opportunity that you have could be an opportunity that someone else is now misding out on. Why do you deserve the prize over everyone else?

lying doesn't come easy to me

If you have even a shred of moral integrity the modern work game becomes a nightmare

i don't network with cunts
everybody i meet is a cunt

> t. cunty mc cunt jr.

Is it honestly that hard to believe that certain people never had a chance? Does it make you feel better about capitalism to tell yourself everyone who's lonely, homeless, or unemployed chooses to be that way?

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He's delusional

I’m self conscious about asking favors from people I don’t talk to often because I feel as though I’m using them.

Because autism. You need to have fake normie extroversion to network and maintain the network. It is all so tiresome

>see, its easy, you just need to inherit all your parents fortune and administer it, I don't get why these poor losers get so upset
sure we all have these "opportunities"

This. Shit's hard.
You have to make the group not intimidated by you WHILE not acting like a pufta. You have to look like you don't hide your thoughts, yet the things you say must be normie-friendly.

Basically, what's required is a complete personality overhaul.

I don't doubt that at all, and I'm not arguing that the game isn't incredibly unfair either. I'm saying that the amount of people who truly don't have any opportunities or chance of success are a lot less than the number of people who use that defeatist, self-fullfilling attitude to rationalize their financial faliures or complete lack of trying.

How rich are we talking here?

You're not fucking wrong. As an aspie, constantly keeping up appearances around people is exhausting.

Exactly. It just isn't worth it. And they get pissed when you don't care about money as much as they do because it makes them see what a piece of shit they are.

>t. neet

People are like that because else they cannot deal with the sad reality that they are a failure.

>Why do people do this?

Because my parents were working-class boomers that grew up in an era where any university degree was guaranteed employment.

I made it anyway but I wish I'd known that at the start

>what is critical and rational thinking
>what is preparing for the future

That me vs them mentality gives you a self-defeating attitude. I networked with a wealthy manager at work when I was a part-time employee. I shared my cs knowledge, crypto experiences and exhibited high integrity at work. I ended up in a mid-management position because of how he valued my skills.

Apply who you are. Demonstrate value. Don't talk like a fag. Nobody owes you anything.

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And I paid for my mistakes

My sister didn't go through a single year of college, started working different jobs that were very out of her way up in the city, and made connections that helped her become an data analyst.

What opportunities? The rich make the decisions, not the parasites.

Education can give you an edge, but having the balls to take on more is seen as a desirable trait. I work with someone that holds the same position as me, but for a different shift. But he had gone to college and double-majored subjects related to our field but I am viewed as more knowledgeable than him from sheer field experience alone.

From what I've seen, college sets up people to attain cut and dry goals. So when they get a job they don't strive to innovate to stand out, using their degree as a pedestal instead.

Survivorship bias. Everyone loves to pretend they succeeded based solely on their own merit.

>Apply who you are. Demonstrate value

@get fired anyway, because manager just hates your face. Or don't get promoted because the company is heavy on nepotism / get promoted without additional pay.
>Nobody owes you anything
then 'demonstrating value' doesn't mean shit. It's just a numbers game of ending up in a right place at the right time after many failed attempts. Some people may get lucky with a first try, others just quit trying altogether after many failed attempts of "demonstrating their value" to shitty companies that don't give a fuck about such values in the first place.

>Apply who you are. Demonstrate value
> get fired anyway, because manager just hates your face

You only confirm user's point.
Being fired in such case is a good thing.
You apply yourself and if faggots hate you, then why would you even stay and beg for keeping a job? You would never make it anyway.
I was hated in one job and got fired despite doing well.
In the next job, I applied exactly the same work ethic and competence and I'm comfy af with solid coworkers, salary raise and 30hr workweek.
Ironically the dominant source of my unhappiness is outside the job.

There's a reason it's called social climbing, you don't just hang around millionaires when you're a broke fag. You hang out with people just slightly wealthier than you, leverage them to get slightly better jobs and keep upgrading your social circle. Consider it like compound interest but socially.

Very true, but without seeing the virtue of spreading peace of mind amongst the people you spend any sort of time with, you might as well kys.
Thanks for the copes. You sound like the niggers that smoke weed and come in to work high for minimum wage and it's everybody else's fault that they are a failure.

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>You only confirm user's point.

I cannot confirm his point, because he has contradicted himself. My point wasn't about that you should stay at a shitty job, but about the discrepancy between
> I shared my cs knowledge, crypto experiences and exhibited high integrity at work
>Nobody owes you anything

if the former statement is true then 'showing off your values' doesn't mean anything.
He basically implied that "networking + showing off equals promotion" and then contradicted himself with 'nobody owes you anything'.

>I was hated in one job and got fired despite doing well.
In the next job, I applied exactly the same work ethic and competence and I'm comfy af with solid coworkers, salary raise and 30hr workweek

this is exactly what i've said earlier, a numbers game. Some get in the right place at the right time from the first or second try, some will have 10-20 attempts and won't be successful.

You didn't even understand what i was writing about.

There is no virtue, peace of mind is a tool to keep the sheep in line- I would know, I exploit my employees with it all of the time.

I'm autistic, it's actively worse for me to try and network than it is for me to just stay out of the way.

Because we were told as kids that a college degree is worth a ton. "Don't wanna be working in the sun for shit pay? Go to college." So you've got an entire generation of kids learning that college is literally an 80-250k piece of paper that they can't refund and an employee market that mostly just cares about your ability to take shit from an overbearing manager in a shit job than it does any skills or competencies you have.

I went through the process understanding it was mutual exploitation. I took on tasks he would rather not do in order to grow value into myself, where he was exploiting my tenacity and computer skills and it only made us more successful. See how that worked? Peace of mind=mutual exploitation. Just don't get caught up in your feelings about it. I worked inside a vacuum of power where there's no one in direct control over a deliverable, or jumped on opportunities when I saw voids of power in the work place. It will take sacrifice but in the end you will have your name on it for doing so.
Look. I understand the mindset you have because I have been there. I got tired of being a wagie for a grocery store, tried to be self made afterward by taking on a sales job. It didn't work and I had to fix electronics in a hole in a wall for a while. It was shit. So I did some soul searching and pushed who I was, what I *can* do. And try do it better than anyone. You may think, I'm a cuck for doing that. But when I discarded that shit attitude about myself it ended up being a cascade of actions that making me a better person week over week. Year over year. I know I'm lucky, but luck is a combination of being in the right place at the right time, knowing the right people and doing the right thing. This is why I can post from my desk at home working remotely for 70k a year telling you how much of a faggot you sound like to me.

I don't have a degree. Just stupid Jow Forums level hackerman knowledge; computer building, firmware fuckery and excel macro bullshit. The only real thing I had going for me is that I have used computers since I was eight and I don't talk like a fag.

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>I understand the mindset you have

No you don't.
All I wanted to say is that if nobody owes you anything then a manager of a random company certainly doesn't owe you a promotion or a raise just because you can 'show off your value'.

>I did some soul searching
>I pushed
>I discarded

Look, you can save the blogposts about your glorious exploits for facebook or YT self-improvement guru channel.

>You may think, I'm a cuck for doing that

To me you're just a random user, and i don't know why are you trying so hard to prove that you aren't a cuck. It hardly matters.

Because faggots would rather be complacent and blame the universe for their shitty life. For me the next three years are strictly about making money. No way in hell am I wagecucking 40 more years. Three years until I'm 30, I am not fucking around with this.

Ask yourself, how would management choose candidates during turnover or task rotation? You would select a standout candidate.

If you didn't get any takeaways from my anecdote that it's not about how you work, but why you work for your future, I'm sorry your parents gave birth to such a retarded child.

>To me you're just a random user, and i don't know why are you trying so hard to prove that you aren't a cuck. It hardly matters.

The only thing that matters is that you're unemployable.

>he didnt have another gold friday


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I wish I didn't have a degree. If I knew I was going to be lower class because I didn't want to suck professor dick or do unpaid internships I would have just saved myself the 100k and then done real work that gets me hired at real places.

That's really not how hiring works most of the time. Most hiring places look for people that are *just* competent enough that they won't set the campus on fire, but not so competent that they would make excellent poaches from other companies. They usually value loyalty and bullshittery over actual skills. I'm glad you got a position where your skills were recognized but that's not really the case for most people. 70k also isn't that much unless you live out in the boonies.

70k isn't much, but I have growth potential to earn 100k+. I also get stocks and bonuses. I live in an urban shithole, so four months salary means I paid my bills for the year which let's me invest in what I want. I still have the same spending habits from my brokeboi days. The last thing I bought that wasn't necessities was Soul Calibur 6

I don't have good spending habits but they aren't so horrific that I can't get anywhere at all. But hot damn it's near impossible to find a job. College was a mistake, I would have increased my value better by having 4 years of jobs.

What about picking up a trade related to your field. I know it sucks to roll the dice on more education, but combining that with previous knowledge you can excel and get into the management/engineering side.

My last ditch effort was going to be sea merchantship but that really means letting go of everything in your comfort zone to do.

I guess I really have no fucking choice. But I don't know what trade to go into. I guess it's better than taking one of these job offers that requires moving cities every 9 months.

>all the anons ITT listing every single reason for why they HARDLY have a chance of making it

Once you get this mindset, you're the one hurting your chances of becoming successful more than evil rich people ever could.

Chin implant + 30 lbs of muscle would turn this guy around

>rich people are the biggest assholes
Let me redpill you and other faggots on rich people. The most important thing for wealthy people is time. They're willing to lend time and mentor (for free), but if they see you're not going anywhere/wasting your own time they'll drop you like a hot potato. As it should be.

Your words are falling on deaf ears. As much as I hate to say it, Jow Forums is toxic and spending time on this website is a waste of time for someone who actually wants to be successful. The only people on Jow Forums right now are meme spammers ignorant to the real world.

Where can I go user to become success.
I come to biz because bored out of my mind.

>Jow Forums is toxic and spending time on this website is a waste of time for someone who actually wants to be successful

If it wasn't for this place I wouldn't have figured out how to mine scrypt, ride signatum to get 10k out of thin air, and joined the autistic hivemind that deep dives chain link development.

Fuck off to reddit where they care about your pussy-ass feelings.

If you can help them with your skills then you have something for them.

Get two jobs, friend. Then success.


its not how much you make its how much you save. thats literally how capitalism works, get a money ball and invest. stop renting, that doesn't necessarily mean buy a house. burn hard as fuck for like 5 years and start tapering off without letting lifestyle creep kill your gains.

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I'd recommend trying HVAC and attempting to get into doing work on industrial buildings instead of residential.

They really had it so fucking easy. I have family friends that bought a house for like 70K when they got married back in 1980 and now it's worth $1 million.

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>blaming kids for their parents lack of ability to prepare them

Our generation is so fucking fucked.

>Nobody owes you anything.

Goes the other way too.

>I ended up in a mid-management position

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>Mid management

King of the wagelets

We all could have bought bitcoin or eth early but we didn't.