I don't understand why more women don't milk betas online? There are so many ways to make money. You can play video games while being dressed as a whore. You can talk politics by parroting Jow Forums and the Alt Right. You can do ASMR and just speak softly to a microphone. Why don't more women do this? Why do they waste time getting a job?
Why don't more women do this?
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look on twitch right now and you'll see thousands of streamers a lot of them girls with less than 50 viewers. The ones you see are the lucky ones in a saturated market.
Lmao what was the name of that one chick who was female Jow Forums? She got banned from YouTube and I forgot her name.
This cant be real wtf
No wonder most western females are spoiled kids
Most women still milk betas offline
Women are just laggards and dont realise they can up their game by going web
Good for her. Cucks can't be saved.
Lauren Southern?
No she had black hair and she was obsessed with hitler
Female wagecucking is blue, basically jew, pilled
E-thotting is a little better but as bad in the big picture
Being a housewife and raising 5 little copies of you is redpilled.