IExec RLC Yellowpill

I'm going to give you everything I know about iExec. Do with it what you will.

> stands for “I Execute”. Headquartered in Lyon, France, the project was created in October 2016.
>It is a spin-off company from INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science.
>The market network will be designed for various participants of the distributed computing ecosystem. It will enable them to do business with each other to better monetize their products and services.
>Each new version of the network will be updated to host new types of participants.
>The market network is to provide its users with a wide range of customers and, consequently, new markets.
> also plans to partner with telecom companies, attracting the latter, among other, with the possibility to halve their infrastructure costs, distributing small data centers along their network point-of-presence
>Full traceability and trust
>Allows to sell trusted computing power to anyone in the world.
>Does computing offchain so it's extremely efficient (not like ETH that gets fucked by a simple cat collecting game).
>Uses PoCo algorithm as consensus, validates the work of other workers so they don't cheat. It's basically like mining but doing useful computations instead of throwing away energy.
>Team composed of brainiacs. CEO has been in cloud computing research for 15 years at least. Other members are pioneers in their fields. Just look them up on their site.
>Partnered with IBM, Intel, TFCloud (multibillion chinese cloud computing conpany), Ubisoft and other multibillion companies.
>Close relations with Huawei, Orange, Alibaba
>Possibly at the ATL ever. Can't go much lower even if BTC falls, the valuation is ridiculously low.
>Already able to buy jobs from robots as a proof of concept(iExec SLAM robots)


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Other urls found in this thread:

>Under ICO price ($0.24)
>If iExec manages to take at least 1% of the cloud computing marketcap it will 312.5x from $0.20.
>Multiple awesome dapps already working( Preparing themselves for a future where AI will rule the world.
>Creating a dApp directly with Intel.
>IBM already running a worker
>Enterprise edition(v3) coming soon, allowing enterprises to begin using iExec.
>80M circulating coins, nicely spread out. Team has 15M tokens for various promotions and events.
>Most coins exist on exchanges and personal wallets.
>Possible that iExec will be used in the backend of major cloud competitors.(Amazon/Google using iExec while still charging front end customers regular prices)
>Will allow sell mining power on V4 without the need to create mining farms on your own.(Mining dApps being built already, Monero specifically)
>In short, iExec allows to sell computing power as a commodity, creating a power war between cloud providers. Some liken it to digital oil.

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>up ~40% already this week, will most likely do another big push upwards due to being undervalued.
>iExec is also able to run on other ecosystems like Cardano, ark, Eos, whatever etc, because it's blockchain agnostic
>can help scale other coins
>For example REQ running on the ethereum blockchain...
>Request plans to offer automated auditing of financial records. This is also an extremely intensive computational process. iExec again provides the offchain solution for this computation—the results of the audit can then be easily transferred to the Ethereum blockchain.
>another example is FLIXX. Flixxo is a dApp that envisions itself as the decentralized YouTube. Because of all the encoding and decoding of videos on the blockchain, it requires an enormous amount of computer power..iExec will allow the platform to do this by providing cloud resources

>Bitcoin smart contracts are possible thanks to RSK-RLC smart contracts

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About v5, iExec's final form, in 2021:

>The goal of this edition is to allow new usage of iExec beyond the Distributed Cloud. This will be a clear step further in Blockchain computing, as DApps will be fully autonomous applications, able to provision resources, data, and applications directly from the blockchain in a fully decentralized way.

>To this end, it’s necessary to integrate several software and protocols that are emerging now, or that may be developed during the course of the project, like devp2p, swarm, uport etc. Combined with a full development of the Proof-of-Contribution, this will open new areas in the field of serverless services, directly hosted on the blockchain. It will also be necessary to design new consensus protocols able to handle the iExec workload. We plan to lead those researches in partnership with recognised research labs in Europe and in China.

>This will open the Market Network to new applications specifically deployed on iExec to take advantage of the distributed Cloud: IoT, Fog/ Edge computing, Smart City. For instance, a recent study shows that telecom companies (AT&T, Verizon, Huawei, Orange ...) can halve their infrastructure costs by distributing small data-centers along their network point-of-presence. iExec will be the building block for such approaches.

>As the platform increases in complexity, iExec will provide advanced method for deploying iExec ready DApps, making it the “Heroku/ Docker for blockchain computing”. Thus, new revenue stream will be gained by offering a hassle free deployment and development platform on top of the Market Network.

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fuck off, nobody wants your bags frenchie.

1000$ EOY

fuck you sergey sell your link bags and join the RLClub

1000$ EOY

Dev letter comming tomorrow

Gives me a boner just thinking about it

>About v5, iExec's final form, in 2021
so why not wait until 2021 to buy?

thats all i needed to read. im not getting mozzarella'd again, thanks

>wait until everyone else buys
buy high sell low the biz way

Isn't mozzarella Italian, user?

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are you some kind of actual retard?

you sound like my nocoiner friends -- "ill buy bitcoin when everyone else uses it"

okay bud

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Thanks fellow RLChad

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140 in market cap has me wet thinking about the gains that could come

What's a good amount to hold?



I didn’t think of this. Good point. I’ll pack up until 2021. Thanks for that perspective.

Lol. By the time it is in its final form the money will already be made.

Why not invest in iexec, golem and sonm?

For me, the big boys seem most interested in iExec and from a market cap persepecive it has alot more room to grow.