Is there a better financial decision than to become a bird?

Is there a better financial decision than to become a bird?
a) you can shit anywhere
b) no wagecucking
c) easily travel wherever you want to go

find a flaw

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>he fell for the travel meme

Small life wanna live for only two years user?

its too bad I wont live forever, but then again who does?

Some parrots live till 80

It depends on the bird
parrots live a long time

Parrots live for decades, as much as 80 years.

transbirds man here. i go buy koo-brllll now. we face unique challenges from transavianphobics and it's not easy living in a mammaliannormative world.

50% of being eaten alive

hmm not a bad idea user. Im sure the trans community will give me a sponsorship to allow me to express my true self as a bird. Another upside is free housing and food from those suckers who put bird houses/feeders in their yard


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based and finchpilled

makes me wonder if we are also birds when compared to extraterrestrials. When we look at insects or animals with short lifespans we think 'damn poor thing they dont know what they're missing out on' but those animals really wouldn't perceive it and think it's normal

what if a being is meant to achieve spiritual, physical and intellectual mastery across many disciplines in his life time? It'll be much easier if humans live 50-100% longer but with our current lifespan it's much more difficult

Is there a better financial decision than to become a nigger?
a) you can shit anywhere
b) no wagecucking
c) easily fuck white women whenever you want to fuck

find a flaw

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>financial decision
> nigger

egg master race here.
>get to be sat on
>look slick and shiny
>don't have to do laundry
birds are just things eggs use to become more eggs.

I wanna be a birb.

Attached: BirbWOOOOOO.gif (258x258, 932K)

top kek pic

flight is to a bird as thought is to man


I never wanted to be born at all.

OK, I'm sold.

How do I become a bird

>flight is to a bird as thought is to man

I'd rather fly tbhfam. Birbs have the best setup as far as activity level, longevity, and relatively high intelligence depending on specific species.

thnaks cunt i laughed

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>flight is to a bird as thought is to man
*thinks real hard*
*wageslaves day in day out with no hope of escape or improvement*

No masterbation tho

ducks have gangbangs tho

Yeah idk? They eat worms. Unless people feed them. Pigeons are dirty and eat trash. Crows are smart but i still see them eat road kill. Its a tough call. Op i see your point but I'm on the fence.

Being a macaw is literally the best choice
>eat fruits and leaves so no hunting
>life expectancy is comparable to humans
>mate for life