Guess whose car insurance was just terminated for lack of payment! guess who also lives in a rural area! gg Jow Forums...

guess whose car insurance was just terminated for lack of payment! guess who also lives in a rural area! gg Jow Forums, I definitely won't find work now. won't be long now until I starve

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rice and beans are cheap and filling.
Good luck user

>can't find work
>can't go to work
what part of this aren't you understanding


you're supposed to live in a van.

>being too much of coward to drive without insurance

I drove without insurance for at least a year when I was like 18. And I wasn’t even safe about it, I would drink and five, plowing over stop signs, etc. I haven’t been pulled over in like five years probably, just ride it out faggot


>get arrested
>have to listen to faggots on Jow Forums tell me it's my own fault

you live in a rural area. go farm your own rice and beans you crying bitch

You wont get arrested

You'll be ticketed and if you show them that you got insurance since they might give you a small fine

Only if you continiously drive without insurance and get arrested is that a problem.

Just watch your six and make sure your shit doesn't stick out

check your priviledge you little shit, i don't even have a drivers license

rice and beans user, rice and beans

thanks guys I'll drive rice and beans to work

no need to thankies us friend, we're here to help

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is this rice and bean just a meme? I mean how the fuck do you eat that all day?

>starve larper is back

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dude how did you know?

i literally found a $10 in an old pair of jeans by miracle and was able to afford egg, bread, and potatoes

you need to add spices
I add cumin, dried peppers, whateverelseigrabfrommyspicedrawer, grind it up.
Add tomato paste, onion, garlic, whatever else you want. Send it.
It's so fucking good I could literally eat it every day.
Plain rice and plain cooked beans are a meme tho

>egg, bread, and potatoes
potatoes are ok
gotta switch out those money pits with some rice and beans if you ever want to drive again

holy jumping beans

a rice and beans just flew over my house


which I'm out of btw and I ate through

>drive it anyway

>which I'm out of btw and I ate through
eating you're only chance at transportation.
JFC some people can't be helped

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He's gonna need actual meat at some point, you can only live on that for so long before you start missing essential nutrients.

You could survive on a bean and rice diet for at least a year. I have absolutely zero doubts about this.

ill give you the realist answer honestly. maybe this is troll post or whatever but, the what i would do is i would literaly drive with out it. chances are you can pull it off for a few paychecks without getting caught. and even if you are caught its not like u go straight to jail it takes a few times for that to occur. so worth the risk untill u get to the point that u go straight to jail when pulled over. then u really got to figure out some really hard answer to that problem and i wouldnt be able too. fuck insurance, scam fucking bullshit.

Shit advice. Police are trained to look for, and take out uninsured drivers.

>police can see inside your glove box to see if you are insured


move to mexico you pussy