>tfw can stop thinking about that stripper who let me suck her tits and rub her clit...
Tfw can stop thinking about that stripper who let me suck her tits and rub her clit
Well, she's stopped thinking about you.
umm delete this???
There's a nice young lady out there for you who will care about you one day. Don't fall for strippers.
I dont, I consider them nothing more than a tease, but I was at a stag night so it was on the house.
>tfw 29yo kh virgin and never seen a naked tit IRL
Stripper are pretty based when they want.
I remember in Prague a 10/10 goddes stripper spreading her vag in front of my face.
Im not advocating stripping or lap dances since they do nothing but give you blue balls.
But seriously, £30 will give you a 5 minute taste of what its like at a strip club, most if not all won't let you touch them unless they like you.
if I go there they will just bully me for being a virgin or not even let me in.
also don't even know where and how and how any of that works
Same here user, she even french kissed me at one point. I'm pretty sure she got fired because she's obviously done this alot. Pic related
Get a load of this simp.
Just look confident, and not a trouble maker, show your id and they'll let you in.
You gotta find the right place though, some charge extortionate amounts to get in others you just line up pay your £30 and get a dance.
I'm too ashamed and too scared to do it
Nice dude
Im not gonna lie, its not worth it, just gonna give you blue balls and make you wish you had a vagina to pork even more.
I get that feeling from porn too
Well strippers are like 1000x more potent in that regard