/smg/ - Stock Market General

deep edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

Previous thread:

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What's it in

AMRN is our golden goose. I've already used the rally to my advantage; paid off my credit card debt with the profits. I've since bought back in at the dip. Such wonderful feeling knowing that with the exception of my house I'm debt free. All profits from here on is just gravy. Fucking FDA; Green light this already, me and other shareholders are losing profits each day you fucks fail to do your job.

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When robinhood sends me my 1099k telling me how much I have to pay will they also include my 3k loss in that calculation? Or do I add that loss seperately?

Also can I deduct the 1000 dollars in surcharge fine I had to pay for dui

a slight aside from the stock market, do you guys think there's a market for a "Personal Finance" general on Jow Forums?

Like, "how do I save money", "What can I do to spend less and cut bills" kind of thing?
I'm afraid it'll turn into like Tax Fraud General

That's like 75% of my portfolio atm. MSFT has done great. I'm concerned it's overpriced but I'll probably hodl anyway. TSLA is fun because there's a bear raid every few months. I've been buying dips, but there's good money to be made in selling the highs. The bears probably have a point in that it may never be profitable enough to justify its valuation, but I think a lot of investors are willing to pay a premium for a pure play on green tech.

I am going to buy a japanese ETF. Wish me luck

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brokers just provide the sells and cost basis for each, not how much you're going to owe. use turbotax or something.

>how do i save money?
dont spend as much /thread

>Like, "how do I save money", "What can I do to spend less and cut bills" kind of thing?
first put a part into savings then think about spending the rest on most necessary things

I wasn't implying I need advice, I just meant as a general topic for a new general

I've seen one occasionally but not consistently.

Your best bet is to set a budget and live within your means. It will show you where you money goes each month.

That's what I do. I use Quicken to track my daily expenses. It displays each month what percentage of my income goes to various things. After expenses I keep like 40 - 50 dollars just for play money. Then whatever I got left over from that gets divided in half. Half goes to savings (shit happens account). Half goes to another account (retirement padding). This is after my 401k and other deductions get taken out of my pay.

So I just wanted to start my turbo taxes since (( THEY ))base sent me a 1099k which I just realized is a fucking joke since its a gross amount of payment and not even calculated for gains or losses so its useless to me.

Turbo tax says I need a 1099T forum to report my interest I earned for the year, which is all from robinhood. Will robinhood send me a 1099t in the mail along with my useless 1099k?

i wasn't implying that you needed advice, but rather the topic can be covered in 1 sentence so i don't see the point of having a general.

also cut your own hair

you'll be able to import RH transactions into turbotax and it'll calc everything for you. brokers usually make the data available for importing around mid feb

How did you get one? You had over 200 trades on Coinbase? You were warned about not using it that much.

they sent me a 1099k because I had a gross payment of like 13,500.00 but sadly I think the truth is that is not my net amount I owe due to gains and loses

I had a gross payment of like 26k at one point but I haven't got anything from them. I read the guidelines and it said that you need like a gross payment of 26k combined with 200 trades unless you live in like some shithole state like

Arkansas (AR) - $2,500
District of Columbia (DC) - $600
Massachusetts (MA) - $600
Mississippi (MS) - $600
Missouri (MO) - $1,200
New Jersey (NJ) - $1,000
Vermont (VT) - $600

Whybis tradingview shilled in the OP as opposed to thinkorswim? You can get realtime updates with thinkorswim and it has tons of extra features and a really nice scripting engine. And if you don't want to open an account with TD, you can still just use their papermoney account (which is great for practicing trades) at the cost of getting 15 minute delays like everyone else. But if you want realtime, you just open a real trading account with them. Don't even need to fund it.

Its kind of weird how Canadian companies like TD are so ahead of the curve in providing this software. American financial institutions are asleep at the wheel.

yea i live in one of those shit hole states


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Daily reminder that dividends are for boomer cucks and capital gains is all that matters.

>dumb boomer investors continue to buy T
>muh 6% dividend
>try and tell them yeah but the price declines 20% every year so you actually lost a shitload of money
>dividend starts shrinking
>T files bankruptcy
>boomer cuck kills himself

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you're as retarded as the brainlet in your picture

i reinvested 20K off of dividends/capital gains last year while beating the S&P 500 in total return. Thats without adding in my own capital.

>dividend starts shrinking
AT&T has decades continued of dividend increases

If you want to stay poor and buy memes and have to sell principal to fund your retirement, go ahead and do that. I'll do whats proven to beat market returns: dividend aristocrats with reinvesting the dividends.

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Nice try cuck, but dividend index funds continue to underperform an S&P index fund every year.

>dividend index funds

can you not read tard? I said dividend aristocrats, not index funds. is this babbys first day in school?

also pic related cuck

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NOBL beat SPY over the last 5 years.

anyone here any good at options trading? is it viable for retail or is it a trap?

I just researched it, that's because it was heavily weighted with MKC which outperformed the market significantly NOT due to shitty dividend. KYS.

I finally FOMO'd into CGC/Aurora today, lads. Was that a mistake? Only dropped about a grand.

I've put 50 pounds on the app trading 212 what should i invest in i'm brand new?

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keep ignoring reality

not very convincing graph. again you can look since 2012 proshares dividend aristo etf blown the fuck out simply by sp500 etf.

let alone compare simply nasdaq and sp500 since 1990, you'll get something like 5x returns

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It's viable. Just high degree o difficulty. There is no baghold and hope in options trading. I don't think anyone should start messing around with options until they have a proven strategy for consistent gains trading common shares.

this makes me want to gobble up MKC shares on this dip even more

I regularly trade options; it's perfectly viable for retail investors provided you actually understand how options work and are paying reasonable commissions.


why is this being brought up? at what point did I mention dividend etfs?

>I don't think anyone should start messing around with options until they have a proven strategy for consistent gains trading common shares.
The problem with that is you're not actually trading positions that resemble options positions.

well they are based on your dividend idea which is clearly bad idea. i would be very spectical your dividend stock picks even beat that dividend etf returns

>clearly a bad idea
you have to explain this further. its like no one understands the concept of compounding interest on income, which creates its own compounding interest. when your money makes money on its money (so on and so forth) you get a massive passive income builder.

you also act like I only invest in dividend stocks, which is certainly not true. But again, you guys can invest how you see fit and I'll continue to prove that dividend growth investing, when done right, is the safest, most proven way to get solid gains and an increasing source of passive income.

Yep divcuck btfo.

>muh 3% dividend offsets the fact that my stock has been trading flat for ten years during the greatest wealth transfer in history
>who the fuck wants to own amazon or google they don't even pay a dividend lmao
>who cares if T was worth $60 in 1998 and is trading at $30 twenty years later, they raised their dividend every year!!!

fuck off dividendfag

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i own both amazon and google you fucknugget.

>T is the only dividend stock in the world

you're clearly as retarded as your pictures.

lets see your portfolio and see how we'll you're doing? Please, indulge us all how much money you made last year in a flat year...

let me guess, your portfolio is 4 figures

Why? Also good luck.

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>The problem with that is you're not actually trading positions that resemble options positions.

Yeah but ideally you should have a better feel on how the markets move at that point.

the most glaringly obvious thing that most people ignore about dividends is the utility value of cash and being able to generate dollars without divesting the underlying asset. you don't exist in a market vacuum that is solely comprised of the S&P. i have property and a """"business"""".

My portfolio is actually FIVE figures and I made 6% last year selling to bonds in July and buying back in end of December.

I am just using T ad an example because it is the shining example of these so called "dividend aristocrats" that boomer cucks love to buy up and blindly defend despite losing half of their principle because "they raised their dividend every year muh passive income". I'm sure if I had the time to comb through every dividend aristocrat I could find double.

What I mean is that trading stocks won't help you in any way to trade common options positions like strangles or iron condors. Being successful at options trading is more about the management of your greek exposure than anything.

I made 6% alone on passive income alone (literally didn't do a damn thing). not to mention the majority of my dividend portfolio had gain on the year.

and what you may not realize with dividend growth, my stocks provide dividends that not only outpace inflation they're anywhere between 6-20 percent in annual dividend growth. (averages out about 11%). That increase comes with no requirement of adding more capital, which would be significant.

and T will be made or broken by 5G and its acquisition of DISH and time warner. my guess is that their stock will be at ATH by 2021-2023, with its dividend back down to 3% ish.

this and the fact that dividend growth provides a growing income stream without requiring new capital.

TD is ok but theres alot of problems with the platform, like volume being inconsistent, memory leaks, inaccuracies across the board during large volatility, orders being filled in the worse possible way

trading view is nice for a light, browser based platform, it atleast doesnt leak memory like TD does

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How likely for approval? I researched AMRN all last night to better understand the product itself and while it looks great on paper, they've had NDA's sent to the FDA in the past and were denied.

I mean CGC is going to go higher maybe not by much but it's give returns
You fucked up in Aurora should've bought CRON theyll be reaching 30 by the end of Feb and continue to climb based on projections Aurora may see growth but nothing heavy due to poor advertising not enough movement

Thanks to the guy who answered my question about options. Now more broadly, does anyone here actually trade for a living? I used to think it was viable but I feel like just dollar cost averaging into an sp500 index fund is the path of least resistance. I enjoy trading but I don't think I could make enough money from it to live on unless I had a large amount of starting capital, but then I could just live off an sp500 etf... can someone enlighten me?

Sell puts on QQQ nigga

I mean, you should probably have other things going for you other than trading. One month of less than you expect could derail your ability to pay bills and such. You'd either need a lot of cash in savings or a large dividend portfolio to smooth over that potential income volatility.

Fortunately, trading isn't (usually) super involved on a moment to moment basis so you could potentially run a small craft-based business (like sewing, carpentry, etc.), do Uber, or something else to that effect to get more reliable income.

When is canopy going to collapse again? It just seems to good to be true.

Canopy is doing everything that TLRY didn't do I wouldn't worry about a major crash unless some fag seekingalpha blogger decides to write some fear piece on them

Currently work in corporate finance but I'm very low in the food chain. I want to leverage my abilities and knowledge to increase my future cash flows regardless of how my job is going. Not sure I want to quit my job as it keeps me sharp but I'd love to feel like I have a plan b.

Alright, that being said do you think its going to stabalize around current price or bull for the next year? I cant shake the feeling its going to tank inexplicably.

Well, as long as you get numerous breaks throughout the day you shouldn't have an issue trading for extra income. Just be sure you don't just keep leveraging all of your returns back into trading; put some of it into relatively reliable longer term investments. At the very least, if you blow out your trading account you'll have something to show for it.

I was talking to zoomers today and everyone still uses snapchat. I'll probably buy SNAP
I also think 3M has the best tape, so I'd rate that a buy

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yikes purchases

Also buy stitchfix to capitalize on rich gay fuckbois. Screencap this

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Old Jow Forums used to have a bunch of "frugal" threads before the whole shitcoin epidemic.. some of the ways people came up with to save money were pretty clever and some were pretty funny


I did some math on the data below. I excluded Tesla because I don't like it. I compared # of units sold EOY 2017 to EOY 2018 to see the % growth in electric car sales. The fastest growing with all units accounted for were
This is purely domestic sales. If have a data set for international markets please post it

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>I'll probably buy SNAP

Get checked for mental retardation

>i excluded Tesla because I don't like it
>looking to make an electric car play

I could have told you just off of common sense to buy Honda or Toyota if you wanted to buy an automotive maker that wasn't Tesla. All those other companies are literally lmao tier garbage.

Volvo cars are complete shit. BMW lost it's luxury status in the public eye and only niggers drive them. Around here most people will laugh at you if you say you drive a BMW. Ford is going to go out of business when gas hits $4 a gallon and nobody wants their trucks. GM is just a fucking terrible company in general and will probably also go out of business in short order.

What about Toyota? I feel like they should have electric sales higher than even Honda. Just look at Toyota vs. Honda.

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dont invest on ethics or morals dumbass

if thats the case you cant buy literally any equities at all, ever

Toyota didn't grow fast enough. Only a faggy 30%.
Plus only gay niggers buy Prius
It's not about morals, Tesla is a homosexual company

>I excluded Tesla because I don't like it

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Screencap this and check back with me on 3/27/2019
Why would I buy a company I don't like?

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got alcohol posion

buy STZ for parabolic growth

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Here's the end result for units sold growth
Volvo is based because it's CEO is a whitesupremecist alien vampire

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oops plugged in the years wrong. But the data is correct
STZ is a good brand because it's run by a sex icon. Love Mr. Sands

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>Why would I buy a company I don't like?
I was going to type out a post about how one's personal opinion of a company doesn't affect the profitability of a stock, but I honestly don't think it really matters that much if you exclude one single company from a large pool of options
I do think it's suboptimal, tho

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I don't care.
If you don't like the company don't buy it
Elon Musk literally raped my mom and now I have a brother.

Is MKC a buy? I've never tried their seasoning, I'll have to try it before I buy it

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It's not like Tesla acts like a standard automotive stock anyway. It's more like investing in a celebrity than a company

>never tried it
Just look at your spice rack


>I've never tried their seasoning

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Turns out I have lots of spices. They are pretty good I guess, and they have a nice logo

>I cant shake the feeling its going to tank inexplicably.

Nothing inexplicable about it. Weed stocks crash. It's what they do. Use a stop loss. Two months ago they were selling off like people thought they were worthless. And that wasn't the first wave of boom/bust on Canopy or Cron or any of the rest.

toss them in the garbage where they belong, and buy Spice Island/mrsDash

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>Spice Island/mrsDash
No thank you, only poor people use Mrs. Dash

Alright, guys. What's the best European Broker in terms of UI and fees?
Is InteractiveBrokers the way to go? I like WeBull but I don't think it's gonna open up to the European market anytime soon.


Think about RACE, hybrid car incoming for 2019

That was all before the latest drug results came out. Now the new results are out and shows much promise. So now the FDA has little choice but to give green light.

> Fell for the diversity jew
Enjoy when the niggers in your portofolio chimp out

any other suggestions?

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>spicecuck is back trying to shill his trash offbrands because he sold all his MKC, the greatest and most powerful company in the world, low

Just admit you were wrong and buy back in on this dip. God is giving you a second chance. Dump the BGS.

What are the best stable dividends with little to no risk of industry interruption?

quite patrician except for the 10% of memes

and also ex-US shit is mostly worthless, just get bonds instead. non US will NEVER outproduce the US, it will always do worse so its just a waste of your time

I have about $100k in my checking accounts that I planned to buy a rental property with, but the real estate market has been particularly shit so that's not going to happen. Should I just dump it all into an index fund? What would be my best choice?

Market pretty shaky as well right now. I'd start averaging in with like 10k every few months.

Yeah thats fair. Thanks for letting me bounce my ideas off you.

time in the market is better than timing the market

just dump all the money you can into index funds as soon as you can

I'd suggest a bond mutual fund.