LINK is going straight to $100 eo2020

LINK is going straight to $100 eo2020
why dont you buy it?

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Shut up nigger

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link seems like to a shitcoin to drain me of my btc

convince me otherwise. i'd buy it in fiat if i could

Obviously you can buy it in fiat, and I've more than doubled my sats with Link but sats won't matter for long, Sergs will

>1k eoy 2018 is now 100 eoy 2020

which exchange can i buy it with fiat on

Coinbase buy Eth or usdt then binance for Eth/usdt pairings, or just wait until it's directly listed on coinbase

Pretty sure these days you can convert USD to USDC on coinbase for zero fees.
Do that, then send the USDC to binance where it has a LINK pair

What about coinbase usdc to binance to USC to link

>wait for it to pump 20% before buying

this isn't purchasing stuff with fiat this is draining my btc for a shitcoin

$100 LINK is x200
isn't it enough for you?

It absolutely is purchasing it with fiat, the fuck are you on about? Also
>not a shitcoin
pick one

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I-I can only buy it with a stablecoin that's tied to the US dollar, that's not fiat!!

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it's echanging crypto for more crypto, it's not exchanging fiat for crypto

buy eth or btc on coinbase or usdt and shuffeling it binance to exchange it for link is not buying link for btc, somebody is just draining you of your cryptos that can be easily bought and sold with fiat

isn't link an erc20 token anyway? confirmed pajeet coin.

tokenized services are not VAT free
In the future you will pay tax on utility tokens.

I would never invest in a project that only has 2 developers and nothing to show after 16 months

>it's a utility token that is tied to the cost of the service
No it's not you brainlet.
Chainlink could be 1 trillion USD per token, and you could still pay people 1 cent worth of Link.
The value of the Link token will depend on supply and demand.

Trying to steal csw's patents ...

No original ideas.

>I would never invest in a project that only has 2 developers
lel, so you wouldn't invest in Microsoft, Apple, Google?

>nothing to show after 16 months
Yes user, only invest in things that have already played their hand. Surely that's how you make the big bucks.
You should check out the stock market. Seems like that would be more your thing.

Retard, tron had no main net and went 1000x
Whats your deluded excuse?

Why the hell is this link shilled here all the time? Anywhere else it;s seen as a joke and makes this community seem pretty dumb

There is a significant chance that Bitcoin was partially created by Craig Wright..

you must be new here

You will be washing the cars or serving steak to the smart ones on this site eventually, you might want to read the white paper and study up a little before making ignorant fucking comments, you have to go back.

idk. i'd dump some ETH into it but i'm a little light in the wallet these days.

aren't all erc 20 tokens just pajeet scam shitcoins?

What is your point even?
"Hurrr Chainlink never had a purely speculative megabubble backed by nothing but endless hype shilling by some Chink scammer, that means it's shit!"?

STFU shilling bitch, you're not gonna make it

fuck right off with your erc shitcoin

>hurrr it's just an erc token
Yeah, and an airplane ticket is just a piece of paper.

Biz shit on ripple and tron and missed 1000x gains
Meanwhile there's constant threads about link doing a 3x gain in 6 months
Linkies are deluded for real
They measure ath in Satoshi and shit on BTC
Pure. Fucking. Delusion. 1k end of year? Oh no we were just memeing. Yeah okat

At least you're not butthurt or anything lmao.

>t. 3x gains in 6 months are better than 1000x gains

Not being butthurt is better than being butthurt.

the actual fligth takes longer then creating an erc coin.

What about printing some numbers and letters on a piece of paper?

you'd have to exchange bonds for that


i think you might literally be braindead if this is your thought process in general

if you can't buy it in fiat odds are good it's just another pajeet coin


link has the whos who of whoville as partners

Attached: 125.-Whoville-Series-Graphic.png (1921x1081, 1.31M)

>linktard doesn’t know how the financial system works
Like clockwork


Do not tell the nolinkerS ANYTHING about link. Don’t. They don’t deserve it.

Did you tell the part where sergey said ‘he would make it a meme’?

>smart ones
>this site

i thought it was going to $1000 eoy 2018?

You can make an airplane with a piece of paper and fly to New Delhi, shit on a street, unfold it, and write, "pajeet was here".


13 digits... uh no user, it cant. and it will never be a trillion, stop being deluded you faggot

I was referring to the paper airplane ticket you goldfish.

>13 digits... uh no user, it cant.
Link is divisible to 18 decimal places.

nice fud

No there is not you fucking moron

ok, send me 0.0000000000001 link to prove your point

lmao is this really how you're choosing to cope?

Been really brainstorming today. Idk how I’m going to explain how I lost so much money.

Get a brian morons !

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cope with what exactly?


Because I'm buying RLC because it's going to give me more gains