"I should've bought HOT at 10 sats."

"I should've bought HOT at 10 sats."

"I should've bought HOT at 20 sats."

"I should've bought HOT at 30 sats."

"... should I buy it at 40 sats?"

This is how the conversations have been going and will continue to progress. I feel like tonight is like New Years eve- can't wait to break through into the roarin' 30s.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love how holoshills only talk in sats.

Much better than saying "One day holocoin will be worth $0.0000000001... I'll be a millionaire!"

>"One day holocoin will be worth $0.0000000001... I'll be a millionaire!"
One day holocoin will be worth $0.10... I'll be a millionaire!

Soon brother, soon.

Why the fuck would you buy on the btc pair when the eth pair exists?
Why the fuck would you buy after a 400% moon in a month?


>measuring value in highly volatile bitcoin instead of the relatively USD

Smells like COPE to me.

Pay attention to its cycles. It's pulling back now, but it's consistently hitting higher highs and settling at higher floors. If you are looking to get in wait another day or two for it settle around 750gwei. It's next floor will be 900 after hitting 1200 gwei on the next pump. And there will be a next pump.

relatively stable USD*

100 sats soon


lol theres virtually no difference between ETH and BTC pair.

I bought huge amounts of HOT at 11 sats and sold around 28. We will revisit lower 20s, you heard it here first.

Whoa even Kek agrees. DALE!

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Oh fuck its happening

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More and more ETH devs are migrating/converting their ETH holdings over to HOT. Check HOT token movement on etherscan.

incorrect, but shill away my pajeet

Weewwwww lad

I can read the desperation in this post

putting 10% of my paycheck in HOT but i have $500 in tether just sitting there. Convince me not to go all in on HOT right now

It is going to go down before it goes up again, if you can wait a bit the difference between buying at 29 sats and 25 sats is actually pretty significant.

you've done it

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no idea what you mean, I bought over 45 million HOT at 11 sats (had another 70 mil set for 10 that didnt fill) around Christmas, think it was the 28th or so


been stuck at 29 forever

literally less than 24 hours

COPE. You could have at least tripled your money if you had bought a couple months ago

will 1M holo make it

Attached: fdgdfg.png (1213x806, 1.48M)

Not enough liquidity

multiply this by 45 and the answer changes to yes.

I've been all in holo ever since the ico, I don't want you to just fomo in.
Do your research, I think you'll realize how much of a game changer it is

It's flirting with 28 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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>fudding a coin because it's measured in sats

holy fuck this is pathetic, glad I didn't listen to you retards and went all in at 15 sats

this is how i no it'll damp eet.

Another new ATH.

Weiss Ratings = lots of hedge funds subscribe to their private reports. With the amount of love Holochain is getting from Weiss, wouldn't be surprised if these funds are accumulating HOT in this bear market so when BTC halvening is upon us, this thing could shoot into billions mcap (due to normie appeal -- e.g. it's cheap). You all remember TRX right?

Fucking whales m8/

Attached: ohmyfuck.png (369x818, 51K)

will it break 35? AAAAAAA

Caved into the Jow Forums shills and went all in at 8 sats shortly after Binance listing and have had adamantium hands ever since. Sitting comfy now.

>I bought huge amounts of HOT at 11 sats and sold around 28. We will revisit lower 20s, you heard it here first.
on what basis?
youre probably right but you're still massively in hte hole by selling too early atm

what is this pic supposed to convey? it's been the same for literally months


>Weiss Ratings = lots of hedge funds subscribe to their private reports. With the amount of love Holochain is getting from Weiss, wouldn't be surprised if these funds are accumulating HOT in this bear market so when BTC halvening is upon us, this thing could shoot into billions mcap (due to normie appeal -- e.g. it's cheap). You all remember TRX right?
Exactly my thoughts
>Another new ATH.
fucking amazing.

Is 900k enough to make it?

>Tfw only 550K HOT

You guys go ahead and preorder those lambos without me

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>tfw had 600k but had to sell half at 200-300 vits for food

My holo just keeps on pumping

Wtfffffffffffff no way I'm going to make it is there?

I got a 10MM bag at 7 sats thanks to biz shilling.

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those digits

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Sats trading pair doesn't have much choice bro there's only so many numbers you can put orders at.


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