Do you realize how pathetic you seem to a European?
American dream: wagecuck for 20 years to afford a big flammable cuckshed made of termite food
Other urls found in this thread:
>be wagie yurocuck
>make much less than an average american
>pay 50% in taxes
cant make it up
Well in comparison to a small flammable cuckshed it seems fine.
Based and stonepilled
Amerifat here. Our homes unironically suck. Check out new construction and the price their charging for actual garbage.
These buildings are built fast and cheap,they have absolutely no longevity. All the construction materials are shit, thinnest drywall, plastic/carpet flooring, out of square everything, shitty tile jobs, no insulation, etc.
Don't be a retarded boomer and buy one of these piles of shit. Demand better housing.
Not even real pieces of wood, but fucking woodchips glued together?
kys commie
>Demand better housing.
that's not how it works. you get what you pay for if you are educated about building and if you specify it. if you buy into a shitty development you deserve what you get. new construction in europe is... wood. sometimes formed concrete which is actually inferior to wood construction in terms of Rvalue despite having two continuous layers of insulating material. those are strong as fuck but since hurricanes are not a concern it remains a sub optimal choice. for residential construction you get the most for your money with wood construction, proper design AND implementation of control layers, and continuous unbroken insulation layer with a sane glazing ratio and good glass. that can get you to sub net zero consumption if you hire the best, or very near to it if you hire people who know what the fuck they're doing. people are pretty fucking stupid on this board on this topic though.
Construction engineer here.
1st point I'd like to make is you mainly pay for the land and not the house on it. Empty lots or abandoned cucksheds in Palo Alto are selling for 2 million dollars.
The 2nd point I'd like to make is houses are purposely built of popsicle sticks like this because many of these areas are prone to natural disasters. It's much easier and cheaper to build and then rebuild a house like this 2 or 3 or 4 times using the homeowners insurance payout than to build a single one from cinder block or brick. Cheaper in the long run, and homeowners insurance companies have a much easier time shilling you insurance when you live in a paper house instead of a concrete one
that material is very good when used properly... god you are an ignorant dumbfuck
>new construction in europe is... wood
Concrete blocks, more durable, better insulation.
In Europe generaly houses are seen as something that should last, since your kids will inherit it.
>Demand better housing
Not actual demands, no actual forcing, but don't opt for sub-optimal housing. Change the tides of the market.
Yes, wood housing (((can))) be okay if you have a builder worth their salt. But generally this is not what's being built/what people are buying because no one understands what the difference is between a shitty stick house and a good stick house.
Not entirely true. A lot of European countries are experimenting with modern wood building techniques for environmental reasons but the aim is still to make long lasting buildings your children will inherit.
bullshit! muh 1million dollars wood shit house...
if its not tankproof and cost 1mill plus you guys are doing something wrong.
>that material is very good
Very good compared with what?
The cardboard and popsicle sticks you usually build your houses out of? Ok, fine.
But certainly not compared with steel or masonry,
I'm checking new projects around my city and the best I can find as far as wood goes it this house with some wood paneling.
I see people in American movies hitting their fists through walls etc.
This baffled me for a while because Americans are statistically weaker than europeans (higher bodyfat, less muscles) but later in life realized because the walls are made of something like cardboard-type of substance so even the weakest cucks can smash their houses into pieces in fits of rage. Here in Europe you would ony break your fist to pieces while trying to hit a wall
Even concrete homes become obsolete over time mostly because of functional depreciation. Trends and styles change over time especially for a typical median priced home
>not buying a Honda Fit then folding a queen size memory foam mattress in half running diagonally and tucked behind front passenger seat that’s moved all the way forward during sleep mode then tinting and installing rain guards on windows to crack them at night incognito, parking at 10pm in an apartment complex like you live there and sleeping and waking up 5am to the elements comfy and redpilled and manly, pissing in the cup then dumping out the door, driving to your favorite breakfast spot for some coffee and and taking a shit, renting small storage unit, opening P.O. box, working out and showering at the gym doing leg day by climbing 11 flights of stairs in office building then taking elevator down doing two sets per day twice per week, driving full time as a courier bringing people food making $1,000 per week (save for taxes) and paying off the Fit within a year while building credit and saving up for a down payment on a house to raise a big family in or paying cash for a trade school that will let you weld or do pdr work anywhere in the country that pays well and having the freedom to get up and travel anywhere in the U.S. at any time and not having a boss
why even live, apartment cucks?
Why are you fellow Amerifats defending our objectively inferior building methods?
The house your boomer parents bought likely sucks. The house you're renting currently likely sucks. This doesn't mean your next purchase has to suck.
Don't buy mass-produced, cardboard houses.
ITT: a yurofag French faggot mutt that doesnt own a house
So we should continue to build teardowns because
>well housing tastes change, so what's the point of building quality
you fucking brainlet
Maybe it doesn't happen that much in France but especially nordic and baltic countries are going through a boom in wood construction at the moment.
Why even reply to that 12 year old? French faggots can't even afford houses.
OK mate reread my 1st point. The reason that 6 bedroom 4 bathroom house is less than a million is because of the location. That same house in California would be 5 million.
Another point is just because they sell the house for a million does not mean it costs a million to build. The materials for that 1 million dollar house probably cost less than 100k.
Im telling you it's all about insurance. They don't bother building a solid house that will never fall apart when it's cheaper to rebuild the house again from popsicle sticks using insurance money
There's nothing more pathetic than feeling superior to Americans because houses you don't live in are made of muh rocks lmfao
yeah, like this
They build wood houses like fucking tanks out of wood. Amerifat wood houses are soooo far from being on this level it's insane you would even try and compare them.
>higher bodyfat, less muscles
Lmao you need less hollywood. Higher bodyfat = more muscles. Fatasses are constantly carrying 10-20lbs of fat on each limb like a weight. Not that it's good for people to be obese but you're delusional if you think scrawnyness makes you stronger.
Absolute braindead.
Enjoy your retarded boomer house just like your retarded boomer parents did, friendo.
Keep on going to your weekly fine dining night at Olive Garden, or maybe even Chili's. You're really living the true american life.
Wood building in scandinavia is pretty traditional, they have done that way for centuries. Talking about a "boom" isn't very honest.
Is that how you are coping that my family house is older than your country ?
Lmfao that house costs probably like several million dollars because it's in switzerland. Also the Swiss aren't nords you dumb ass. Imagine unironically bragging about houses you're too poor to live in lmfao
>Muh yuropiss IQ
new houses have a internal fire suppression system user. fires are quite rare nowadays.
>Parents house
Lmfao Everytime. Of course it's your family's house and not your house, because you're 15
>Trends and styles change over time especially for a typical median priced home
The attitude you'd expect from a citizen of a country that gave the world the shopping mall.
Don't build anything to last, just build cheap teardowns to keep up with trends.
Most of the western world has evolved to live in modern homes. Enjoy your box made of rocks and mud.
No, because I live in the city and own a condo, unlike renting amerifats. Why don't you go suck your slumlord's dick, retard ?
Yeah bro I'll enjoy my cheap wooden house and low population density and my delicious fettuccini Alfredo and breadsticks u sure owned me *slurps leftover pasta in wooden house*
No i have seen it there was this almost anorexic old man in my town and some american tourists, grown up men started to pick on him and he said lets wrestle I saw this old 60-year old guy very anorexic only skin and bones and he won the 3 american obese men in wrestling match, americans have no strength
Your mom's apartment*
French homo, not even your boomers can afford to own a house in your faggot nigger infested country
also this old man he is known to be a very weak around here, even litte european children could rob him if they wanted but the american tourist all got beaten up by this old man who was weakest here
>Wood building in scandinavia is pretty traditional, they have done that way for centuries. Talking about a "boom" isn't very honest.
How come? During the 50s-2000s period wood was not used in building commieblocks where most of the population live but it has gained a ton of popularity lately. Also the wooden buildings they are making now are really far away from the traditional ones.
You did it friend. You became the ideal American. Eat shitty food, buy shitty products, live in a paper home, work a shitty job, 0 aspirations.
Absolute based a burgerpilled. You sure showed me who's the dumb one here.
this house looks very comfy
would love to live in there
>this level of cope
S E E T H I N G mutt, are you mad you got btfo earlier ?
It's not that exceptional to own property here, unlike in the US apparently
>Construction engineer here.
>It's much easier and cheaper to build and then rebuild a house like this 2 or 3 or 4 times using the homeowners insurance payout than to build a single one from cinder block or brick.
Could you build a hurricane proof house that is still aesthetically pleasing if funds weren't that much of an issue?
I doubt most of the population live in commieblocks, and I'm pretty sure individual houses in scandi have never been build massively in concrete.
But for real, america is a shithole. I'd never buy a house here unless it was for profit speculation. It might be a 6,000 sq foot mcmansion but it's made out of plywood and located in a fucking suburb around a walmart and a stripmall and a highway. At least euro cities are worth living in, they're beautiful and designed for humans, not cars. america you go from wageslave box to a metal cage to another box with nothing but a shitty desolate road of potholes and nothingness in between.
It's easier to rack up big money savings here, though, and that's the only benefit. America is somewhere you go to make money, Europe is somewhere you go to live.
U got some data to back that up bro? I'm curious to see how "exceptional" home ownership in the US really is. But keep lying about your mom's condo in the middle of your ISIS infested French fag city
Yep ouch bro I eat Olive garden ouch omg that hurts.. you don't own a house you teen speed and you probably never will. So maybe stop worrying about particle board construction in the US and worry about doing chores around your 64 year old mothers kitchen so she doesn't throw ur ass out
>But keep lying about your mom's condo in the middle of your ISIS infested French fag city
It's okay wagie. You can be wrong. Your way of life is objectively bad. You may like it and that's okay, we don't fault you for being retarded.
Absolute kek.
>teen speed
>64 year old mothers kitchen
Did you not see the 18+ requirements for Jow Forums, friendo? I think minecraft forums are more your speed
You sound like a 19 year old Albanian
I’m an American. Attorney. How the fuck do I leave burgerland. I’m stuck to work Americanfag laws for the rest of my life unless one of my shitcoins take off. RRREEEEEEEE
Of course you could, depending on how strong of a hurricane we're talking about. If it's cat 5 hurricane Katrina type then short of an underground bunker not much will prevent a single family home from collapsing, unless you use some clever designs such as curves and such to ease wind pressure.
But the average hurricanes that come through the southeastern States each season could all easily be built with concrete mat foundation, steel columns in the walls, cinder blocks for exterior walls (then you can put whatever veneer you'd like on the exterior of the cinder block to make the house aesthetic, a lot of people put stucco or siding or fake brick. Concrete floors, hurricane glass in your windows, and you're done. The only difficult part is addressing the roof. In a strong hurricane your roof will likely collapse unless it's concrete flat roof which is ugly. But if just the roof collapses the rest of the house will still stand.
It's not even crazy expensive, I feel like people imagine it's a factor of 10. It's really not. It's about triple, maybe quadruple the cost. The main reason these houses are built with popsicle sticks is time. That does increase by a factor close to 10. And when you're a developer who just bought 70 acres of land and you want to pump out 250 Mcmansions on them with a crew that you're paying 600 bucks an hour for, you don't want a house to take 2 months you want it to take a week.
So you get popsicle stick houses which fall after a hurricane and are rebuilt in a week for 100k
Wow your teen insults might sting if I actually was wageslaving, but alas I'm shitposting on 4chins at 11 AM. I guess you've resorted to dumb Jow Forums memes because you literally can't defend shit. You're a broke French faggot loser with no real estate, and that's a fact
>this clueless burger thinking it's hard to become a homeowner in europe
Personally gf and I put money aside for 4 years and took a 1.2% loan.
Maybe you should try Minecraft so you can build a yourself a house and fantasize about something you'll never own
>France below USA
Ahahahahahhaahahhaa holy shit bro you really owned me hahahahahahahaha omg
Also lol @ Romania. Congrats my dude on your thatched roof cottage in gypsytown
>you teen speed
what the fuck?
>be burger
>never think about Europeans
>be European
>always think about Americans
>the thought of Americans lives rent free inside your average yuropoor while paying rent living in the free world created by Murrica
That's the good thing about America, you'll always own real estate in the mind of some french 14 year old teen
>You're a broke French faggot loser with no real estate, and that's a fact
You can click on ID's to see past posts. I know it's a little different that, but the usernames and ID's work in a similar way.
I'm not french you dolt. I'm american. I just accept that American housing is trash.
>no real estate, and that's a fact
I didn't buy a US home because I'm not retarded. I'm 23 and just finished college, saving my money so I can leave this shithole and live in a country that isn't full of worthless people like you.
>he can't even read a fucking table
I mean to write sped but I got autocorrected
Jow Forums needs a board about houses/interior design
I am commenting on the OP and why it's always a yuro or a yuroboo who complains about american things and not the other way around. If you want to be a yuropeon homosexual since you have such a gay hardon for yurop why don't you just move there
>since you have such a gay hardon for yurop why don't you just move there
>I'm 23 and just finished college, saving my money so I can leave this shithole and live in a country that isn't full of worthless people like you.
Reading comprehension of the average american is just abysmal. Thank you for helping solidify my decisions.
Looks like something a poor person would live in during the 1600s
wood is abundant there and traditional style.
It's probably 400+ yo but given the quality of the building it wasn't poor people
There's a reason all smart people would rather buy used houses instead of building new ones. Newer houses they jew you out of everything with cheaper materials and even narrower driveways.
What the fuck? Buildings made of wood are not houses. That's some third world country shit.
I would love this! It seems to oscillate between Jow Forums, /fa/, and /diy/. I used to see stuff on Jow Forums back in like '13-'14. Sometimes you see home automation stuff on Jow Forums. Would be cool to have a board that covered architecture, homes, home construction, interior design, etc. Probably be a lot of threads about the interior design of bedrooms but that's fine.
I would love it desu.
Thanks user this is immensely beneficial to me.
>tfw you live in a full brick house built in the 30s in America.
>thinks he knows shit
you will remember this post and your post that was quoted five years from now.
Is it comfy ?
How is the insulation ?
What is there to know.
This thread is about America's generally substandard housing. That's a fact, America's housing sucks for the most part. It's cheap and it's big. But the quality is just not there. Getting 'older and wiser' is not going to change this fact.
I will remember this post in 5 years because America's housing will be in the same fucking state as it's always been.
Goddamn. Why does it mean so much to you? Why is it so hard to accept that other countries might do some things better?
Floridanon here. We have concrete houses. Pretty tough.
Do you stick your dick in the drying concrete, Florida Man ?
biggest retard itt. houses have always been constructed by wood in nordic countries. If anything, its concrete buildings that do a comeback
On literal foundations of sand
Leave the police state! You won't know freedom until you leave 'The Freest country in the world'!
Cringe & bluepilled Mutt
thats how they have to be built to withstand earthquakes
No, that would have been a great idea though.
We have to put pilings down super deep, yes.
my boys
europe forever
>not being a white man living in an Adobe home in the American Southwest with a huge yard along the mountains with your Spanish wife and children
do you even Manifest Destiny?
>Live in Adobe
>House becomes a subscription-based model
>Get charged $20k/yr or all your stuff disappears
living in a house build in 1942.
>dat brick doe
Based. American housing isn't all bad.