Literally zero way to prove that you sent or received grin

>literally zero way to prove that you sent or received grin
Their solution: ask the counterparty nicely “well did you receive my grins?”

how did the devs not think that this would become an issue prior to mainnet, I’m losing faith here please help

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You were dumb enough to buy Grin. i feel no empathy for you.

A whole coin based on
>Sent ;)
Nice scam that you was almost made me buy...


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Digital Runescape gold

KEK the retards are finally realizing why it took 5+ years for monero to get to where it is today... privacy is complicated

It just makes me angry how much thought they put into basically creating a new coin with all the latest features and no one put much thought into the usability or economics or ask the simplest questions first reeeeeee

This is part of the struggles of being an early adopter of experimental tech, hopefully you didn't FOMO in like other retards did.

Sub $1 is the appropriate price for this until the ecosystem and coin gets developed a bit more.

audibly keked

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Economics of it are fine as it's meant to be a coin used for spending rather than for storing value. Useability will come with time as more people understand the tech/code/etc and develop around it.

But for what it is right now there's zero reason for it be worth even 10% of what it is currently and the only reason why it's popular right now is for GPU miners to dump.

Sent! ;)

>>>Tfw grin is a stupid project

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This who buys something with tech called “mimble wimble” kek

why don't you do some research on how grin transactions work? might be a good place to start.

there also isn't any way to send Grin to an address, like literally every other coin. instead, you have to send to an IP address, meaning the person you're sending to has to be able to run the wallet server and open up ports to the net (lol). Or you send a transaction FILE by some side channel like EMAIL. This is supposed to be a PRIVACY COIN!

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Unlimited supply hype coin

mimblewimble is a NSA honeypot. the protocol was anonymously dropped into IRC. Everyone likes to speculate bitcoin was an NSA invention but satoshi actually caught them by suprise with it. This was their response. Any of the 'OG bitcoiners' who are shilling this glow in the dark. Actually a handy way to flush them out.

Attached: glow-in-the-dark.jpg (802x854, 203K)

what do you mean glow in the dark?

they are CIA niggers

I don't know, I'm a brainlet, but I made profits trading this. i was thinking to sell all at 240,000 sats but here it is at 27 again. same with bean. I made 10K outta thin air