
Why arent you idiots counting cards yet?

>guaranteed hourly income
>with a large bankroll, EV can go up to $1k/hr
>takes two months to master
>get rich beating kike casinos at their own game

Attached: blackjack.jpg (480x360, 43K)

Yes because casinos aren't prepared to deal with card counters

They are prepared, but if youre in USA the worse they can do is kick you off the property. Card counting usually goes unnoticed unless you're winning thousands

>MIT Grad students couldn't beat casinos.
>Random user thinks it's easy

what casino even uses non machine shufflers yet?
you cant card count anymore unless your in some backwater low end pub

>current year
>not poker, bridge, or pool

if youre going to be a shark you're not gonna be eating whales my dude

There are thousands of casinos in the USA that offer a beatable game, CSM's are uncountable but they are rarely implemented because the fact is, casinos LOVE that counting went mainstream, it attracts amateurs who dont know what theyre doing and they make money

It takes much longer to learn and master the skills associated with these games, let alone garner income from them

Cause my counting skills are weak at rn

The casino industry is a multi-million dollar industry, 1 million card counters couldnt beat it. But an individual, provided his game is perfect, can make several millions

Ya because they're mit grad kids. Most can't prove their way out of a paper bag at that level.

You'll get there user

you cant count cards in the netherlands. the only casino where you can play black jack is holland casino and they use machines

With that luck maybe you shouldnt try. Unless there are neighboring countries where you can play and are willing to travel. With a high enough bankroll, travelling isnt an issue

Name a single casino that doesn't use a CSM or a 6+ deck shoe. Even on the latter you'd have to be rain man tier to count it enough to raise your margin above 50% and even then only after you have dozen or more hands so you can count out some cards, you'd only get a few more before they shuffle the discarded hands back in. This shit can't be beat, not unless you find some new method and way better people than you have tried.

>he doesnt understand how to convert to the true count

Counting a 6 deck shoe or more is easy. You divide the running count by the decks remaining in the shoe to get the true count. and as long as you're not knowingly playing a shit game where theres less than 60% penetration you will have ample opportunity to adjust your bets. You don't seem well informed on this subject

Dumb niggers, any casino where you can bet high enough to make any good amount in the long run uses auto shuffle shoes. ie. impossible to card count effectively

My dad's old saying is "counting cards is something to entertain yourself while your chips disappear"

Automatic shuffle machines dont make it impossible to count. Its just as easy as it is hand shuffled. Continuous shuffler machines, however, are impossible. Find a rare casino that uses a CSM? Move on to another

Subscribing to your dads autism is costing you thousands

There's a reason pro card players stick to poker. You better believe they all know how to count cards. But black jack is a waste of time. Because when everybody knows how to count cards, it's a grind for chump change.

Is there anywhere to play blackjack with crypto (with open source code)?

poor op gets annoying by ppl who never leace their basement

bc i cant remember shit