Absolute FASTEST way to escape the rat race?

By escape, I mean being able to survive on just 20 hrs a week. My associate's is useless so might as well be a highschool diploma. Need 1.5 more yrs to finish a bachelor's (21k more). What a fucking chunk of money. No debt currently.

Well anyways, advice? I live near LA and live with my parents.

Cheapest rent to own I can find near me is this one condomenium that is like 1300 total with HOA or whatever it was (maintenance stuff). 300k is the price of the condomenium itself. That's a bitch. Sqft isn't even that big (like 804sqft).

2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.. gated community too. Looks nice af too on the outside. I currently live with my parents and this place is like 2 minutes away on car.

>inb4 there's no fucking way without moving states or moving in with strangers


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Don’t use anyone’s ref links


use mine

circlemix.io/? ref=ekfdsoi3ed

start your own business

300k mortgage + condo fees is definitely more than 1300

How does it work? Can I use bittrex wallet address?

I use a binance wallet so I think you can

use my ref link though

circlemix.io/?ref = naow737na

>get a job that pays enough to only work 20h/week
all you need to do

But that's easier said than done tho.. median wage is 19.67 an hr in california and with my associate's, I can't even find shit that caps higher than 15 an hr. I feel I'd need to make like idk, just guessing maybe about 25 an hr. 25k a yr.

In LA, 39.3 percent of all jobs pay 26,070 a yr or less..

what about working for the FAGMAN (fb, amazon, ...). i read an article that a hairstylist at google makes $80k or more

I moved to China a year ago,
I get paid $2400 a month for 16.5 of work a week teaching English to young kids

the math on that is like 36 an hour
my "luxurious" apartment 5 mins from the subway in Shanghai is $1000 a month....

Attached: sh.jpg (1920x760, 1.14M)

an the day you stop playing is the day you win tha race


Also fuck drugs. But this nigga is right.

Fuck all of you.


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>Absolute FASTEST way to escape the rat race?
The hardest part is to come up with an idea for a business.

After that it is easy:

1. Have a (preferably digital) product that is in demand and will continue to be in demand
2. Outsource its production to a third world country
3. Sell your product in a first world country
4. ????
5. Profit.

That way you pay little for production and do little work yourself. OP read the book 'The 4-Hour Work-Week', it is all in there. Loads of Youtube content producers work exactly this way.

How do you like living there?

It's great, just renewed my contract for a 2nd year without hesitation
new malls everywhere with all the fast food chains from back home, feels safe, job and co-workers are chill, pleasant parks to visit, nightlife shit if you're into it, easy to go on dates.....

downsides are the air gets a little shitty here and there, need a VPN for everything and it's very humid in the summer

Attached: Shanghai.webm (744x902, 1.78M)

Have you ever tried teaching ESL online so you don't have to travel? Is that legit?

I’m using your ref

word, doing the same in Korea, easy money, easy life, just putting everything into vanguards

My school even provides free lunch, and I just pig out so I don't even spend money on food

The company I work for also does online stuff and advertises it to us in emails as optional part time, it's like $15-20 an hour

it's nothing you could live off of, pretty much a side hustle, people can do it online from anywhere whether through a company or independently from sites like italki

I'm retarded. If you use another person's ref, they "will receive a 15% commission directly to [their] wallet from every deposit the user (person using ref) makes"
So does that mean the person using the ref loses 15% of whatever they deposit and it goes to the person who made the ref link?
I mean, if so, why would I (person using ref) if I lose money that way?

Sorry for stupid question.

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>why would I (person using ref) use the ref if I lose money that way?

>put all of your fiatola on Bitcoin
>wait 5 years
>buy everything you would ever need with 0.1 BTC
whats not to understand

Cmon fgts. It was a simple question

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not only are you a tremendous faggot but also a stupid one

So care to fucking explain if I was right or not? You

This is the only correct answer

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I think "a little shitty" is a bit of an understatement. Chinese air is atrocious. Cancer rates are crazy high in that cou tet and only going to increase. You can literally buy fresh air in a can in that country.

Buy to own, and be cheap as shit for like a year, and slowly invest anything left over in passive income. Just bought my first place at 21 and pay about $500 in rent with about $100 coming in each month and work from home.