with unorthodox job applications, its the wild west. you can call about a specific job opening or call any company you want to work or and ask if theyre hiring.
spontaneous offer:
"hi, could i speak to the hiring manager? im just calling to collect come information about your company... im interested in your domain..*insert elevator pitch* do you know of any opening at your company, im really motivated to contribute"
scenario 2: identified ads through web pages"
"hi, my names is x, who am i speaking with?
:not the hiring manager
"could i speak to the hiring manager please"
-this is mf cuntwad
"im calling about a job ad i saw on linkedin which i was very interested in, i was wondering if you had a couple of minutes to spare. im really interested in the possibility of working for your company and just needed sun information to see im a good fit..how i can get started.
-ummmm ok...
"what kind of software do you use?
is this a hands on job, what kind of skills are you looking for, i can do this, i can do that, would this interest you?"
- nice just send your application to the manager of the hiring team
"could i have the managers name and your name, as a reference point?"
-ummm... my name is cuntwad like i said, and the hiring managers name is Simba
"thank you cuntwad, youve been really helpful today, ill be sending my application through to simba"
feed all the information you obtained into your cover letter which you send later, namedrop your two contacts "after my conversation with cuntwad, i am sure that this is a great role for me"
follow up after 8-10 days to ask them if theyve come to a decision. if they say no insist on an internship or say youre flexible on salary.
make 3-10 calls a day, 10 is the gold standard.