>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy? Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.
Can't wait for the next great depression to wreck this hell economy. Buying fixed assets, seeds and tools and solar panels. Gonna be fun. Gardening time!
Only started early jan, down $31 total so we're chillin
Adam Perry
I'm not a bear but I wish these would stay down until my next paycheck
Levi Powell
>Buying Nvidia, a shit company pumped to hell on crypto miners >Lurk Jow Forums and see images of people wheelbarrowing cards into the street and dumping them >Decide it's still a good idea to hold this trash into earnings
should I catch the knife on NVDA? how much further can it go, really?
Xavier Edwards
Yikes bear gang is going to have our heads after Apple reports bad earnings outlook for 2019
Elijah White
lotsa XHB holdings reporting this week + govt data I hope you shorted XHB during fridays highs
play BAKA if you want to be safer about it
Levi Carter
anybody eyeing ABBV or MO. need to average my cost down on these but do not know when to pull the trigger
Jordan Johnson
I wonder what they would say if all these companies couldn't blame China
Carter Brown
Who buys their cards? Do they have any other business?
Everyone building gaming PC's uses AMD. I guess if it goes low enough it could be a buyout target for Apple or Intel.
Evan Cooper
>how much further can it go, really? Technically NVidia is worth close to 0. It doesn't own any factories, at best a few patents. It can't even save its ass selling their own fabs like AMD did in the early '10s.
Owen Perez
semi etf, sorry S.M.H.
I had feb monthly 47.5 altria lottos that went up 50% today but sold most and holding one thru ER for the gamble
I feel like puking out my guts. How do you handle the volatility of earnings? Fuck analyst expectations. Should I move my individual shares into index funds?
Camden Rogers
With a P/E ratio of 18 it could easily lose another 50% imo. In the end you just have to asses the risk and opportunity.
Computer gaming is sadly dying fast and mobile is the new frontier. Shitcoin mining is a dead end and VR is still too early to tell if it will take off.
I'd hold off on Nvidia, but that's just my opinion, my dear friends.
>I feel like puking out my guts. How do you handle the volatility of earnings? Fuck analyst expectations. Should I move my individual shares into index funds?
>he isn't a degenerate gambler who loves earnings season no matter what happens
Death spiral since October and they fell for it, hook and sinker
Jaxon Cox
Indices tried to break bullish on Friday and wound up with lower highs. So now bears gonna see what they can do. Odds look better for the bears at this point due to what appears to be rejection of falling trend break out attempt.
Anthony Long
I know it got worse. Just called you out on spreading disinformation. Get fucked.
I like ABT more. Abbv management seems incompetent and I don't think they have anything significant in the pipeline to boost earnings again. But it's cheap.
William Cooper
Earnings are going to be a nightmare this whole fucking week. mfw I'm short