I give it to you
Make your own research, this is the next moon mission
Even though you don’t deserve it
Other urls found in this thread:
I was so sure biz would miss this
Well done sir
1 rupee has been deposited into your account
The single most solid low cap. Research before you fud
By far the best low cap I’ve ever seen
Samefagging hard OP
Market cap 700k with working MVP. Beat that
Wow, we are sure very early adopters in this Project. See you at 10 sat
It's like you guy want to lose money
>Venezuelan ERC-20
hard pass. Only ERC-721 and above need apply. Now post the real low mcap gem that is ERC-1484
hint: it has competent devs and is wet.
Masternode rewards to be announced these days. Keep an eye anons
I bought a lot not long ago, it's a pure gem.
1 sat bottom in less than 8 weeks, means at least x 2 from now, MINIMUM
Go read all the Medium articles, they have a working product, swap to a privacy coin next month, paired wit a stable coin, maternodes and staking, etc
They are challenging LinkedIn, don't wait for people to mention that on twitter
>All these 1 post by this id
What does a New Delhi Jow Forums shill boiler room smell like?
First buy at 10 lits bought all the way to 60 lits.
Im gonna be rich off repme.
Op is right you faggots don't deserve this
Id dag
Says it all
Go back to confidence scamming as Microsoft tech support.
Looked over the medium and the whitepaper. One of the best ive seen in a lowcap. I market bought some now im setting buy orders and need atleast 400m.
Do yourself a favor and discount this coin because it was shilled on Jow Forums im on biz quite often and i never heard of repme.
Take a look at the medium articles
Your one of us now
also going to grab 200m when I have some litecoin to do so
Their website is a hilarious buzzword salad with pajeet typos throughout. Kek at the balls on these guys.
Hydrogen does blow this out of the water