>First video stored on a blockchain
How long till SV will get flooded with CP?
>First video stored on a blockchain
How long till SV will get flooded with CP?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How long till SV will get flooded with CP?
we had pedo porn operators running in bitcoin
they died
- satoj pedomoto
>First video stored on a blockchain
What about all the file hosting coins?
ProximaX did this long time ago.
A one second horrendous resolution video.... and I should be excited about this because.....?
the 4th industrial revolution
I’m lauging so hard at the brainlets who will miss out on this because they don’t like CSW as a person
On it, will post TX soon
I hope sanjay enjoys toddler anal
double dare u, faggot
Justice being served
Godspeed user
That's actually misusing the blockchain and only idiots misuse technology.
i'd imagine storing files on the blockchain costs a lot of $$
the filecoins were just blockchains interlinked with storage networks
this is historic, boys
What if Craig is being a dick on purpose to weed out all the superficial people who can't appreciate the technology, ensuring that only competent people end up with the money?
Imagine trying to get people to pay to use websites when they're currently free
Absolutely this
it's not craig doing that it's bitcoin
the survival of a fork is dependent on that fork attracting those that are best able to create value
Lol. Do you know why conmen are always so obvious? It's to weed out anyone with any semblence of critical thinking ability.
Oh for you, brainlet:
Pay 10$ for a hd movie on Amazon Prime.
Watch it..
> Sucks
Turn off after 10mins = 10$ gone.
Pay 10cent per minute on metanet.
Watch it
> Sucks
Turn of after 10 mins = 1$ gone.
So will you, as a movie creator make movies based on quality or quantity now?
Google. Pay 0.001$ per search. Billions of searches per day. Google profits more than getting payed by pages for beeing ranked higher.
So Google, use free internet Google with quantity shit content,
Or use metanet google, with quality content and earn more..
Metanet bitch!!!
>there's a money trail straight to a KYC exchange
try it faggot, enjoy getting vanned
>implying bitcoin classic isnt already flooded with cp
>implying all the miners are'nt distributing cp
There's a will, there's a way. There are billion at stake. People waged full scale war for less.
OP_RETURN are miner prunable
OP_RETURN is literally raping bitcoin. Why are you raping bitcoin, anons?
>There is a vishnu distributing CP on the Bitcoin SV blockchain
They are prunable from the index. They must remain on-chain.
bitcoin SV? More like bitcoin RAPE
>Look at me I’m so smart for calling CSW man bad man heh
Bet you’re a stinky linky too kek
>Pay 10cent per minute on metanet.
>Watch it
>> Sucks
>Turn of after 10 mins = 1$ gone.
this can be implemented without a fucking blockchain
>literally 2019 and neets and niggers are still buying anything with bitcoin in it's name
lmao you're gonna fail, bitcoin core is dog shit and all the rest SV bcash are all as well
Literally just buy CHX as it has real world adaption.
I kept my Bitcoin Cash on Coinbase during the SV fork... did I fuck up?
The movies will be on the blockchain also. Everything automated. No middle man. Fuck you anti blockchain noob
>No middle man
What will store those Petabytes of hugely redundant blockchain data. My laptop?
Does that mean that everybody who runs a syncing node is going to be in risk of becoming guilty for hosting CP?
>Le "conmen are always so obvious" meme
Can you imagine having no real experience with shysters and just parroting this talking point because it is repeated ad nauseum by reddit brainlets? Kek
>OP_RETURN are miner prunable
So yes , miners will have to monitor everything.
Proof of real work !
You will have CP on your computer. That's not arguable.
SV gives WAY WAY more freedom at dumping huge amounts of it on-chain. Other major blockchains don't make it easy enough to be feasible.
soon I hope
The miners/data center. They earn by mining and providing these data
When the fuck is this finna moon? I got 63 of em
So middlemen exist if I chose to receive something from the SV blockchain
the only middleman between you and the data on the blockchain is your ISP
If you want to call miners middleman, yes. But you don't need to trust miners to cheat on you cause them cheating is the same than burning million or Billions of dollars... Just.. to cheat on a single faggot like you