/smg/ - Stock Market General

>He fell for the bull run meme

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
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>He fell for the bull run meme

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first for baby Jesus

Well done bulls, well done. HOWEVER...

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>It's been 11 minutes
>Bears think they've won
Enjoy shorting the bottom for the 8671th time

Bulls bought the dead cat lmao

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be contrarian. buy at 262. you probably won't regret it

Dude.... weed

I was gonna buy Nvidia today, dodged a bullet there.

We will end today green.

>He fell for the overvalued weed stock meme.
I told you faggots all weekend not to buy that bullshit.

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>tfw you are half bullish and half bearish
>tfw no matter which way the market moves you're losing

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>Pumps ~30% to 160 (a main target)
>Buy in
I thought buy high sell low was a meme here

But theyre up? ;o

>all charts follow literally wall streat cheat charts
>still fell for the bull run meme

I bet you faggots didint sell btc at 20k either and are still hodling

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I'm retarded - I listened to someone in the last thread without checking

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>down 50% from ATH with very solid cashflow

Bulls STILL in denial!

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Sure, 180 was a target for some aswell. But what did you think? That it would casually go up to 200+ again?
Kek'd. Don't be stupid

For big profits! Thank me later!

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This shit is going down. Earnings and econ data coming in from the shutdown all week.

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>the absolute state of US semis
not complaining anymore wew

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>Return to normal

>Cody Parkey up to kick

Bears confirmed to be on suicide watch by EoD

>all this pent up bear frustration
enjoy finally having your chance to shine for a few hours

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-5% is nice target to start the week

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Was down $350 at open now I'm at $280 the united states is a meme

Why are bear posters so obnoxious?
Is it because they only make money 10 days out of the year?
Pathetic honestly

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At least you learned something now. Good luck in the future.

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Can't wait for the next great depression to wreck this hell economy. Buying fixed assets, seeds and tools and solar panels. Gonna be fun. Gardening time!


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My average cost is $260. These bags hang heavy.


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Only started early jan, down $31 total so we're chillin

I'm not a bear but I wish these would stay down until my next paycheck

>Buying Nvidia, a shit company pumped to hell on crypto miners
>Lurk Jow Forums and see images of people wheelbarrowing cards into the street and dumping them
>Decide it's still a good idea to hold this trash into earnings

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don't forget guns

should I catch the knife on NVDA? how much further can it go, really?

Yikes bear gang is going to have our heads after Apple reports bad earnings outlook for 2019

lotsa XHB holdings reporting this week + govt data
I hope you shorted XHB during fridays highs

play BAKA if you want to be safer about it

anybody eyeing ABBV or MO. need to average my cost down on these but do not know when to pull the trigger

I wonder what they would say if all these companies couldn't blame China

Who buys their cards? Do they have any other business?

Everyone building gaming PC's uses AMD. I guess if it goes low enough it could be a buyout target for Apple or Intel.

>how much further can it go, really?
Technically NVidia is worth close to 0. It doesn't own any factories, at best a few patents. It can't even save its ass selling their own fabs like AMD did in the early '10s.

semi etf, sorry S.M.H.

I had feb monthly 47.5 altria lottos that went up 50% today but sold most and holding one thru ER for the gamble

the bears are back in town

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I feel like puking out my guts. How do you handle the volatility of earnings? Fuck analyst expectations. Should I move my individual shares into index funds?

With a P/E ratio of 18 it could easily lose another 50% imo. In the end you just have to asses the risk and opportunity.

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>Everyone building gaming PC's uses AMD

Never buy anything that doesn't pay a fat dividend. Then, don't sell it until it's way high, and if it crashes just buy more.

Where’s Earnings bro with the shotgun blast chart?

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downside is still -50%, considering crypto is still dying

Picking the right stocks is one of the ways to not get JUST on bad earnings. Index funds get rekt on broad sell offs like this.

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Computer gaming is sadly dying fast and mobile is the new frontier.
Shitcoin mining is a dead end and VR is still too early to tell if it will take off.

I'd hold off on Nvidia, but that's just my opinion, my dear friends.


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>I feel like puking out my guts. How do you handle the volatility of earnings? Fuck analyst expectations. Should I move my individual shares into index funds?

>he isn't a degenerate gambler who loves earnings season no matter what happens

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I entered MO on Friday. Could be good for a bounce. Stop loss set snug as i don't trust it.

Tech going down like a clown Charlie Brown. Apple and Faceberg pls drop the ball. My nasdaq shorts will appreciate.

Also, i'm up on WTER and Cresco Labs. Good times.

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>mfw i have 8 cpus
Do I count?

>he isn't a degenerate gambler who loves earnings season no matter what happens


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You're other because you're autistic

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muffin personal, kid

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>January 2016 - June 2017
Nice try Jew. Show the this year's statistic or neck yourself.

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I just woke up from getting my appendix removed. What the fuck happened to Nvidia and the market in general?

NVDA - revenue warning they couldn't give out because of the shutdown lmao

CAT - missed ER

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It only got worse! Lmfao! Get fucked!

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Death spiral since October and they fell for it, hook and sinker

Indices tried to break bullish on Friday and wound up with lower highs. So now bears gonna see what they can do. Odds look better for the bears at this point due to what appears to be rejection of falling trend break out attempt.

I know it got worse. Just called you out on spreading disinformation. Get fucked.

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>being a goy

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What company do i invest in to acquire a twink fuck slave? Asking for a friend.

Literally just pulled the first picture off google images calling out a tard who says gaymers buy only AMD

GALT, Pendulum will blow you

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I am sorry. I didn't know you were a retard. You are forgiven.

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What stock should I buy right now then?



>ChainLink JUST
Feels fucking good

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can some user chime in on whether dumping a shit ton of money in ABBV is a good idea at this level

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Every namefag got absolutely BTFO'd and don't dare to show their ugleh mug.
The purge we never knew we needed.

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I like ABT more. Abbv management seems incompetent and I don't think they have anything significant in the pipeline to boost earnings again. But it's cheap.

Earnings are going to be a nightmare this whole fucking week. mfw I'm short

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SPY puts are free money. We got Long way to go to December lows.

This market wants lower


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I should buy 1 share just to get in on the meme

literally no B*lls in sight haha.