Boomers flacid cocks don't work unless they're fucking over younger generations

>Apply to job, my skill set aligns perfectly with what they're looking for. Graduated, have a degree(Bio degree), years exp.
>Get an immediate response, tell me I'm not qualified because I do not have the correct degree.
>Literally have years of experience in this field but lack the exact degree they're looking for.
>Look up hiring manager
>Doesn't even have a degree

Why the fuck do boomers care so much about degrees?

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Cause they know they had it lucky and they don’t want anyone else sharing that fortune

Absolute madness.
Job was CS-related. Went to school for bio because it's what I was (still am) interested in. While in school I took CS courses as electives, as it's my other passion, continued to gain experience, worked in the field and built up a solid portfolio.
I guess that's not good enough because my degree isn't in CS.
Fucking boomers

>Why the fuck do boomers care so much about degrees?
Managers, once upon a time, would give people a chance, but disparate impact court rulings meant they had to start hiring retarded black people, even with demonstrably low iqs and documented learning disabilities, into management and professional roles, provided there were no other licensure or education requirements for the role. Tada! Now college is the gate keeper, so companies aren't forced by the feds to have a 50/50 retarded middle manager pool.

Also, in not even being Jow Forums here. You can wikipedia this, if you'd like.

I thought government-issued crack was meant to solve those problems in the 80s.

That was to fill for profit prisons, but unfortunately the bachelor's of science + 5 years experience ball was already set rolling. The damage was done.

You got some starting points for research?
Well shit. I guess I will continue my search and just hope all shithead boomers will retire soon.

So defunding the CIA niggers will fix the economy?

>he thinks complete collapse is avoidable
I bet you don't even know another language and are not working on getting another citizenship and renouncing yours, KEK

And where can you move that's even still decent and allowing people in? I'm sure some places in Europe will survive the upheaval but that's iffy. Expatriation to like Iran or Southeast Asia doesn't seem that easy and places like Iceland, Japan, and Russia are near impossible to get into.

Check disparate impact on Wikipedia. It all boiled over when a utility company would only promote to management after passing an iq test with >100. The court determined that, even though the policy wasn't (at least officially) instituted to segregate the workforce roles, it adversley affected negroes because they are of genetically diminished capacity. It ordered that company, and all companies, to, in essence, hire managers in racial quotas. The exception was if there were educational or licensing requirements, and well... you can't put room temperature iqs in charge of keeping the power on (as evidenced most recently by the inability of south Africa to maintain 24hr electricity) so... the rest is history.

Yeah, don't go to Japan you worthless cuck.

Hot damn. That's fucking crazy.

Good thing I mentioned other countries too.

Yes, go there.
Japan is mine.

Good luck getting in.

I'm so tired, is there a pathway to the alternate reality where hitlerchan won?

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You ain't kidding, kiddo. The craziest shit was this company totally minded its p's and q's. No record of any racial insensitivity. No record of hiring a white man into management that didn't pass the test. Not a single shred of documentation of overtly racist practice, but still ordered to fill critical roles with people who likely would've failed the job.

Democracy is broken.

It's a constant battle.
First it's minimum wage.
>Fought back by implementing forced diversity
Then college degrees become the bar to entry.
>Colleges are being pressured to lower the bar, focus on diversity, etc.
What's next?
When does it stop?

It stops at complete system collapse user, just like zimbabwe, south africa, venezuela, etc....
democracy is a cruel joke

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I thought boomers didn't give a fuck about a degree and care more about experience?

I thought so too, user.

There is no way out and there's nothing you can do. The entire universe operates on luck and only then lucky say there's any way you can influence the die.
If the Wheel of Genocide lands on you, you're fucked. As it turns out, it landed on white working and middle class males.

I don't know man... I would find a start up or a small time company that will appreciate you having the skills to pay the bills, and avoid anyplace that has more than a one person hr department. These large company corporate policies are becoming increasingly dystopian by the year.
I quit sales, and started my own thing, when they started cracking down on us drinking on the job and leaving early on days when we put big numbers on the board. Producing, once upon a time, was what mattered. Now shit is like a weird plastic prison camp.

>applying online

internet only works if you shotgun apps

Yeah, it's been pretty rough. I recently moved and have been a shitshow trying to find work, a few times it has come down to the "wrong" degree. Ultra discouraging. Been considering starting my own thing, but don't have the capital or safe nets in place to make it a full-time endeavor.
Fucking sucks

I'm beginning to realize this.
>LinkedIn, new job posting 2m ago
>14000 applications already
Any alt suggestions?

>Now shit is like a weird plastic prison camp
checked and blackpilled

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Move on, bro.
>You got told no, so apply for something else.
>You shouldn’t let rejection have this effect on you.

Iran won't take Amrikan kafirs. Hard enough to travel there.

>You shouldn’t let rejection have this effect on you.
I know, which is fucking me up double. Just a long week I guess.

>Producing, once upon a time, was what mattered.
This. Sadly what it meant was that if you actually produced more, then you should be rewarded/compensated right? That's how the Free Market works, right?
Well turns out you making more money than your 'superiors' is wrong.

My father when he was young was literally the best salesman in his first company. Because of the contract at the time he earned a base salary plus 15% commission. The tl;dr he ended up 'costing' the branch money because he was making so much for the company that said branch brought in rules to cap it and used an awards ceremony instead (social capital instead of financial capital).
But that was fine, because he ended up winning two years in a row, and guess what? That meant he was getting more and bigger whales than everyone else and STILL costing the branch money.
Eventually the CEO asked for a meeting with him and essentially told him to stop performing so well or they'd fire him.
He quit on the spot.
A five year court battle ensued because they didn't want to pay up what he was owed, but they settled out of court for 3/4 the amount because turns out their fucking own corporate lawyers had cooked the books and not been transparent.
He took it. Left.
Then all the big whales he'd nurtured followed him.
And the company? The went from being consistently top 1st or 2nd locally to having to downsize and become a 'budget' branch.

Thanks for reading, no idea why I mentioned it here but I've inherited my father's frank assertions of companies in general; they don't care, so play their game until you can bend them over a barrel and fuck them until they scream.

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Your problem was not the degree user.
Look up on how to do negotiations, I bet you 1 btc that after you have mastered that skill the boomers will be begging you to work for them.

>but don't have the capital or safe nets in place to make it a full-time endeavor.
According to some of Jow Forums you just need to 'hustle' and 'grind'. Literally live in poverty, eat garbage, sleep in a box, just commit 100% to it, no Plan B because that makes you a cuck apparently, just use and abuse every person who tries to help you, all to get to the top.
Fucking Extreme Ownership fags are cancerous.

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Negotiations in what? During the interview? Salary?
Have experience in negotiations?
I'm not sure I follow

The boomer said he didnt want user because of the degree.
But if user has experience and his skills match up perfectly with what is being searched for the lack of degree really does not matter and the boomer knows this.
But for some reason he does not trust user or there is another reason that he is not telling him.
And that is where the negotiations begin, if user can find out what the boomer actually wants (cause he sure as hell does not want a piece of paper) he can use that to get in, or if that doesn`t work he at least knows what to work on.

Interesting. I already told them I'll piss off, but will keep this in mind during subsequent applications.

godspeed user



They'll be dead or too old to work soon enough fellows.