I scammed Stacy

I found a way to scam instagram thots, i made 250$ in a couple of hours
>be me
>tell instagram thot send her PayPal email
>say that i found a way to "hack paypal"
>go on paypal's log in page
>enter email and press "forgot password"
>send security code to the victims phone
>send pic related to thot
>say that i need the code to send 70$
>she sends code
>change her password
>send all her money to a fake account that i own
> spend all the mulla on papa john's and weed

don't judge me

Attached: IMG_20190106_185414_108.jpg (480x640, 18K)


federal 'pound me in the ass' prison

how are they gonna report me to the police if they thought that i was gonna send them money illegaly, i live in the UK anyway, most of the thots are American

paypal is a company that is licensed in the UK. they will report fraud to the authorities once it's discovered. you've done goofed

Wow actual Rakesh-tier scamming. You thought we would condone this?


Attached: brainlet.png (235x214, 7K)

you better do a brexit real fast

He doesnt use a vpn and willingly tells people where he lives
Never going to make it

>>send all her money to a fake account that i own
this is the part where you get fucked

the judge will give you a harsher sentence for being an incel preying on roasties

>be OP
>commit fraud
>admit to fraud with same IP
>goes to prison
>gets ass raped
>$250 to get pounded by jamal for 5 years\

It's certainly a Sunday round here hahaha

Op just send her the money back and say it was a mistake

>> spend all the mulla on papa john's and weed

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send it back or youre about to face some charges
i did that 4 years ago and luckily it didnt work out right

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You could have gotten away with this multiple times if you had just used a VPN or two or three and a protonmail account.

He's british. He will be owned by Achmed.

i need to leave this shithole. to think i'm ever going to be successful hanging around piece f shit scumbags like these.

Nice, you are doing God's work OP. I suggest you try to improve your operation. I think that only the lowest IQ thots will fall for the "hack paypal" thing, look for a better excuse and test it on low profile thots before going up (look on instagram for thots with 4 digit followers or less).

Also: delete this thread because Jow Forums is watched by beta cucks who will absolutely post this shit on twitter and alert the whores.

Also: this post is completely ironic seriously do not scam people of their hard earned money, that's illegal. And remember: a criminal wouldn't do something illegal!

You didn't make $250. You stole it.
And when the police investigate you are fucked. Papa John's have your address or phone number?