How fucked am I?
Seriously about to freak out.
How fucked am I?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is what happens when you use unauthorized exchanges. You have to use coinsquare, the only banking aka maple-jew approved exchange.
>will keep you updated as we know more
They have no idea what is going on
You're fucked.
You're at the "fucked by four horses" level of fucked.
how much do you have on the exchange user?
also a canadafag
Forgot the pic
lmao im the guy spamming their subreddit. Got shit stuck trying to cash out.
>down for maintenance
>as we know more
that is not a phrase you normally use for anything but the most emergency clusterfuck maintenance. Your money is gone. Sorry OP.
OP dont worry too much. Exit scam is unlikely since there JUST was a court order few days ago (it had all the share holders names) and its a profitable business with not much overhead cost so an exit scam doesn't make sense. Bankruptcy is unlikely because funds can't be frozen 30 days after a CEO's death. worst case scenario it is bankruptsy/insolvency which will be a long process but people with completed fiat withdrawals should be fine because there still that 20 million that exists and they can't dissappear with it.
my guess is Cottens wife (the wife of the CEO who died in fucking india) wants to cash out his shares/stack of crypto.
That hoe is dumb. She isn't getting shit. Other situation could be "oh cotten died, we dont have the access to the cold wallet whoops sorry" but kinda doesnt make sense because quad has been running after cotten died, they probably refilled the hot wallet during this time.
his death is also shady in terms of timing and place too. like wtf.
Why is leaf land so incompetent in everything they do?
Sketchy for sure. What CEO opens a orphange out of country randomly when they faced with so much stress, plus on top of that never posted about it once even for good publicity. Also no death certificate/obiturary lul.
Yeah its shady but hes death is real. There was a court order. He could be faking his death or his wife killed him.
all they had to do was trust CZ
Its a fiat exchange numbnuts.
well I guess I won't ever see my 70k leafbucks ever again
I'm not surprised he "died" in India... It's the world's easiest place to get forged documents with a little money. There is unironically a documentary exactly on that. I think it was done by CBC
>Bankruptcy is unlikely because funds can't be frozen 30 days after a CEO's death
you people are so fucking stupid
what do you even need that shit for? you can't cash out of crypto idiot. no wonder you leafs got scammed.
FOUND IT. Not from cbc actually.
Yeah, this shows how crypto is still literally in its infancy and BTC 100k confirmed next bull-run.
Regardless, I don't understand anyone who had most of their funds inside of a minor exchange. I'm sure that for you leafs there was convenience here but you have to hedge against exchange risk. Keep most of your funds inside the top exchanges like Binance and BitMEX. Then second category are well developed exchanges with a reputation to protect like bitfinex and kraken. And at the bottom of the shit tier list are small convenient exchanges like this.
It had a very good reputation throughout 2014-17
it was only in 2018 when its funds were frozen by CIBC did things go downhill.
maybe the CEO said fuck it and faked his own death to run off with the crypto part of the business.
CEO faked his death and his wife is in on it so she can escape to some third world beach and live off the hidden funds they stashed away. Y'all Canada dry fags are fucked
>It had a very good reputation throughout 2014-17
Sure but kraken had much more volume and more reputation, as did many other exchanges. No excuse to have the bulk of your portfolio here, sorry.
krakens prices were lower by a couple percent. so during the bullrun people cashed out on quadriga to get the better price.
and because fiat withdrawls were limited, the orderbook started to reflect that by being 8% higher then spot price. it attracted arbitragers for a while. but when even they couldn't get fiat out, the flow reversed.
quadriga is a story of greed and ignorance in some ways.
Not only Canada is fucked... The same company they were dealing with for all things related with money is the same company dealing with Bitfinex. If they are exit scamming then Bitfinex will be declaring bankruptcy too. I'll be pulling out immediately mark my words; I'm just waiting to see what happens rn
Pulling out all crypto funds* luckily I never got to fund substantial amounts with Quadriga
I have usd on quadriga am I fucked too?
yes, its the entire site mate
Use shakepay my fellow leaffags
Never any problems.
Shameless referral link, get $10 when you spend $100 ;^)
Your a retard
Some reddit tough guy is threatening to dox me for trolling the subreddit. I actually have money in this POS exchange.
Rip my $10,000 oh well it's not life changing.
This POS exchange cost me so much money. Fuck them!