The absolute state of the hiring process

> Be me
> Apply for a lowly specialized position with a state university system
> Phone interview
> Get told I'll get informed if I move on
> They stay quiet
> Decide to check their website after a week
> Go to interview
> Security gives me a visitor parking pass
> I parked in visitor parking...
> Avoid rocking the boat and go attach it
> States on the backside that I won't hold them responsible for damage
> Go through the gigantic open office with low wall cubicles
> Unusually quiet and headsets abound
> Pic related
> Panel interview begins
> Repetitive questions filled with business jargon that requires understanding wtf they're trying to ask
> At the end ready to go
> The guy who kept asking for more details throughout attempts to grill me
> Asks me why I left two jobs so quickly
> Realizes one was a temp job after I had already mentioned it prior
> They seem satisfied
> Assume I didn't get the job
> See an email that they want to do a reference check
> They want candidate's to register onto some third party reference checker, Skill Survey
> It wants references email's
> Who gives their personal email!?
> Tracks IP to make sure you're not doing it yourself
> They want each reference to sign on and take a survey about the candidate
> "Note all references will be responding as individuals, not as representatives of any company or organization."
> Circumventing the sketchy questions eg "What do you think user needs to improve on?"
> "If there is any reason why you cannot complete this within 24 hours, please contact your recruiter..."
> It's the weekend
> Who would even do this!?
> Was considering getting biz anons with fake emails to answer just for kicks
> Not gonna fill it out
> Unlikely to ever apply there again

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You can do it user.

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Is this a meme larp? I would email them and tell them their hiring process is unrealistic and stupid.

Jow Forums makes this out to be the norm here's how it went for me

apply to temp service
show up to job
get hired
internal job openings open up
get promoted
finish associates degree
get promoted again

from 9hr to 60k

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after the revolution we will put all the HR whores to work in the sulphur mines. they will learn what real work is.

>Apply for job at some insurance shithole
>One of the interview questions is "why do you think you Deserve this job"
>Deserve this job
>Get rejected anyway because some poojet with an MBA also applied

Yep. Boomers are fucking cucks whose only joy in life is making other people's lives shittier.

Not a larp, pic related

I have a bachelor's

> $8.50
> Asks why you deserve it

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you're also unemployed

I have a job but it doesn't pay too well.

Pic is another email they sent me.

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what the actual fuck, the wage cage meme is real.

What a scam. The reason they have to respond as individuals is because it's illegal to ask the questions they want to ask if they represented a company(which they do wtf). Send an email telling them that what they're doing so illegal and that you're forwarding to a lawyer to fuck with them.

>get threat of lawsuit from poorfag NEET
Oh noes

>> They want each reference to sign on and take a survey about the candidate


what websites do you go on to find jobs?

>that pic

my fucking sides

>implying we aren't getting rid of lawyers
laugh now you'll regret it

Also holy shit this is fucking absurd. I had to fill out some similar forms when I applied to a banking related job, it was mostly privacy related stuff because the material I was working with (mortgages and the like) was so sensitive.

That being said, I think that USUALLY you can bullshit this stuff. If you half-ass it and they don't hire you, then who gives a shit? I think they're mostly just seeing if you'll follow through and then they'll work with what you give them. Or not. Who the fuck knows.

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Correct, it's to see if user has to together and can follow orders because the position they're hiring for is high turnover and is on the top of the charts on the internal recruiter/HR excel spreadsheet so that department has had numerous bad hires.

user, you're better than this.

I'd reply back thanking them for their time, but declining that because it's unrealistic for a entry level job then forge a resume about IT shit and get a proper 60-120K/yr job.

In the end it doesn't really matter, it's all the same bullshit.

What do you mean by "bullshit this stuff" user?

I have not left my semi-decent current job due to the interview process at other places.

I had to pass 2 tests, attend 3 interviews and then they told me they wanted to put me in another department so I had to do another 3 interviews. I just said sure then never showed up and ignored them. They called me a few dozen times. Who the fuck do they think they are?

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That sucks I had something like that happen before and it was with a company that paid poorly. I went to the interview, didn't get the job.

Lmfao I needed zero (0) refs coming out of b school for my 100k+ gig wtf is that shit

For my job I had one interview, and no one even checked my degree certificate, they just trusted I had it

I'm a freelance webdev who dropped out of high school to pursue programming and making 100k+ off online freelance gigs. I feel sorry for you collegecucks and wagecucks. Why did you not directly jump into capitalism's arms? It loves you and will take care of you.

How do I forge a believable resume. I've given up on real resumes since college ain't worth shit.

whats your gig user

>I don’t think you’re a good fit
>get hired anyway
>so does everyone else that was there with me
>mlm bullshit
Fuck my life. At least I got some good sales coaching before I left. I’m more confident as a salesman but I never even wanted to be one to begin with. Back to doing security lol.

there was one of those little shit megalomaniacs at everyone's highschool

lol that's exactly me. been a narcissist and obsessed with computers since a child. i guess some people will make it and some won't no matter how much education or opportunity they get

This exactly what I did. Spent 3 months looking for work after college, one day said fuck it I'll just be a temp. Got a job in 2 weeks after just a 15min phone interview for $16/hr, and five months later I had permanent position making $50k. Temp work is simply the new normal for getting into a lot of company's now.

>HR told us we had to look like any Non-connected Outsider could get the position

bullshit. what site do you freelance on?

If you let me LARP as your reference OP I will mention how this is illegal and how I want to make a formal complaint to their legal department. Think of all the wagies that will have to go through this. They're people too.

LinkedIn, Reddit, Bitcoin and AI related boards, also remote work sites like

Please assist.

if you have to ask, you can't do it

What that that even mean? Am I supposed to learn enough about IT to fudge a resume that sounds correct together or what?

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Op here I'm considering doing this. You got a throw away email I can contact you through?

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this is what a did after getting a chemE degree and not getting any jobs
>get random samples that a 10 year old could do
>$16/h, max of 32 hours
>6 months later
>get hired full time and make 70k
>company pays for master
you have to get your foot in the door somehow and a temp is a good way to do it

temp can be good or it can be absolute hell. still better to be a temp than to deal with OP's garbage though, least if its a hellhole type job where they lead you on you can usually see it

heh knew a kid like you, he's the reason they had to install security cameras and take out the USB ports on all the computers. You guys are fucking hilarious

I want to kill myself after that business speak email

>Be me
>Finally get a response to one of 15 different positions I attempted to apply to in one way or another
>Basically a receptionist at a hotel desk with some other responsibilities but I've been in hospitality and customer relations for a while
>Some quick emails back and forth
>Set up first interview, parking will be covered
>All the parking garages/lots downtown charge now since so many workers would leave their cars there all day
>First date gets postponed
>2nd interview date set, then gets moved to 5 hours later
>3rd interview date and time setup, this one sticks
>Put on decent clothes and a smile
>Get to the front desk and patiently wait in line behind rich tourists
>The desk is obviously overloaded and trying to deal with too many things at once between clients in line, the phone, and whatever else comes up
>After patiently waiting I get to the desk pretty much exactly on time
>Manager who's supposed to be interviewing me apologies and asks if I would chill in the lobby until he has time
>10 minutes later we both sit down and the interview actually starts
>Even though my work is technically in his industry I walk him through a cursory overview of my experience
>Able to tell lots of stories of problem solving, dealing with clients, nail almost every question he has
>Someone else from the desk comes over
>"One of our [Elite Rewards Program] members is at the desk demanding a cocktail"
>TFW the bar nor the restaurant will open for another few hours
>"If if you excuse me"
>Guy comes back apologizing again
>Say it's not needed, tell more stories about my own demanding clients and conflict resolution
>By the end of it the guy's demeanor has changed quite a bit and he seems kind of excited, we exchange thanks and goodbyes
>Let's me know to ring the bell on the parking gate and they will clear me through, I should hear from them shortly

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Continued from >Spend the next 15 minutes on hold at the parking gate, window down in the rain
>2nd newish Range Rover is staring at me and finally flips his car around all aggressive like
>Call gets dumped for the 2nd time and I finally decide I'm not gonna let this ruin my good feeling and put my card in
>A whole $5 for 45 minutes, whatever
>Feel pretty fuckin good for the next day or 2
>Immediately after get a standard corporate email about "looking for hires with more experience" and more corpspeak
>No follow ups or anything after that
>Be really depressed for about a week

Everyone is being turned into a technological transient and most of us will be permanent hobos/NEETs in the next decade.

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threaten to sue them for he lost time due to misleading job advertisements. they will initially ignore you or be nasty or make their lawyer send you copypasta hoping you will go away. Then you send all of your correspondences neatly organized along with a 1 page complaint to your state's attorney general office and they will sheepishly come back to you with some offer. Not a bad way to make a thousand bucks

I have an interview for in-room dining server at the palazzo on tuesday. Tired of cleaning rooms for my bitcoin $

Less than 12 hours remain, I won't be surprised if they call me asking why I didn't do it. Wonder what a good response would be that also turns it on them.

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Literally your only option to fuck with them is to threaten legal action. Or take the user's advice and have him threaten legal action.

tell them your references said the process is bullshit and won't do it unless they get paid

Do this and give up.
Any employer who's too lazy to just do a 5min phone call to one of your references isn't worth your time.

Thing is the poorfag NEET isn't the one that's gunna be taking them to court, it'd be the govt my dude.
Unless you're a yank with no labor/work laws, in which case get rekt son.

I firmly believe these ridiculous hoops are to break people entering the work force. Sort of how the military does to people. It's brainwashing.

I've had to jump through more hoops for a part time job than a full time career position. But everyone has to do these McJobs at some point, generally as their first job.