Why is applying to jobs so fucking tedious?

Why can’t I just find a job, bros? It seems like 95% of “”””””””””entry level”””””””””” business/finance jobs either want work experience or are commission-based.

I’m considering finding a tutorial for a Python webcrawler that will filter out the garbage and leave me with the most relevant jobs to apply for. Have any of you guys tried this? How did you manage to land jobs fresh out of college?

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Go to a staffing agency

Just got an entry level data analyst job (1st job out of college). 2.0 GPA, no internship. Find a recruiter and do a good job interviewing (lie as needed)

Anything that says 3 years or fewer is fine to apply for, assuming you have something to show for all your time in college like an internship or something.

youll never get a job like that. do the 1 month challenge, for 1 month, you must find any other way of applying except electronically.

where do you live btw?

Do this OP. Let them do the sifting for you.
One you get a job the ball starts rolling and it /should/ become easier to find subsequent jobs.

OP here, sorry for ID change

How do I go about finding a staffing agency or recruiter? LinkedIn?

I was a tard and never got an internship

I live in the southern United States trying to move out west somewhere. I think it’s hurting my chances that I’m not in the area I want to find a job

What's your major? I personally suck at this shit too

the thing tahts hurting your chances is applying online. NO ONE reads your application, no joke. do the exact thing you would do online, except through the phone. MAKE CALLS. no joke

>recruiter [city]
>staffing agency [city]
Call them, see if they want to work with you.
They'll usually do an interview with you, see what you're looking for, your background, etc. Then they'll start emailing/calling you about open positions.

Based advice too
Do something to stand out from the rest of LinkedIn applicants. Calling is definitely a good way to start standing out.

Finance, GL to us both man

So I call about a specific job opening or just call random businesses and ask if they hiring? I’m confused about who you find to call

Ty to both of you, I’ll try these methods

This works. Honestly, he handshake method is still tried and true. Walk in to their office, say “Who’s the man around here?” and make sure you juke any sniveling lackey who tries to block you. I did this once when a woman was the boss and after we joked together for a bit before she eventually let me skip the interview process and I got the job immediately. Just be confident and don’t act like it’s weird what you’re doing. Only beta companies won’t allow this.


with unorthodox job applications, its the wild west. you can call about a specific job opening or call any company you want to work or and ask if theyre hiring.

spontaneous offer:

"hi, could i speak to the hiring manager? im just calling to collect come information about your company... im interested in your domain..*insert elevator pitch* do you know of any opening at your company, im really motivated to contribute"

scenario 2: identified ads through web pages"

"hi, my names is x, who am i speaking with?

:not the hiring manager

"could i speak to the hiring manager please"

-this is mf cuntwad

"im calling about a job ad i saw on linkedin which i was very interested in, i was wondering if you had a couple of minutes to spare. im really interested in the possibility of working for your company and just needed sun information to see im a good fit..how i can get started.

-ummmm ok...

"what kind of software do you use?
is this a hands on job, what kind of skills are you looking for, i can do this, i can do that, would this interest you?"

- nice just send your application to the manager of the hiring team

"could i have the managers name and your name, as a reference point?"

-ummm... my name is cuntwad like i said, and the hiring managers name is Simba

"thank you cuntwad, youve been really helpful today, ill be sending my application through to simba"

feed all the information you obtained into your cover letter which you send later, namedrop your two contacts "after my conversation with cuntwad, i am sure that this is a great role for me"

follow up after 8-10 days to ask them if theyve come to a decision. if they say no insist on an internship or say youre flexible on salary.

make 3-10 calls a day, 10 is the gold standard.

you can do this with every company, but it works best with small to medium companies. the point of using this with big companies is to remind recruiters, who are usually incompetant, about the fact that you applied so they can find your damn application and look at it.

with SME's, you do this thing, you either apply through their portal after doing this or just ask immediately if you can come in for an interview.

my advice is, dont even waste time with big compenies, just dont. if youre going to use linkedin, apply for jobs with no compétition, by using the under 10 feature. if you have a fellow alumni at the company, ask for "opinions" on the company, then ask if theyd be interested in passing on your resume to the hiring manager.

i would about linkedin except for networking. scout for ads on sites that most people do not use, and aim low for your first job. after a year, then think about better options.

This would never work in Germany. I mean, you burgers like this hands on stuff, being mostly manlets in the need for that inflated ego and dude brah behavior, but...this is not a normal thing outside of your cuntry. Please realize this. Finally.

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>Do this OP. Let them do the sifting for you.


Use them to find where jobs are, but apply directly. Otherwise they are going take a huge cut of your pay per hour as commission and screw you out of benefits

yes it would, and i live in europe, right next to you, this was the information provided to me by a recruiter who has 19 years of experience in the industry. fuck off.

No shit. But if they have an established relationship with the company you can get in slightly easier.
Did you stop reading after the first sentence?
>Ocne you get a job the ball starts rolling and it /should/ become easier to find subsequent jobs.
Staffing agencies are to get your foot in the door and career started, then fucking dump them.
Some of them don't even take a cut of your pay, contracts, or exclusivity, they're just given headhunters commission.

So you either are a burger living in a cuntry next to Germany or you behave like a burger. Pathetic nonetheless.

>No shit. But if they have an established relationship with the company you can get in slightly easier.
>get your foot in the door and career started,

Because they are usually shit jobs. Good companies would rather hire you directly and only go to staffing agencies because they can't find any qualified applicants.

If a company would rather you go through a temp it's because they have no intention of keeping you or it's a shit job with high turnover rates.

>implying all recruiter-found jobs are temp positions and are shit jobs
Maybe I, and many of my classmates, have gotten lucky and worked with a decent recruiter. The jobs we landed because of them were good paying, standard roles.
If you're going through a recruiter/temp agency with absolutely 0 skills or education, yeah, expect to be fucked up the ass.

Can someone please make a boomer comic with this, like the "ladies you are looking good!" one

I will try this during my application sesh tomorrow. Bless you user.

I'm in the same shit too.
Last year I graduated from University (major: business).
I decided to go to China, Japan and S. Korea and stay there for a while. I staid mainly in China for learning mandarin and being exploited as an intern in a consulting company (a market entry).

Now i'm back in Europe and I'm looking for a fucking job. Don't know what to do, every job description requires at least 5 years of experience (I don't even have one full year) and as my internship was only marketing related I think I won't surely receive a job in finance.

I don't even know if I like to work in a finance related job. I'm afraid that my coworker will be shallow career-freak narcissistic pieces of shit talents.

I'm looking for a graduate "talent" program where I would do a job rotation program, but the application deadlines of those programs are in fucking Summer/Autumn.

Maybe it's better to first find an internship and then stay in the same company forever.

And those HR career sections webpages make me angry. I hate manually filling those forms just because it will be read first by a computer and the HR is too lazy to read my resume.pdf.
I worked on it for hours and now i've to spend another hour just to fill the forms.

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This LGBTQ+ and minority quota shit also makes me angry .

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this shit makes my blood boil even more.

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I want to go back to China

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