Live in the UK

>live in the UK
>feel like a fucking loser for living anywhere except London
>know that when I move to London I'll be paying lots of rent

Is this normal? I feel like living anywhere except London, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles, New York, and Washington DC is like failing life (except for living somewhere else due to a university job).

I don't even take advantage of the social opportunities. I'm an ugly nofriends loser.

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Based Boomer.

Im unironically a failed npc

My whole life up until this point has been me attempting to live autonomously. Its not possible to force it

That's a status thing. Work on finding some self worth/ self esteem that isn't anchored to external people, places, and things.

Why would an ugly nofriends loser care about social posturing by living somewhere expensive.

Start with a simple goal. Make ten mil and then retire.

I don't get this meme

You feel like a loser for not living in the shittest city in the country?

>I'm an ugly nofriends loser.
I wonder why.

Why would you move to an islamic city?

>Is this normal?
How old are you OP?
FYI London to live is shite.
I don't work in London but 5 min walk to Station & 45 to London, open 24 hr.
> I'm an ugly nofriends loser.
Come out the country side, pubs are good!

Npc's live their whole life trying to pretend they aren't npcs. And a 30 year old boomer has been an autist most of his life and is just trying to live the life of an npc. But he gets rejected by the npcs. Sad meme really.

>Is this normal?
Its not normal but it is common for people who have never lived in London before.
All big cities are dystopian hellscapes unless you are rich, which for London that means 10mill+ to live centrally in a non shithole.
If you have the money behind you it can be disneyland, youll never need to ride the tube or go shopping in budget areas, you and your friends can exist in a bubble.
If you dont have the money, youll at least need v.trustworthy friends or family in the city to live with, anything else and youll top yourself.

Bristol is better than London.


you are what I think they call over there a 'chav'

London is a nigger infested shithole you fucking retard

>wants to live in a city that's 40% white
>wants to live in a place where the murder rate is on par with New York despite guns and knives being banned
>Most acid attacks of any municipality in the west
>sharia zones
>muslim imposter king who literally supported ISIS
>garbage everywhere
>diverse cops doing nothing but enforcing diversity
>a shitbox apartment rents for more than the median salary of your country
>hours from anything resembling the natural world
>nobody speaks english
>british citizens employed by the government don't speak english
>requiring people to speak english is considered racist
>only white people in the city are corporate sociopaths, dumbfuck SJW rapefodder for the ethnics, and wannabe corporate sociopaths
>LGBT propaganda
>"b-b-but muh restaurants!"
This is your brain on globohomo.

just live where you want.
big cities are shit.
not to mention the UK is the kind of country where even a town with 3 houses has at least 1 pub and some night life.
t.Aussie that grew up in a town of 400 people, spent the last 10 years living in a few cities of 300k~3mil people and moving back to a small, comfy country town soon.

DC is literally a hood m8.

Living in a big city is dehumanizing

Use your time living in london to get experience and network. If you're in tech or finance, this is especially important.

Once you have that it'll be easier to find a high paying job elsewhere where rent is relatively cheap.

I see that you have been fully brainwashed by television and netflix, London, LA and New York are full of niggers/pakis/spics and are fucking terrible places to live in, Sil Valley is a meme full of faggots, Washington DC is the only decent place of the ones you mentioned but still overpriced.

live in the superior north of england op, like manchester/leeds.
fuck london