I just sold my small LINK stack, and I'm gonna buy back lower. I'm a swing linker

I just sold my small LINK stack, and I'm gonna buy back lower. I'm a swing linker.

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You smart

You literally sold at the support, more retard can't be.

oh no oh no oh no I sold the bottom!!!

but what about the patent FUD? I thought it would dump more

should I buy back or will this support break?

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Lol just wait I know your having bunch of emotions right now. But it’ll dip and you need to get back in quick

Swing linker will be the first on the day of the rope, fomo in now or stay poor forever

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It's about to dump, relax

buy back at 10k. dont be a stupid fomo

>t. nervous swing linker

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>he sold the support

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Sold at 14500 and bought ZIL.
ZIL is currently at an amazing entry point, too.
Sell on 31 and buy back


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You sold support but its ok buy back and then sell next pump. Getting a discord group together for link swingers. lmk if you want in.

Thank you !!!

>Implies there is any support for this shitcoin

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I want in but i trade in eth


also interested but possess very little TA knowledge

We dumping. We excited.

Come on in. Lets make some LINK gainz.


Lol this.


> will it dump on news after going x2.5 in 1 month
Is this your first week of crypto?
It always dumps.

Thank god I've been here and can see though all the BS and FUD. Ya'll make it so easy to increase my stack.

Buy order set at 6,500 SATs.

t. swinglinker here, mate. I will ALWASY sell high and buy back low.

Swingy Linky dumpety doo
I've got another puzzle for you
Swingy Linky dumpety dee
If you are wise you'll listen to me

Who do you blame when your coin takes a hit?
When markets dump worse than a Pajeets shit
Blaming yourself is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who to blame

>some random user on Jow Forums

Swingy Linky dumpety da
FOMO in now and you will go far
You will drive in Chad Lambos too
Like the Stinky Linky dumpety do

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Moron Alert...