Quant is the Chad chain

I humbly propose that there is really only 2 crypto investments you need to make.

1. Bitcoin.

2. Quant. (Because its gonna ride over all your substandard shitty chains, whatever you build Quant will run over your bitch chain.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-01-29 at 19.19.32.png (388x381, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: chat_qnt.png (740x445, 238K)

Calling all Quantards. It’s your moral duty to shill Quant and spread awareness. Don’t be lazy. Every little helps. Biz, Plebbit, Titter, YouNoob or whatever. Go.

fuck off pajeet shillers
QNT doesn't need your filthy little discord groups, it shills itself

Attached: 1548097872996.png (693x459, 730K)

You’re literally retarded, newfag.

Meanwhile nobodys buying the turd on idex.

´Waiting for better market conditions to reveal the top 10 exchanges´.

One month later drops digifinex and idax while bitcoins at the bottom again.

It’s at ATH high on IDEX you stupid cunt and the volume has increased over the last 24-48 hours. If you don’t believe in the project get the fuck out of this thread and send your energy elsewhere.

>believe in the project get the fuck out of this thread and send your energy elsewhere.
>send your energy elsewhere
AHAH. Fuck off leech, whenever I post anything that might warrant an answer I get ignored. Yet there's always pigs like you eager to shill and get to work just to flip shit and lure idiots with no regard about anything, I admire your ability to silence your consciousness, to sleep sound at night living this life (if you can sleep soundly with such a dirty soul).
Do your own needful alone, hippie scumbag.

God you fucking noobs are annoying with your constant whining about exchanges. That’s all you fucking whine about. As if every fucking coin listed on Binance guarantees the price to rise. Mooning quite moonly alone on IDEX thanks very much. Just because you’re too stupid to use IDEX like the rest of the noobs.

What’s your question that you are too retarded to find an answer for?

>whenever I post anything that might warrant an answer I get ignored

Says more about you, than anything else to be honest.

Fake promises make no friends shillerani.

Can't wait for you fags to defend UKcloud when ´one of the biggest´ clouds is announced.

Gilberts is a master at using ´one of the´.

Overledger is being used by the Australian fucking government via AUCloud you fuckwit. Sorry that’s not good enough for you

Open Energy


"We're building a new upstream Power Exchange. Allowing for closed P2P Power networks (like powerledger) to cross-exchange on a new Power Exchange with all the other P2P Power networks"

- Gilbert

Pic related.

Attached: A0BD6EA8-A653-419C-A388-B9546BFC2028.jpg (539x127, 18K)

Australia connection.

Pic related.

Attached: EA44BB41-20C5-47EE-B673-78D3479B246B.jpg (720x613, 185K)

I do not have one now, I do not care either, I just occasionally try to discuss shit for the sake of the community™. I got my shit off IDEX after following the news for a bit and can fuck back off forever, thank you.

OK thanks for your contribution. If you want to discuss things, I suggest goin to the telegram and speaking with other members or emailing the quant team directly.

"Muh exchanges" is not the pump trigger it was a year or two ago. Quant is leading the way as a new breed of project. It's going to the top 10 based on real suit-wearing legitimacy. IDEX is a fucking brilliant exchange, anyway. As if QNT hasn't comfortably 20x in ETH on there since august LOL and pajeets still think MUH binance is somehow important.

Good riddens, They are becoming the new powerledger now as well haha.

Hot air.

Delusional tellies

This comment made me do a big belly laugh, cheers

What I don't get is if this project is so great and talking to governments and big businesses, why is he leaking details about it? What big startup that gets access to big time players has to leak stuff? Seems overly shilly and not very professional so makes me question the project honestly.

Hes either a liar and its all a scam. Or its not. You decide.


Pic related.

Attached: DmzpAhCXsAA0Z6f.jpg (597x1150, 87K)

He's not "leaking", he's telling people what he can tell them. That's not a leak. He's allowed to say certain things and not allowed to say other things.

A leak implies *unauthorised* reporting of something. fucking lol

Oh its you again. Mr "Hot Air". Told you yesterday to sell your bag of 1000. If you dont believe, then sell and move on. Instead youre still holding 1000 QNT "just in case", but not really helping by spreading the same shit about "muh hot air".

Fuding your own investment is generally not a good idea. If you have concerns, open a discussion in the TG channels.

Does Gilbert know pajeets are larping as him to promote this pnd scam? Does he know his name is on this project?

Ok why are they so interested in Quant? What makes it so great?