ITT we run the perfect lemonade stand

ITT we run the perfect lemonade stand

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Alright faggots, what kinda lemon are we buying? What's gonna be the price?

hire jannies, I heard they're doing it for free

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All the profit from this stand should be redistributed. Fuck the 1%, don't wanna be like those greedy assholes

This is now a turnip juice stand

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Pink Lemonade is the real Lemonade.

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Anybody applied for their loicense?
How do you even register a business like that?

Poo in the Loo Lemonade

Keep up the good work, champ.

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if arnold palmers arent on the menu i want nothing to do with you fags

how do you even make lemon juice.
squish some lemons and mix it with water? shits bitter as fuck. do you add artificial sugar?

Well first things first, sack the niglet

We are dropshipping them from China

I already saw this episode of Boondocks

Kevin O Leary said his first ever business was a lemonade stand. He didnt have it in his front yard but in his backyard that backed onto the 9th hole of a golf course. Those thirsty golfers made him the richest kid on the block. Location matters more than anything.

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We need to fix the diversity ratio. We have a niglet, a small jew & a cute Aryan girl, just need to get rid of the regular White kid and replace him with this kid, who let's face it, would probably rather do anything except his current "job".

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jesus fucking savage subhuman pieces of shit

Couple drops of Lysergic acid

50 cents.

It gets put into lemonade coin that is also given to customers who buy. We'll later list it on an exchange.

Don't need a license is it's technically ran by kids for a one day shop as that makes the cops look bad. Get one if a daily thing during the summer.

Yup. Lots of sugar. Makes it extra addictive and makes people want to have more.

Very true. Saw a lemonade stand when doing pizza delivery off a busy street. They were doing crazy good business. Double the sugar is what one of the dads helping out their kid said.

This would help, depends on the neighborhood.

Deep learning IoT Blockchain lemoncoin when?

So we put lemons on the blockchain. Each lemon has its own public key that you can scan with an IoT RFID scanner to determine exactly where it came from and what supply chain processes it has gone through. Each scan is then broadcast to a decentralised global computer so that every miner and node operator can confirm that the lemons are being scanned. The little children are also fitted with IoT devices so that we can track their sales in real time, broadcast it to the blockchain, and keep a permanent, trustless record of every cup of lemonade that is sold.
We will charge $400 per cup, to cover backend costs, and should raise $150 million in ICO funds in order to fund team development.

$400 per cup seems reasonable. Put it in San Fran, Silicon Valley and Manhatten. Add in "helping to raise money for a charitable cause" and donate 1% to a NEET foundation where NEETs are given financial asisstance in exchange for shilling the coin.

>Even the lemonade stands need diversity hires now

I’m going to pretend this is the first post. Fpbp.

Too bad i am currently holding the lemonade patent. I guess youll need to pay me 2% royaltees

*crowd clapping*

Everything about this picture is fake,
And not only that, a whisper of a bygone time

Look at the lemonade stand itself; many boards of wood nailed together
No child in today's society is allowed to play with wood and nails, this is a phenomenon from the 30s and 40s when kids were not as coddled
Look at the setting; a suburban childless wasteland
Far too few cars or people even pass by to make any kind of money in this anonymous sprawling town
Ironically such an exercise today would teach children the way the yuppies of gen x learned; that the way to make money is not through simple hard work, but through some other more nebulous means out there

the kids' faces is when they realize nobody will pay that amount of BTC when they need to pay ten times more for the transaction fee

should have used BSV

Attached: crypto lemonade.jpg (1024x768, 131K)

>s its own public key that you can scan with an IoT RFID scanner to determine exactly where it came from and what supply chain processes it has gone through. Each scan is then broadcast to a decentralised global computer so that every miner and node operator can confirm that the lemons are being scanned. The little children are also fitted with IoT devices so that we can track their sales in real time, broadcast it to the blockchain, and keep a permanent, trustless record of every cup of lemonade that is sold.
>We will charge $400 per cup, to cover backend costs, and should raise $150 million in ICO funds in ord
Unfortunately this is not secure - IoT traffic can easily be spoofed and devices modded to report false sales, making the IoT device a single point of failure, and not trustless.
We need decentralized oracles to make data collection trustless as well - Majority consensus on whether the sale reported by the device is legitimate or not.

Fucking off yourself 4channel stop including this shit in my replies.

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Fire the nigger and profits will increase.

Diversity hire sry bro
Also, I think we should add some_soy into lemonade to fight the toxic masculinity