As an American, how are you supposed to know to do your taxes?

As an American, how are you supposed to know to do your taxes?
Your employer doesn't tell you, nether does public school or any branch of the local, state or federal government you interact with on a regular basis.

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Your parents

Good question. Not even my parents told me I had to do my taxes. I just heard other people talking about them and their refunds and then I had to research it myself. Thanks, 16 years of school, so helpful

It's almost like the system is set up the fuck idiots of their returns

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My high school taught me.

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>It's almost like the system is set up the fuck idiots of their returns

That's going to backfire big time in the technological era where your Pokemon pets might be worth several grand.

Income tax is voluntary.

you dont. the Feds will notify you that you missed filing your taxes. from then on, you will know to do your taxes.

Literally zero skill required; just hit the next button a few times and collect about $3,000

>Your employer doesn't tell you
They literally do when you receive your W-2 / 1099
That said, the government receives a copy of all the forms you are sent. They could literally calculate taxes for you, then send you a bill (or check in the case of a refund) with the option to dispute. Companies like H&R block and TurboTax hire lobbyists to stop this from happening because filing taxes is too lucrative of a business.

You're supposed to pay an accountant $50. It's a huge industry. They lobby hard to keep people ignorant and make the process excessively tedious.

>Companies like H&R block and TurboTax hire lobbyists to stop this from happening because filing taxes is too lucrative of a business.

Well they are in luck because crypto fucks with this entire scheme. No W-2 No 1099. Huge gains, Some idiot who messed around with smart contracts one day makes a viral dapp and that's that...

That's the point. The IRS is designed to assrape you and catch you slipping, not help you.

You have to pay taxes on cypto

The funniest part is that the IRS has all of your financial transactions from your credit cards, electronic stocks trades, wire transfers, all of it. And yet they make you report that information to them despite them already having it, and if your information is slightly incorrect they audit and fine you even though they could have just verified the info yourself and taxed/refunded you accordingly.

>You have to pay taxes on cypto

My point was that

> Well they are in luck because crypto fucks with this entire scheme.

In other words the government cant just do your taxes for you. Not unless you opt in to some kind of automatic system were you report your wallets ahead of time maybe.

Also lol, now that the government is back again you suddenly see IRS shills on here magically! Where you guys been? Did you finally get your pay checks? HAHA

On average, people tend to overpay on tax and get refunds rather than have to pay additional tax. If you overpaid on taxes and never file a return, the government just keeps the extra and doesn't mention it to you. You'll hear about it though if you underpay and don't file.

The Jews are so devilish

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Literally this

>If you overpaid on taxes and never file a return, the government just keeps the extra and doesn't mention it to you
>government just keeps the extra
You are still entitled to that money, if you file within 3 years you can still get it back.

keep your bank account under $9999.99 and tell everyone you'r a studen

Turbotax you stupid kid

I like TaxAct better.

Read the instructions to the 1040 dumb dumb idiot head

As a brit how are you supposed to know to get a tv loicence?

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Why do we even loan the government money interest free?

Withholding and estimated tax laws legally obligate us to?

I'd let the government chemically sterilize me if it meant I didn't have to pay for schools I don't use.

Because you're either too lazy or too dumb to pay what you owe and only what you owe.

The Federal Reserve is not a government entity. Realize that they and the IRS were created in 1913.

The Federal Reserve is not a singular entity at all. It's a system composed of multiple entities, with the top level being the government appointed board of governors and the bottom level being completely private banks that people actually use.

But I got hacked and my Monero got stolen. Can I claim it as a loss to offset any gains?

>with the top level being the government appointed board of governors
fuck off shill

Stating facts is shilling now?

The Federal Reserve is a scam. It's a private bank that took over money creation in 1913. Constitutional money is created by Congress, not a private institution. Most of the income tax goes to pay for the interest on this created money. The IRS is just the enforcement branch. Then look into fractional reserve lending and see how you are further getting fucked by big banks.

if you think the government controls the Federal Reserve then you are either a shill or retarded. Take your pick.

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This is false on multiple levels. It's not a private bank, it's authority is derived by an act of Congress, the last time I checked less than 10% of the national budget went to interest payments, and profits get remitted back to the Treasury anyway.

Or just not a conspiracy nut.

what game is it?

you get that from CNN or snopes?

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Neither. Where do you get your info, "the creature from jekyll island" or some gold-shill site?

>it's authority is derived by an act of Congress
You word this to imply that its power is based on Congress, when you know and mean that its power was given to it by Congress and they no longer need Congress.

>It's not private
It makes money for its owners. No one is allowed to know who those owners are.

>profits get remitted back to the Treasury anyway.
I missed this juicy one, it's a flat-out lie. The shareholders of the Federal Reserve get profits. We are not allowed to know who they are. Ron Paul pushed for them to get audited not to know what the money situation is, those audits already happened, his audit demands were to know who were the Shareholders that received 10% of the United States Budget in profits every year.

>when you know and mean that its power was given to it by Congress and they no longer need Congress.
Congress could alter or eliminate the Fed at any time if they really wanted to, and they continue to confirm the board of governors selected by the President.
>It makes money for its owners.
It makes fixed dividend payments regardless of income, with excess going right back to the Treasury.
>No one is allowed to know who those owners are.
Everyone knows who they are. In the sense that the Fed has 'owners', they are the member banks. Member banks are required to buy shares in their regional federal reserve bank (e.g. New York).

>I missed this juicy one, it's a flat-out lie.
It isn't.
>The shareholders of the Federal Reserve get profits
They get fixed dividends as required by law.

Ron Paul is a loon as the Audit the Fed proposal is misnamed nonsense designed to reduce Fed independence. Considering these guys can't even keep the government open, do you really want them handling monetary policy?

Stellaris with a mod. Not worth your time.

Thanks user, you just sent my back to my childhood.

Thanks for clearing all that up. I feel much better about paying my taxes now. You guys are doing a great job. God bless.

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youtube tutorial

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Basically if you are too dumb to not know how to do your taxes, you're too dumb to owe anything to the IRS.


You get your 1040 and follow the instructions. It's only addition and subtraction, the easiest form to fill out.