What's your side hustle?
What's your side hustle?
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crack rocks
business is boomin
people cant seem to get enough
why do street niggers keep posting here
t. broke
i wish i had one tbhonest. i want to sell drugs but i need to find a wholesaler and then find customers which would be hard bacuse i stay inside all day
I clean restaurants and nightclubs at night. Anywhere between $600 to $900 a job. Splitting it evenly with my buddy. Usually get 3 or 4 jobs a week. Got a dayjob that starts in the afternoon, so I get about 6 hours of sleep only after I got a job done. Good extra money though, and it has been picking up recently.
i leak marketing publications for crypto heads, that include insider trading information and usually an easy 3x monthly
Dark web is definitely your friend
Not gonna get into specifics but if you can get party drugs and mark it up to normies at ridiculously high rates at parties/clubs
eBay store, sometimes resell certain items on craigslist if i find any decent deals. Basically just merchanting. If you are good with merchanting and know your market its really easy to make money.
I'm a prop entertainer specialized in street and small venue private performances. Specifically, I use kneepads and lipstick. I pull in hundreds of dollars for just a few hours work.
Tattoo artist. I work as a graphic designer during the day...so during downtime on the weekends or when I have a few weeks break between gigs I schedule small tattoos at a shop.
Pizza delivery.
yea i know but the problem is i dont have any friends or connections lmao i really want to sell coke to girls because i heard they put out for drugs especially coke
Of you’re willing to take pussy over dollars you’ll never make it. Any pussy traded for drugs is not worth the juice that leaks from it.
Pop a xan and go to the club nigga
A girl I used to fuck actually got way too into coke and ended up blowing a dealer for coke. Damn shame, she was a sweet girl- 7/10, aryan, mildly autistic, used to come over to my house with beer and blow and never asked me to throw her cash. I would do lines off her titties and then bang her. Good times.
sounds like shed be a good wife and mother
i literally have a sugar daddy.
fucks me every weeks for 100 bucks.
such is life.
lol. yeah but those chicks are fucking nasty. you should just sell your friends adderall. its what i used to do. works great. also, make sure you DONT buy off DNM, great way to fuck up
"Side hustle" is a hip name that (((they))) invented to popularize the idea of working a second job. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
>A girl I used to fuck actually got way too into coke and ended up blowing a dealer for coke. Damn shame, she was a sweet girl- 7/10, aryan, mildly autistic, used to come over to my house with beer and blow and never asked me to throw her cash. I would do lines off her titties and then bang her. Good times.
RIP to the lost ones
The thing is you're usually self employed for a side hustle I couldn't imagine wagecucking x2
What a cuck. Imagine paying $400/month just for pussy. The only thing I'm dropping cash is for after I make it is drugged out threesomes and that will be reserved for special occasions.
If you're female you can make a LOT more
seeking.com when I was in high school I would fuck old ladies and they'd pay my expenses, give me pocket money, buy me designer, and get me connections with businessmen was rly nice
im a dude
27/M here. Will older ladies still pay for my shit in exchange for some dick? I love women 40-55, my absolute favorite.
Collecting loose change I find on the ground
Waiting for my shitcoins to moon
Dying alone
Yeah I'd say if you're at least a 7 in the looks department you'd get paid well. Being white is a plus.
Are you my wife? she wont stop with the credit cards..I have to pay about 400 a month on her habit.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter
It is a meme. Look around and all you see people talking about is online wageslave shit that pays worse than flipping burgers for work that is just a soul crushing. Most people who claim to be making a ton are selling classes, books, their blog, etc. and actually make all their money talking about how much money they make.
>to popularize the idea of working a second job
Arbreich Mach Frei neger.
I make my own moonshine and yes it sells.
Is this lil baby?
>based and alcoholicpilled
If I wouldn't be risking high fines and prison time, I'd def go the home distillation biz route
>Most people who claim to be making a ton are selling classes, books, their blog, etc. and actually make all their money talking about how much money they make.
I know. How do you get paid to write about how much money you make?
You need to be an absolute amoral scumbug like Tai Lopez. Don't get me wrong, he's good at what he does and I respect his hustle, but he is also a shameless, degenerate sociopath.
Bookkeeping aka bookcucking
Ok folks I picked up a massive amount of Python learning material for 15 bucks a week or two ago
If I devote my time to learning how to code (have never before done so in my life) will it be worth my while?
I own a business and I usually have a couple hours of downtime during the day between customers - could I make money doing coding work from my office?
Trying to retire early and any extra money I can make the better
I sell replica watches to Instagram kids and wannabe SoundCloud rappers. Good watch costs me 300$-800$, sell it to them for $1000+ get at least 2 orders a month. This one I sold for a $1300 profit last week.
It costs you 3-800 for replicas?
if I want good ones yes. The ones which set itself apart from other replicas. I can't afford to sell stuff which breaks after 6 months, I bank on repeat business too. Even handle small repairs or servicing if necessary. I have even bought 1500$ replicas and sold them for 3000$. Full gold wrap daytona. Except for the weight, indistinguishable from a genuine one.
kek, I saw you are looking to study for python. Currently doing that too. Current job offering me a new position and raise if I can learn it on my own. Don't "pick up a massive" amount of learning material for x$ a week, there are loads of free resources. Start with "Learn Python The Hard way", it is a non-free PDF but with a single google search you can find it. Great start. If you want to dig deeper, checkem below
> github.com
Godspeed user.
How do you find your customers? How do you approach them?
Suckling dicks in East Village and Williamsburg, NYC. I make about $500 per night.
Bourgeois cocks bring in 4 digits per session. Business is booming.
I'm a virgin, I don't do anal but I'll shag your butthole if you're willing to pay for that.
On Instagram I run a luxury themed profile (my own photography of cars, watches and whatever) . I take good quality pictures of customers wearing watches. Collections of boxes..etc. It's small, but local, whenever I see some wannabe rich kid flexing cheap looking stuff I dm or tag them and start a conversation. Sometimes I get approached too. I also offer 18% discounts on their previous purchase if a customer refers someone, that is what I count most on desu. Started a year ago, business is slow but it is decent money on every sale.
>maining anything
Every hustle is a side hustle.
Just like every chick is a side chick.
Do you ever have to clean the loads off the bathroom stalls. Is there lots of loads in the club from niggers nutting on Muh wimin
Are you suggesting to grow stuff yourself?
Honestly, would you care for $600?
mineral prospecting. the work is enjoyable and 75% of my operating costs are covered by grant money. I pay myself $450 per day with this money.
reselling stuff from DNM. just wish I could expand more somehow. the cash flow is crazy
sutff as in drugs or other shit? dream market or?
I'm going to buy shirts for £3 from charity shops and sell them to Hipsters on Depop for £10-20
Sell fake supreme shirts too, ez money
Flipping internetcoins at a loss.
Matched betting. Made like 3k of it last year. I know its not much but its barely any work.
R u male or female?
>sell drugs
>produce normies
>recently bought a camera and want to start recording music videos and such for said normies
>eventually want to make a business that offers everything in the future
>been contemplating learning python cause comfy IT jobs sound awesome tbch
All that (((money))) and all he has is a 14k bracelet to show for? And overpriced clothing.. niggers will be niggers.
t. A real Jew
>produce music for normies*
t. hating as sholomburger
Lol I'm not hating. He seems happy. He's just holding something with no real value and posing as he had real value.
scamming people desu
You need to luck into a lot of money then sell a lifestyle. I've been studying Mr. Money Mustache and its amazing how much money he makes from repackaging common financial advice. If you can make it so your readers can feel superior to others you'll make a mint, even if its gay shit like calling other people "complainy-pants".
learn from everything, even street niggers!
Do you sell them as reps or as legit?
my main hustle is my side hustle and all my dreams
I've been thinking about gold panning as a hobby. Is it similar to that?
>Matched betting
What's the rundown on matched betting? What does "matched" entail?
>reselling stuff from DNM. just wish I could expand more somehow. the cash flow is crazy
Reselling to normies IRL?
>You need to luck into a lot of money then sell a lifestyle. I've been studying Mr. Money Mustache and its amazing how much money he makes from repackaging common financial advice. If you can make it so your readers can feel superior to others you'll make a mint, even if its gay shit like calling other people "complainy-pants".
Solid theory, thanks for the advice
I'm glad Jow Forums is no longer exclusively crypto
Go on...
Being drunk
Brit fag here. My parents stopped giving me pocket money because they realized I was spending it on cigs and alchol. One day I bought 2 boxes of cigs, smoked one, sold the cigs in the other box individually on the school ground for about 3x what I paid for them. Profit went towards alcohol and more cigs. I even had enough to buy females alcohol, get drunk and blow me.
Damn if only I could have another side hussle like this but for a 23 year old.
your mum´s my side hustle
delet this
Playing poker with people at my college. Make $50-$100 a week reliably. Hopefully I get good enough to consistently beat people at casinos.
what's your secret?
He's sober I guess, good strategy at college poker
Just realized I made this thread without even saying my side hustle
I dropship fortnite/anime hoodies and keychains from aliexpress on eBay and Amazon. Easy 2k a month.
Resell coke and MDMA to normies at clubs I buy in bulk off dark net markets, 2-3k a month but can make a lot more if I can find a huge group of college kids that don't know prices.
Now go copy me and make that money niggas
>I dropship fortnite/anime hoodies and keychains from aliexpress
top kek
>Resell coke and MDMA to normies at clubs I buy in bulk off dark net markets, 2-3k a month but can make a lot more if I can find a huge group of college kids that don't know prices.
solid, I really need to get over my autism
enjoy getting buttraped in jail
t. increasingly nervous street-level drug dealer
little tip for not getting caught is to never keep customers around when ur trapping by yourself
they're your customers for that night and that night only
most drug dealers get caught because they either get cocky and stupid, or extorted by junkie customers
how do you find these college kids and then escape from them? street level dealing like this just seems too risky for what little shake you're pulling in to be quite honest desu f a m
dude's beanie looked like a rip in the space time continuum and I still don't know what the fuck these grey things are
This, the whole point of having a "side hustle" is for it to eventually become your main source of income.
I literally just walk up to anyone and introduce myself and eventually when I build some rapport I'll be like "You wanna buy some blow bro?" then go ghost
Maybe I'm just too much of a zoomer
>"why are you talking to us?"
How do you go on selling stuff on Craigslist? I'm afraid I might get mugged
>sell homegrown
>walk dogs
>clean carpets
>electrical work