I know it hurts. I know it hurts so bad. Im hurting too. The waiting. The wageslavery.
Just remember: you are on the right side of history. Crypto is a joke? NO. Fiat is a fucking joke. Fiat is a fucking scam. And logic itself will show this as btc has no choice but to go to the moon as these shenanigans keep piling up.
sell stocks. Hold cash. Buy some crypto. Hold cash. 5 years. Probably will happen in 2.
Wait.. Do banks hate bitcoin because they can't keep borrowing more/printing it on a whim?
Liam Jones
This! 100X this!
Gavin Price
>Fiat is a fucking joke. Fiat is a fucking scam. Oops, I unplugged my computer, there go all my cryptocoins. Good thing my ACTUAL money is safe inside my wallet. Crypto is a dying ponzi scheme
yep they will drag this shit for at least an other 2 years, 10 at worst
Anthony Clark
>Nervously repeats it every day that the doomday is coming soon. Was supposed to happen in 2012 already. What about the 2013 crash? 2014 was a sure thing? Oh 2015 right? 2016? Maaaaybe 2017? ....2...0...1....8? B...But 2019, sure this year! Nevermind now WE talk about time ranges 2-5years. ;-)
Adam Adams
Oh r/butcoin is here and they are wrong again. Must suck missing out.
Doesn't matter because the dominant empire has the authority to issue currency and demand it be used. Problem is that the peopleissuing the currency are simultaneously undermining American empire through immigration and antiimperialist policies. Real collapse comes when America cannot demand reserve currency status and debt becomes worthless. Until that time debt can be created and supported by empire status.
David Gray
>2021 >Dems, won the election, have controlled the US for a year >State-enforced homosexuality >Complete socialism >Electricity sparse, powergrid cannot opperate due to lack of funding; all funding is going toward minorities' college tuition and transgender sex change operations. >Computers no longer function >Walk to nearest corner store to get some government cheese and milk >thankfully I was smart and invested in crypto >pull out wads of paper with hashes on it, give them to the cashier >she looks at me like I'm retarded >I tell her that they're bitcorns and are worth a lot of money >she tells me to either pay in my ration stamps or to gtfo >don't have any ration stamps as I am a white, straight, cis male >go back home and eat my paper bitcorns >die
Bentley Green
>ACTUAL money take a second out your day and actually imagine being this fucking retarded.
Anthony Gonzalez
yeah, this is basically what Craig meant. bitcoin isn't anti-banks per se, just against the spawning of money from nowhere. banks will still exist in a bitcoin at scale world but they won't be able to lend more than what they actually have
>banks won't be able to lend more than what the actually have You realize there are bitcoin contracts with leverage already in existence right? You know what BitMex is?
It's keynesian economics, not some evil banking elite conspiracy. Did you people not pay attention in high school? You can buy treasury notes if you really want in on the "racket."
society is a rigged game. You just work and work your life away to make the heirs of the original industrial revolution barons richer. While you work in factories, they sit on beaches, while you eat McDonalds, They eat king crab and steak, while you struggle to own your first home, they own homes they've never even been to.
Cooper Anderson
>IF I UNPLUG DA COMPOOTER MUH BITCONE GOE AWAY Holy shit this might just be the most retarded post I've seen on the entire internet since browsing Jow Forumsbuttcoin in 2013. Bravo , sir.
>Every government on earth is in debt >Citizens have to foot the bill in inflation and interest both compounding each other
>every country claims most of the debt is owned by it's citizens >but every citizen is born out the womb in 50k+ debt from government liabilities
fucking kek. The global economy is one giant MLM scheme, and it's such a maze every country stopped giving a shit about trying to make sense of it or fix it. Only these oil rich small saudi countries have true wealth, assets, investments, savings and positive cash flow. It's no wonder they always trying to overthrow and put in a foreign bank reserve in those places.
Caleb Clark
>Holy shit this might just be the most retarded post I've seen on the entire internet since browsing Jow Forumsbuttcoin in 2013. Bravo , sir. There is nothing wrong with what I said. Buying cryptopiacoins is a shit investment and a smallbrain move
Dominic Parker
This isn't a problem. Hold gold and silver and you're basically outside of the system.