>apply at 10 different fucking places
>1 month later still not fucking hired anywhere
Why the fuck is it so fucking hard to find just one simple fucking part time job?
Apply at 10 different fucking places
Suck 30 dicks
you are not desirable in the market.
10 places? You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers. Start with 100 apps and go from there.
now call all 10 places and talk to the manager to let them know your serious and make sure they have had a chance to review the app
you have to give a firm handshake to the manager you fucking faggot
If you're only looking for a simple McJob, try Craigslist
This it’s a numbers game desu
Bad advice.
get a full body brown tatoo
at least you didnt waste 50k on a degree
t. mech engineer who never found work
You should be submitting at least 10 resumes per day you fucking lazy idiot.
Have this happen even with a college degree and 2+ years work experience. I've applied to 1000+ jobs in the last 4ish years.
>be American
>notice that the vast majority of the country's budget goes to the defense sector
>doesn't apply for jobs in the defense sector or join the military
>complains about not being able to find work
Go to the place where you want to work. Dress professional. Ask to speak to the manager. Ask "Hey can I get a job?" In an assertive manner. If they say no, just ask if you can work for a day or two No pay and if he/she likes how you work you can arrange an agreement on pay. Those two days you get there early, willing to work and you do your best. You'll get hired if you do that. Go early, dress professional, work hard. That's it.
Add the word "genderfluid" somewhere in your resumé
>be me
>move into new town
>drop off 30 resumes all over town on my second day there
>have job by the end of the week
get good, fagit
I recognize that gay porn video
Boomer tier advice
Faggot probably has cushy pussy availability on his applications as well. Quit being lazy. Faggot.
>get jerked around for a month by a place I was really looking forward to working at before getting knocked back
>ring up a joint I put my resume in at before easter
>walk into a job they had without it even going to interview
firm shake in the eye