Halp. my gf of 2 years cheated on me at some frat party by fucking a nigger. she said she was forced...

halp. my gf of 2 years cheated on me at some frat party by fucking a nigger. she said she was forced. should i dump her and kill the nigger? or should i kill the nigger, and keep the thot? this is not time for monkey Jow Forumsness.

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>she said she was forced
god fucking damn it i hate fucking thots, next thing she does is accuse and innocent nigger of rape just to prove to you "it wasn't her fault"

that sucks bro. I think it was her responsibility to resist harder or not be in the situation in the first place. (if you wander into a tiger's cage you're going to get eaten.) Here's what you do. You now have huge leverage over this woman in the relationship. Basically do what a woman would do. Now whenever she wants something bring this up and you can shut her down in any argument. She wants to go on vacation somewhere and you want to go somewhere else? "Hey remember that time you let tyrone shag your ham wallet"? Now you own her. Good luck.

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don’t stop the trend “force” her to get the fuck out


>being this much of a cuck

You probably should kill both of them son aids doesn't keep spreading

Business and Finance. ALL FIELDS YOU KEK FAGGOT.

You left her didn't you? Now you can't go back to her.

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''force'' her to go to the cops to fill a complain fo rape to prove she ain't lying. We both know she is lying, but you will make 2 birds with one stone : put a nigger behind bars where does he belong, and make culpability gnaw her from the inside.
Once it's done you dump her. Not only it's comfy as fuck, but you also wont have to go in jail while they both have to pay for their crimes.

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So she was raped? Have her report to the poloce immediately or dump.

This happened to me and later I found out nothing was forced and he got her preggo.
Get the fuck out now.

make her to report the nigger. when he is in jail dump her

This is really the only thing you can do, it fucking sucks man. I had an ex claim to get “raped” by her ex KEK and I actually believed her I was such a blue pilled retard.

She clearly just wanted to try bbc like all thots. The only thing he had to force was his huge black cock into a willing but tight white college pussy. Dump that bitch. She’s ruined now and will crave bbc to cuck you with forever. Killing the nigger for doing what he did would be like shooting a dog for humping your leg.

Also source: I'm in a frat. I see girls act like this and cheat on their long time boyfriends regularly once they drink the smallest amount of alcohol. The culture is disgusting. Everyone told me to get out of the situation but I kept hanging on for so long and it led me to a deep depression. The second I found out the truth I immediately blocked her on everything and decided to never talk to her again. The transition made me go from doomer to bloomer in a matter of days.

You can't blame the negro for just being a negro. They are wired to fuck anything that moves.

On the other hand, your girl was a whore. Dump her, but rape her first

This OP.

Don't worry fren it happened to many of us. The whores' deception know no boundaries.
The important thing is to learn from these experiences and to not get cucked a second time. One day or another every doomer or zoomer will have to face this situation.
Such is life in current year+3 where every woman is an entitled, brainwashed by kikes zogbot whore.
Stay strong and uncucked fren. It's like a redpill badge of honor of "never again i'll allow bitches to manipulate me or my wallet''.

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Left my most recent ex. Could probably go back desu. But in my time being single since then the amount of women on tinder who are either half naked, offering themselves up for money, or married, has made me want to try to bring graceful feminine women back into existence.

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Yeah, forced by her irresistible desire for the BBC lolz

If she was forced its rape. If she doesn't press charges then dump her

Weak men, thottish nature and civilization don't mix. The worst part is that I know we're not even at the apex of this process yet, the worst is yet to come

Wait until they do it again, then kill them both

Jow Forums having solid advice for once. I know you're an emotional wreck right now OP but choose reason over emotions or you will regret it.

you should kys for dating a whore that would ever fuck a nigger

Brace yourself and prepare, because Kali Yuga is soon to come to an end and a new golden age of gains and faithful, virgin wives is upon us.

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2 years and goes to a frat party. This is good, she just told you she is a horrible person to waste any more time on.
Better now than in 10 years with children, user. You dodged a bullet, please realize how lucky you are.

I should add that I found out his name and where he lived and was about to go to his house to kill him. I didn't care if I got caught because I thought I was killing a rapist. OP, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Sometimes you have to realize that the perfect little flower who you idolize that would NEVER do what she did is actually the stereotype whore that mgtow fags have been preaching about since its conception. It's hard and I know taking advice from people on the internet doesn't feel ideal because obviously YOU KNOW HER BETTER THAN ANYONE HERE AND YOURE SOOOO DIFFERENT RIGHT? This is what happens when girls go to college. You can not save her and it's not worth the weeks or months of depression you're about to put on yourself for it. Every man experiences betrayal like this in some way. Long time girlfriends fucking black guys and claiming rape is just the new wave that thousands of us are experiencing. Accept that your relationship is over and be happy that you were only 2 years in.

wow. you all took the bait. what a bunch of low IQ cucks. xxxddddxdddd. i wouldn't date weak women.

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Let the nigger fuck you too, if he's a gentle and tender lover then I call bs

It's unironically over for her. She's now carrying his DNA in her forever. Women carry all past partners DNA, it will affect the child if you ever have one with her.

>I was only pretending

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there is no other way OP, if you do something else it means you're a cuck

>but i was only pretending

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Drop her, if she does it once she will do it again.

This but unironically

read the board title "Business & Finance"
now how is killing a nigger helping your personal gain? it isn't, you are going to jail and after that you will be ruined for life just because of your dumb human emotions
dumb the bitch and disregard the nigger you fucking retard


this Procopius fanfiction reads like the perverted fantasies of a cuck.

pretty based. But OP you're a cuck for letting your gf go to parties by herself in the first place. why would you ever let your bitch do that?


What if he opens a dead nigger storage?

You should dump her because your relationship was based on fidelity before honesty

and oh yeah if she refuses to go, just go to them yourself, they will question her on it and then she can decide if she wants to lie to them or confess to you

this is the best you can do with this situation

Good excuse to kill a nigger tho

>innocent nigger
No such thing

Tell her to take it to court and charge for rape. See how far the shit show will go on. Will be entertaining for you whatever the outcome.

>fighting over a bitch

This if youre not a cuck soiboy

She wasn’t forced. She’s clearly a whore, but I like the idea of making her fill out a police report to see if she goes thru with it. Fuck them both.

Yea, tell her to go to the cops and you'll think about it, then maybe dump her anyway, because she won't be the same afterward.

>Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.
Martin Luther in reference to women being stoned for committing adultery.

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Just accept defeat.

Black men are in every way taller, stronger, and have bigger dicks than white and Asian men.

White and Asian penises are too small to see. You need a microscope.

You were never worthy of fucking her if you can’t even fuck her deep.

As an american in amsterdam, i guarantee you every fucking woman i meet who says shes married, or engaged, or in a relationship. Is looking to cheat with me.

I get the same fucking speech every time i talk to one. They'll bumble around for 30-40 minutes trying to convince themselves it's okay to cheat with me, and beg me the entire time to help them come up with excuses to do so.

I just let them, it's amusing, and most of them genuinely contemplate outright lying to the boyfriend to hide it.

tell her to bring the nigger to court then dump her after the nigger is convicted. if shes telling the truth it's an open shut case. if she's lying then you dump her anyway

Ok. Now THIS is epic.

Tell her that she must report it as rape. Then proceed to dump her afterwards whatever happens
Literally the only true way to not get cucked is the machiavellian way

It’s a larp post you fucking idiots.

God this board is dumb.