Give me ANY stock, crypto, commodity or currency and I will tell you whether its going to moon or not this week

Give me ANY stock, crypto, commodity or currency and I will tell you whether its going to moon or not this week

Few rules:

>only ONE forecast per unique ID allowed
>in order for me to consider your request, you must end your post with "Thank you Based Sama!" or "Please consider my request Based Sama!" or similar.
>the forecast is valid for only 1 week and 1 week only

That is all.

Attached: 1526157293355.png (1000x1000, 177K)

Thank you, based Sama

Thank you based nigger sama

Thank you based Sama

BTC Graceful Based Sama prophet !


BasedSama forecasts?
>or similar

NEX, thank you based nigger joo sama

Is it going up, down or sideways this weak?

I already know the answer, btw. Just wanna see if you do too.

Attached: 6CB13A3B-141A-4F81-AF0D-FB4AD5F08F96.jpg (1024x640, 77K)

Click the image to determine if your crypto "investments" will moon this week.

Attached: crypto oracle.gif (400x400, 16K)

Pls tell me it's going to crash sub $300 thx

Attached: vth9h1y1vaa21.jpg (470x767, 48K)


Forecast for LINK:
Tue 29th Jan: Going to drop a bit more
Wed 30th Jan: Price action will be choppy but moving sideways. Possible breakout.
Thur 31st Jan: Still trading sideways..
Fri 1st Feb: People will be expecting it to moon, but it will not.

Overall forecast for LINK this week: Bearish

Forecast for BTC:
Tue 29th Jan: Trading sideways
Wed 30th Jan: Will moon temporary but then trade sideways
Thur 31st Jan: More sideways bullshit
Fri 1st Feb: Fall in the price again

Overall forecast for BTC this week: Bearish

Sorry. No forecasts for you.



Please consider my request Based and redpilled Sama!

BSV, please consider my request Based Sama!

Forecast for XRP:
Tue 29th Jan: Price action will tell you its going to moon. Its a trap.
Wed 30th Jan: The trap is realized and there is a big drop in price.
Thur 31st Jan: There will be a dead cat bounce, but the price will rise
Fri 1st Feb: Moons for a bit and then trades sideways.

Overall forecast for XRP this week: bearish at the start but theres a dead cat bounce which kinda moon worthy

>Overall forecast for LINK this week: Bearish
You're a retarded. Another project unveiled a working product overnight, that Links 2 man team has been talking pointing for 18 months.
It's not bearish. It's ZERO.

people actually falling for this bullshit
it's amazing. no wonder you're all fucking up

Thank you Based Sama

OP is actually very accurate, his calls have been always right.

Wow guessing a direction which is 50/50 from the start. You only not need to be a retard to convince you fucking idiots

iExec RLC
Thank you, based Sama

Dear Based and Mighty Sama Sir, please can you spare some of your precious money generating time to tell me whether the mozzarella fish tracking token is going to moon this week or not? Yours faithfully, user.
