Fuck Robinhood and fuck banks. I'm done with this shit
Fuck Robinhood and fuck banks. I'm done with this shit
Robinhood's business model is to literally allow boomers to front run you.
>be me
>have 50 bucks in Robinhood, find some sweet stocks
>need just a little bit more cash than I have in the app
>on Sunday, transfer $0.90, oops not enough. Add $1.20, then realize I'm at a retarded amount and transfer another $0.90 to even it out to $53.00
>money goes through instantly, but markets don't open until Tuesday, thanks mlk
>shares purchased when markets open on Tuesday, cool
>Wednesday, decide to move all my money out of savings to pay an unrelated bill that was larger than expected
>Thursday, hit with $90 overdraft fees (3x30) because Robinhood waited 4 days to withdraw
>Friday, Robinhood says 'jk we actually couldn't get that money', fines me $27 (3x9)
>now I'm $117 bucks out over some stupid bullshit timing over a $3 transfer
I guess this is how Robinhood makes money eh?
You're a fucking retard by not realizing there are transaction settlement times. Also, if you're so poor that $50 is a lot for you, you should focus on getting a better job or an education. What are you doing with your life?
$117 is a lot to me because I'm a college students making $12 an hour. $50 wasn't lot to me at the time I invested it, I just did it for fun with an amount I could afford to lose.
You need emergency cash before you invest.
Save at least 2-3k then enter the market with other money.
You're mentally retarded. I always wondered why the fuck Robinhood says "please make sure there is enough money in your account until the transfer is finalized". I didn't think there were people so retarded that they needed to be told that.
It turns out that the only people so retarded that they need to be told that, are also the people who are too retarded to pay attention to it.
I did have about 2k when I invested this, but my emergency cash ended up being used for emergencies
Thanks. I guess I just assumed the transaction was finalized because in my limited experience I've never seen any transaction that wasn't instantaneous or at worst, same-day
Damn son you lost almost as much money as I make in 1 hour, you're homeless now forever poor time to give up i guess
Stop this day trading bullshit and start reading book on actual trading an the economy overall
Everything is a scam dude.
I'm up 25 percent. What the fuck did you invest in?
You never wrote a check before? What the fuck. There are dumb zoomer faggots like this out here. No wonder it's so easy to take your money kek.
t. 30 year old boomer
Welcome to your first experience actually doing something with a bank account
Currently up by exactly ten cents
>>now I'm $117 bucks out
and that's supposed to be a lot ?
do you realise where you are ?
You bought RNN didn't you
>he shorted
No, but that seems like another great way to burn cash
I've written plenty of checks, I just never monitored when exactly the money was withdrawn. I should say all my electronic payments have been instantaneous, and I can't think of a reason for them not to be.
lmfao the boomer are laughing at how stupid you are with this dumbass phone app meant to take zoomer's money.
I never let any of the accounts I use go under $500 and even with that I feel I'm playing it too fast as loose.
How do I short zoomers?
Use Robinhood to scalp options. Best way to use it to make money.
This and daytrading desu if you have 25k its food that theres no fees
>$117 is a lot to me
>I'm a college students making $12 an hour
MFW I realize I've already made it because I don't care about less than $1000