I speak English and Arabic

I speak English and Arabic

What’s the language that would guarantee me a job? Chinese?

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someone post that screen cap about why you should never work for or with Chinese

Are you sure?

I’ve seen it, idc I just want to feel secure (Incase something goes wrong)

I’m a girl who’s not allowed to go uni or get any job (Muslim family)

And I don’t feel secure, I have a lot of free time obviously and willing to learn anything that would guarantee a good job

What if something happens to my dad? I’ll live in poverty. I want to be secure for when the “what if” inevitably happens

kek run away

My life is not bad at all, I just want to be ready when it does

The majority of muslims live normal lives. Accept that your problem is being an Arab.

Learn coding.

>muslim family
>not surrounded by 13547835 other muslim families to help(i.e. quickly marry you to cousin Abdul) in case something badong happens

Which? Where do I start? Will I need a computer...?

You mean Turks? Only the ones in Ankara and Istanbul there others live equally shit lives as us

The Asians? They don’t even need to be Muslim they already live worse lives

Kurds? In what European country?

Get off your high horse. Most Muslim women love equally shit lives, just because you’re a “male” and think your sisters are content doesn’t mean they are

I’m not here for this. But fuck you. You’re a Kurd aren’t you. Fuck you.

Too bad this only works in Ame-rich-ca. It seems other countries don't really care about coders...

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?

Also display mammaries or begone.

You may keep your burka on to preserve your dignity and the future of Islam.

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Yes you need a computer, what kind of a question is that?

I am but what happens when my cousin dies and I’m left with a child to care for? What if America decides to bomb us? I need to be independent

You can never be sure of how things turn out

Any? What’s better? Mac or windows?

german, french, mandarin, japanese, korean

German, because this language is only being spoke in germany swiss and austria unlike french and other language

just blow your fellow mudslimes up and stay out of my country

A lot of Syrians now surely speak Arabic and German, it won’t do me any good

Where are you from?

Are you Saudi or something? I’m a mudslime too and my older sister and cousins went to college. Just convince your parents that uni would be really beneficial.

Show some tits
Linux is better desu, but will probably be too much at the start, so go with whatever you have

lmao this entire thread
dumbass LINK virgins falling for it
just get married to a rich faggot and be one of his 20 wives
if he dies, you get his stuff
if he divorces you, you get his stuff
assuming you move to a first world country first like america or germany
if you stay in whatever subhuman muslim shithole you live then you shouldnt have access to internet in the first place and work in the kitchen being a housewife for the rest of your life nad pray you may live it without being beheaded for showing your ankle in public



Post nudes you'll make bank you pig fucking whore.

yes but if you're good enough you can find a job where you can code decently

His 20 wives and their 60 children will also get that money, there wouldn’t be much left for me

Become an interpreter for arabic -> english

and no fuck off we're full

Don't be such a racist, the problem is Muslims, not Arabs.

ZEA and other rich countries of your gulf have loads of money they put into building massive shit.
They employ a lot of asians from poorer countries to do all the hard work, learn their languages thats your best bet
Source my friend works there as some Engineer overlooking the constructions, doesn't have to pay any taxes and earns shitton of money even for swiss standards