Other urls found in this thread:
>Bitcoin = Opensource
Troll revealed. Faketoshi for lyfe.
any patent lawyers here? what the fuck is really going on?
Let's devestate him, marines!
You want me to sell because fake satoshi feels threatened by chainlink? Yeah, ok.
Oh dog. What have i started. I only asked him what he thought of smartcontracts. And gave chainlink as an example oracle.
To me its only confirmation that he doesn't know shit about anything not bitcoin.
>Anything not bsv is shit
>MUH bitcoin
You killed LINK, congrats.
>Jow Forums thought his meme penny stock would moon
only thing that mooned was sirgay's pockets and his waistline
BSV has oracles, they're just neutral smart contracts.
>OP just killed chain link by exposing CSW's patent
lmao he is a big boy
AHAHAHAH oh linkies your delusion knows no bounds.
Stay inside your echo chamber, don't interact with the real world, it'll just shatter your little cozy cube.
I want his head
ps keep the coin name in the title field so I can filter you ty
Shit fud.
CSW fudding Link so he can buy in cheap... this is fucking bullish
Lol he patented it idiot get out now!!
What the idea of having multiple oracles,
??? Sure
Like when that guy patented the toilet so pajeet ran outside and created the street.
keked and checked sir
Can't, my twitter account got suspended again because I shared too many links about the Israeli war on Iran in Syrian territory
reminder oracles are an after-thought to scaling. Nobody cares about offchain data if the chain can't do shit.
BSV > LINK. I think they could work together though if Sergey would wake up and realize that ETH is a dead communist experiment.
Sorry, Graig, you spoiled shit. You WILL NEVER get cheaper linkies no matter how hard you fud.
BUT PLEASE, fren, waste 100million trying, you insufferably hubris intoxicated puddle of transvestite anal drippings.
Ohhh Rebecca, Communism is an experiment. Look at you just spouting off like you know things
thus saving Jow Forums
Faggot blocked me
You realize that Chainlink actually helps with scaling.....right?
you realize chainlink is vaporware... right?
Craig fucked up all cryptos. He is unironically satoshi who sold his bags at 20k$prices and then made his own shitcoin to get more money.
He has still like million bitcoin left so he can crash core to zero and has patented all blockchain technologies
He patented STOs too so that new ride isn't coming either.
ETH can't handle cryptokitties.
I dont' care if chainlink enables ETH to do 99% of it's computation (the main point of the chain lol) off chain, even paying and moving the LINK tokens would crash it.
LINK's only hope is to move its token to the BSV chain. Scaling, security, stability and use. Everything to gain and Sergey can avoid getting Bitmain'd.
>LINK. I think they could work tog
dumshit, offchain data AND offchain computation can happen at the oracle level making all platforms scalable.
The real computation is happening offchain. process that for a minute and then come back to us.
This is the idea/project that birthed Chainlink.
Is the contract on his head real? It should be.
Hey, I have a ton of ProtonMail Twitter accounts. I just need some trips and I'll devote my weekend to utterly destroy faketoshi from the face of the earth. I'm a kek warlock, so let trips decide it. Roll anons my weekend is in your hands
fuck off
Craig thinks he is satoshi and the real BTC is BSV.
Craig now thinks Chainlink is his original idea.
He knows that the only things that matter in crypto is Bitcoin and Chainlink.
You don't dictate my way, kek does. Roll again faggot
Chainlink SV (Sergey's Vision) - 1000 EOY sirs.
What do you know about the Parachain being developed with Pokadot? Any idea what their end game is there?
After being enough of a thorn in faketoshi's side he will start to attack your computers. Be warned, he fried one of my computers internet connections.
Not an attorney but I know you can’t patent “if x then y.”
That describes literally all of programming.
Smart contract oracles aren’t patentable
People stealing CSW ideas
All your alt coins are a scam including BTC.
>he patented logic
fuck off
If I roll singles, will you KYS?
This. It's over faketoshi.
do ittttttt
>Nobody cares about offchain data if the chain can't do shit.
Oracles work off-chain by definition, you idiot.
It's the smart contract that works on-chain.
it must be done
>ETH can't handle cryptokitties.
And your car's oil can't handle water.
Cars break down all the time because of this shit.
And yet we still drive cars AND drink water.
The stupidity of CSW's Tweet is like someone from the legacy banking world coming along and saying the security of sending a Bitcoin transaction is as simple as:
IF Sender _has_enough_money_ THEN
Subtract _amount_ from Sender's Balance
Add _amount_ to Recipient's Balance
While it is true, in that technically sending a transaction on Bitcoin does work like this, it's not at all considering any factor of decentralization.
Faketoshi fudding Link is the opposite of a shoeshine boy shilling a stock: it's a massive buy signal.
Thanks for the fud ammo Craig, can't wait to bombard redditfaggots with it
trip trips, y'all faggots better (You) me.
Triple dubs,newfag. Go home.
I'm drunk it's Friday night, eat shit phaggit
You can patent algos. But you need to provide a working embodiment.
If you could just file 'this shit that makes it heppen and it all just works. I have no idea how to make it work, but whoever figures it out has to pay me', youd be able to file things like space elevators, antimatter reactors, quantum chess programs and all
You’ll speak when spoken to, nodubs McGee.
chekced. now do your bidding.
attorneyfag here. faketoshi is full of shit.
checked as well fren
BASED, it was for a GREAT cause!
lmao, look at this delusional reddit cuck
Rollin for lulz. 1000EOY
>t. mongloid retard who doesn't know how the internet works
nothing more tiresome than a faggot than considers himself overly important.
I patent money. Gib money now.
Patent examiner here. The original claims do not appear patentable at least under 101 (as an Abstract Idea) and 102/103 (over Ethereum as Prior Art). However, they may find something small and specific about the disclosure that is patentable.
well at least there is some funny drama happening between two shitcoins (admittetly at least link isnt a faketoshi level scam, just an overhyped and overshilled json parser that actually has a slight chance of becoming useful one day)
but i think by link shills shitting on bsv they are only giving it more publicity
idk how long faketoshi can sustain mining his shitcoin without having to do a huge dump so im guessing whats next for bsv is either a short pump to maybe $100 before a huge dump or if they cant get enough traction they will just dump it from market which is why i see no possibilities to profit of this shitcoin anymore
Why did you do that you fucking brainlet
Hello Rebecca schizo! I'm always happy to see you because it's a sign that the thread is shit and I don't have to waste my time reading it. Also, on the subject of the thread: Craig is a cringelord of the highest caliber and I can't believe a single person takes anything he says seriously.
congrats, u a moron. dont tell anyone you browse Jow Forums faggot
CSW fudding link is very bullish, he sees it as a threat. First he says they're worthless, but then he tries to flex with a patent?
Anyone who thinks he's satoshi is blind. Neither him or sbazo could be, they're both egotistical cunts who would never use a pseudonym on a massive project like bitcoin. Sergey unironically has a higher chance of being satoshi.
tl;dr is it would never hold up on court. Also fuck CSW the retard.
As if it even begun.
BASED satoshi btfo shitlink marks
Its not bullish he's just some random retarded conman spouting off about shit he doesnt understand.
I'm actually fucking SICKENED that a fellow linkie unironicly asked for that shithead's OPINION on chainlink.
Like how stupid are you that you care what Craig thinks? Whoever you are, I am very disappointed.
checked and based
godspeed marine
Article about SmartContract’s new project, then called smart oracles, written august 2016.
Patent filed October 2016.
>Gee who will win in court?
Link burned the fuck out.
Craig can literally eat 50 x the big macs your jason parser can, without getting quite as obese.
Looking forward to seeing patent enforcenent and seeing nchain tax link into bankrupcy.
Now you fuckwits better not buy sv as a hedge im still accumulating.
that's great... buy some mor cheap linkies before mainet this year
The Man has spoken
Fakesatoshi btfo
You will probably be responsible for thousands of suicides
This is good, anyone who trusts this idiot's words doesn't deserve to make it.
yes sirs very stiff sirs
Craig will do the needful and win
He just rolled but no text so you need to keep rolling faggots yay or nay
>craig is unironically sanjay
>satoshi would definitely patent ideas to prevent others from using them
late adopters are almost as cringe as chainlink holders
That's a yay chief.