Current price: $0.11

Current price: $0.11

Srsly congratz on this.
No really.

Attached: 0xbtcc.png (209x241, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This will moon eventually. This is Jow Forums's coin other than link.

The most unironically useless coin. I can literally make any other erc token and it has the same use


shit copycat dumbfuk-attracted token go kys kek

you mean usd
$ isn't a currency

You deserve this

Oh...that thing is still alive?....

Been watching this shit.

Remember when it "dipped" to $4 "support"?

You absolute brainlets

I wish I could say I'm still buying, but DEXes got nuked.

It will be absolutely stupid if a token this genius doesn't moon again, but I guess we'll find out next bull. If we make it to that point without being sub-penny prices.

this is the true bitcoin

still accumulating

such is life

>If we make it to that point without being sub-penny prices.

This, it needs to survive until the next hype, then we are safe. If 0xBTC had come out just a few months earlier we would have easily seen prices of $50+.

so what you're saying is it's dead and has no chance of survival got it

Is this the most pageet poorfag povertycoin on biz?

Basically yes

No, this is biz’s stereotypical scamcoin. Created by biz to scam other people on biz. Truly an art of genius and it worked. The problem is a lot of you brain dead bag holders didn’t sell when it hit almost $5. Now it’s dead forever, and nothing will change that.

Look at the hashrate graph you geniuses

I am buying all of it, stop reminding people.

Everybody calls this coin useless. Weird thing is everycoin in crypto is useless. What gives /biz why the unfair assesment on this particular coin?

>Hey guys. Lets make a copy of Bitcoin which is the oldest and most outdated blockchain technology in existence and then pretend its a new coin.
>But lets not make it its own independent blockchain. Because we are lazy pajeets we will only make it as an ERC20 token so that it is also dependent on another network to function.
>Then lets also keep the mining stuff so that the network will waste more electricity and because we do not know how to remove the mining out of the old bitcoin code. We will simply call it a feature.
>Finally lets shill it on the basis of "muh equality" on a racist water boiling forum that really hates social justice warriors and everything assiciated with them.

Attached: a9f084a7f5fee0025218fd9f871ef58060b26c61_hq.jpg (800x600, 69K)

Literally dozens of paneers can't be wrong. It might even moon all the way back up to $0.20 some day because they keep shilling.

Shhhhhhh. No one understands the correlation between hashrate, emission rate, and future price.

Unironically, yes. The 0xBTC "dev" has moved on to a few other ERC20 copy and paste jobs of other top coins. It was a brilliant paneer strategy that made him money, but left anyone stupid enough to buy it holding his bags.

And the bag holders will hodl forever, thinking it'll one day get to $20k just because it has BTC in the name.

>guys look at me, i'm completely retarded which i will present in those arguments i pulled out of my ass

I will sell for 100$ in 2022.

Post proof of that please

The original token covering the use case gaps between holo and link

The humble, meek, savior of Ether

The most enduringly FUD'able contract

i keep it as a reminder to take profits on a shitcoin when you have them. bought in for around 10 cent and hodled through a 46x and back down to break even. form $80, to $3.5k, back to $80. the biz way

Ok here's what nobody sees

ICO's are fucked, we all know it. KYC/AML compliance procedures cost fortunes and essentially destroy the ability to launch before it even happens. STO's are not going to be the solution because they still abide by securities law and therefore are going to suffer (just as IPO's have in recent years)

0xBTC introduces a new method of acquiring seed money and distributing a token to potential investors, fairly and without the need for abiding by normal security laws (even if your token would otherwise do so in an ICO)

Allow me to explain by quoting the Howey test
>Under the Howey Test, a transaction is an investment contract if:

>It is an investment of money
>There is an expectation of profits from the investment
>The investment of money is in a common enterprise
>Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party

So how does 0xBTC get us around this? It has created the "Initial Mining Offering" or "IMO"
>But user how does an IMO get us around security laws?

Look at the first rule of the howey test
>It is an investment of money
If you are using electricity and graphics cards (or ASICs) to create the asset, then it is not a direct investment of money. And therefore, it completely alleviates the need for expensive security compliance for a startup looking to launch a token.

People will be able to launch tokens and receive 0xBTC (via the merge mining of their token alongside 0xBTC, with the 0xBTC going into a dev account as their token is mined), a pre-determined percentage of their own coin as it gets mined (just like an ICO), and distribute the new token to investors in a way that is not only fairer but 100% guaranteed to keep the SEC out of your business.

The SEC is gonna twist itself in knots when companies that would otherwise be miserable failures of the howey test and violations of security law get by because they were distributed in a way that makes them a digital asset/commodity and 100% not a security

the Game Theory is genius and they don’t want lads accumulating it.

No matter how hard you try, you will never convince /biz that 0xBTC is a good investment. All that you typed above is nothing but jibberish to the majority of them. Please consider talking about 0xBTC on other forums instead. I am certain we will prevail in a few years. Stay engaged in the community 0xBro

Proof is in the contract is it is locked and the token only copies the statistics BTC has. It's not Bitcoin. It's a better functioning version of it. Inflation is common for new coins like this. Where was Bitcoin when 3,000,000 coins were mined? It sure as hell wasn't $3,500 a coin. Unfortunately, it won't move until Ethereum does.

When Bitcoin was as old as 0xBTC it wasn't even on an exchange yet.

I remember when the jeets were saying "buy now or stay poor".
Who is the poor now huh? jeets got buttfucked by an early miner with a GPU farm.

Attached: 589746631.jpg (960x540, 94K)

Shut it down!

Attached: 20190122_210627.jpg (2048x1152, 504K)



I can't wait until 0xBTC makes its way to the top 10. Thanks Jow Forums for informing me about this special token.

Attached: IMG_7074.png (770x415, 314K)

>Hashrate of dead, unprofitable scamcoin
Nobody cares. Bunch of fucking losers wasting their electricity bill on a scam. WoooWwwwwweeEEEeeeeee EVERYONE'S GOING TO WANT 0x on the BTC chain on ETHEREUM mining coin soooo fucking useful let me tell my boomer parents and see how impressed they are.

You literally can't wait, because that will never happen.

Because it's not only useless, but it literally does nothing to stand out in the marketplace. It's just a copy and paste knockoff of a more successful product. It's the crypto equivalent of knockoff "Addidass" shoes you buy at a flea market.

>cries out as he strikes you

Did you dumb fucks even comprehend what I said earlier? You faggots are wannabe moonbois that will absolutely never make it.

Well, the major problem with the whole calling it a scam is that the contract is immutable, readable, and there is no gimmick to it. The contract itself proves it isnt a scam, literally. Does it have any use case other than potentially being a store of value on ETH? No, no it doesnt but it can interact with smart contracts and dapps. It has every benefit of ETH and none of the downsides of BTC. Its, in a word, "idealistic" but without any major financial backing the project will most certainly fall into obscurity within a few years. The only people actually selling it are miners, the FPGA kind. Its on the worst exchanges currently and that doesnt seem like its going to change any time soon. At these prices, it would be foolish to not at least hold 1,000 of them as suicide insurance.

It’s unironically bullish that the price is collapsing. Fair distribution is this tokens selling point. miners dumping the tokens is good for distribution in the long run.

It's a scam because it isn't pumping and making ou rich. It needs to be added to Dapps that use Ethereum. If this came out in 2016, it'd be around Monero's price today. We're in a bear market and mining cryptocurrencies is turning to staking cryptocurrencies. Bad timing is all that this one had to deal with. It's not the only token that is experiencing being down.
0xBitcoin is a faster implentation of Bitcoin on Ethereum. Maybe if we had some amazing dapps it would be used. If you want to make money, this is not your coin. It's not happening right now.

These anons can't comprehend a single factual thing that was stated in this entire thread. Muh scam, issa scam. You guys are going to be wage cucks for life. I invite anons to do research on this special token. No ico, no premine, no instamine. So far it's asic resistant. Only mineable using gpu,cpu, and fpga's.


I just loaded up 5000 0xBItcoins

Thansks, FPGA cucks

You know I was defending it? Lava wallet is smart. Exactly what should be done. Pay to send tokens and you have someone else pay the gas fee, accepting erc20 tokens in exchange for paying using their ETH.

Lel i saw you spamming the mercatox chatbox asking miners to dump this jeet coin

Did they dump ittt?


and ive had my suspicions that lots of anons are actually mining 0xBTC with their gaming computers for a long time.
i know i am just for the sake of feeling like i am an early BTC miner - since i missed out on the legacy version

You fucking retards. I was here when this was invented and in the original discord, and every loser in there including the devs were talking about how they were going to get rich shilling this on biz and Reddit. That was the original purpose of this shittoken, and that's all it will EVER be. That's why it's a SCAM, and that's why you guys have sub 60 IQ and are still bag holding instead of cutting your losses.
>Muh contract
Your contract to be eternally poor. Congrats.

imagine being this assmad over a fucking smart contract

>holy. fucking. shit.

Your mother is a scam.

Prove it

Hashrate and price dropping = fuck all man.
If it was hashrate increasing and price rising, we'd be bullish.
But the hashrate increasing, could just be a temporary move by miners to generate stable profits short term by dumping them on the exchange .

What's bad about abiding be security law though?

This is absolutely not true. The community despises biz for the most part and the devs rushed to upgrade the security on their website once biz found out about it. Go to the discord and mention biz if you don’t believe me.

I mean you think somebody actually came up with a name 0xBTC for a legit project? Haha

Wow! Most people holding this have a few dollars invested into it, literally chump change and you worry about people pennies.
Wow just wow!

You call that proof? Weak fud.