I've been having sex with my sister lately. In return she gets to live at my place free of rent...

I've been having sex with my sister lately. In return she gets to live at my place free of rent. She's a poor college student.

What secrets have you guys been keeping to yourselves biz?

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Im black and I've impregnated 3 Asians in one night stands. Now I have no idea how I'm gonna pay for child support.

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I've been studying your sister for years and had very intricate expensive surgery to look like her and had a sex change. I've been fucking you and acting like a poor college student for months.

Im Asian and my penis doesn't even touch the sides of black vaginas

quite the anomaly. good for you.

I invented Bitcoin

No you're a pajeet

Blacks are actually quite tight

It's been me all along guys.

- Craig muthafuckin Wright

I've fucked multiple extremely unconvincing crossdressers off craigslist and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Only standards are:
- full shaved
- slim/gym fit
- wig, makeup, lingerie

Pro-tip, the more amateur and unconvincing they are, the tighter the butthole.

this shit is why i come here

If true then FUD chainlink on twitter in the next hour

Don't really know how to fix a lot of stuff, when it breaks. The kinda stuff men a sort of "expected" to know.

I don't know how to use a lot of power tools. I don't know the basics of plumbing/drainage.

I don't know the basics of car repair, other than changing a tire/charging a flat battery.

There's plenty about home electrical appliances I have no clue about. Like what to do/check when the power goes out. As well as basic soldering skills and use of a multi-meter.

I really want someone to teach me of all of this. I hate feeling inadequate.

friend, you can learn all of this on youtube.

Yeah, I do watch a lot of youtube stuff, but the being guided by someone, in real life, is hard to replace.

I had sex with 1400 West Africans and impregnated 600.

I got a BJ from a Craigslist tranny, was pretty good but I couldn't clean the stench of his saliva off my dick for days.

I've stabbed 12 sleeping homeless street rats in the last 7 years. My goal is to hit 15 by the 10 year anniversary. I get some people would think its wrong but honestly nothing else gets me harder.

These "practical skills" centres are actually opening up and are probably going to be the next big trend.

based and redpilled

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OP you are not the real OP

In reality 9 years ago in a attack by the XOF on mother base our helicopter was short down by Sergey.
After that you were put in a coma and I had Nakamoto reconstruct your body to look as mine did and to use psycho therapy to make you think your the real op.

All this so that when you fucked my sister (who is actually a user in this thread) I would not actually be gay.

Yeah this is good motivation to keep making money and not end up homeless. T-thanks...

Let's see Paul Allen's card

The sex is amazing but I'm terrified of having black babies

Purge everyone in this thread. Sending right wing death squads to your house now

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The guy from Mount gambier?

do the needful

sweeeeet home, ALABAMA


awesome. i hate being an only child.

Cringe and blacksabandoningtheir childrenlikesalwayspilled
