
>HNWIs are getting younger
>HNWIs will be universally tech savvy in 10 years
>Increasing non-white demographic of US inevitably votes for the kind of confiscatory tax structures that destroyed the countries from which they invaded

If you don't get it, you deserve to be poor

Attached: monero-logo.png (500x135, 3K)

Xmr the one and only

stupid abrevations.

the one that never gains value for your folio :D

Generational wealth is 10xmr

I want to believe.

How strong are your hands


I believe its High NetWorth Individual or something to that effect

In b 4 other shitcoin shills come to hijack this thread.

damn i was thinking hispanic non white immigrant

ITT: People who think XMR is legitimately mined and also untraceable. Ha

>t. ZCasher

Paper or plastic sir?

1. It is.
2. It is.

I remember when monero was my favorite coin. I liked how you could still feasibly solo mine even during the bubble.
It's now my opinion that any coin where the userbase subscribes to mandatory periodic forks is basically fiat money. Not only will they lose value with every other fork creating a chainsplit but eventually they will lose it all to one of them. No good unless you want to be a fork collector.
I guess you could say that about the other big cryptos too, but monero is just on a different level in terms of their retarded devs.

Attached: salsa-firestarter-110-deluxe-FK8257-640x640[1].jpg (640x640, 22K)

The other "old" Monero chains have zero value and zero community/dev/exchange support so your analogy isn't really accurate. There's only one recognized XMR chain and it's always been that way.

The hard forks are kind of a pain but the devs realize that a hard fork every 6 months isn't a permanent solution and that their PoW model will have to drastically change. The Oct 2019 scheduled fork will likely be the last PoW algorithm hard fork, so probably only 2 more scheduled forks.

We need a private stable coin. The first person to do that could get rich.

That would be technically impossible as far as I know and besides, Monero is stable enough in short time frames that you can wash in and out of it without much risk.

working on it

The best choice for Monero is to adopt the same PoW algo that Grin is using now, Cuckaroo. It's far more simple than CryptoNight (and its variants), better for the FPGA mining that's coming, takes less time and CPU load to validate the blocks (faster blockchain sync and it allows a lower block time). There's already a CryptoNote fork with zero premine and 15s block time aiming to do this in the next month.

saying they have no value or exchange support is blatantly false. I also never said that having economically viable forks was a negative indicator. I feel the opposite about that.


Monero cucks bloviate about centralization in mining but have no issue with centralization of development. Monero is just a hobbyist project that real privacy coins will out-preform easily

This sums it up perfectly

Attached: download.png (930x534, 278K)

Because people didnt even use zcash's privacy features. It has nothing to do with the coin, just the users

Of all Monero's numerous hard forks only one had the effect you described and even then you're way overselling it. Maybe that was the first and only time you were there for a hardfork and you're bundling that with your experience of bitcoin forks.

One time someone made a logo (actually a few people were competing over the branding and leadership) and the fork was worth a few cents for a while. Now it's worthless so no one bothers trying that again but even if they did you would still hold the same amount on both chains so you can't lose money.

Attached: MoneroV-header-826x385.png (826x385, 55K)

Lul remember when the backend dev on monero and masari called out moneroV for literally copy and pasting his code?

are you saying that monero original and monero classic aren't still tradeable for 50 cents? xmc is reported as listed on 3 exchanges.
and yes I realize hitbtc isn't a viable exchange.

Huh I thought they were all the same coin with a different name depending on who you asked. I think my point still stands, no such coins were created on the subsequent hardfork and xmc/xmo have had not material impact on Monero. Even pajeet shit like Dero is bigger than those forks.

Bitcoin has centralized development, maximalists just pretend there's no one in charge. They're like little beta bitches that avert their gaze while blockstream cucks them.

Monero holders know who's leading development, scrutinize them and if they go to shit, the github repo can be forked away from them like it was from thankful_for_today.

Attached: blushing-faces-meme-averting-eyes-red-faced-curt-suprised-embarrassed-bashful-21609611.png (500x656, 155K)

>There's already a CryptoNote fork with zero premine and 15s block time aiming to do this in the next month.

They have effectively zero legitimate exchange support and is likely behind the push to even develop, and I use that term loosely, "Monero Classic." These forks are completely illegitimate and have no reason to exist other than to try to recoup some losses on old Cryptonight ASICs.

>Monero cucks bloviate about centralization in mining but have no issue with centralization of development.
If development was actually split on a serious philosophical issue then the forks of Monero would have more economic impact, but they don't because, as I said, they aren't legitimate. There's no push for them. Everyone in the Monero community has unanimously voted with their wallet that they didn't like ASICs mining XMR. Your statement that development is centralized is bullshit. Everyone developing Monero, and there are over 200 contributors last I checked, is pulling for the same thing: for Monero to be the best fungible crypto.
>Monero has centralized development, oh y-yeah and also it's a hobbyist project
So out of one corner of your mouth you claim that Monero's development isn't actually decentralized (because you say so) and from the other side claim that for this reason, it's not as good as the ACTUALLY CENTRALIZED corporate coins? Nice contradiction. Go suck zooko's cock some more. Zcash is backdoored garbage that nobody trusts.

Just call me the threadkiller.