Is a career in healthcare redpilled?

Is a career in healthcare redpilled?
> High salary
>Respect of professions
>Entrepreneurship on easy mode
>Massive elderly population in the next 10-20 years

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Go to school and find out


Depends, health care is a big field.

I'm switching out of health care into comp sci.


If he pushes the button on that joystick, will her head be crushed by that machine her head rests in?

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it's easy mode in the sense that if you jump through the hoops they say you will get a job being paid well.

that's boring for more intelligent people though.

only if she isn't faster with the button that shoots lasers into his eyes

damn thats savage. Fuck healthcare. Im gonna be a pro dropshipper. Thanks for clearing it up for me bro, helped me a lot deciding what to do with my life.

dentist here and i couldn't be earning more than i am at my age doing anything else. its actually bearable for a wagie job

Depends on what you do.

It still has a threshold for intelligence, so smart people are sometimes lazy unfortunately and go for it. It's a tragedy of our society that the smartest become essentially healthcare technicians. This applies to MD especially.

the top piece is just a piece of plastic

healthcare is the worst job imaginable you're doing the same shit over and over again every fuckin day it's the ultimate job if you love to just memorize shit and do it again and again like an autist and feel accomplished because you're talking to people 1 on 1

a 4-year double major in math + cs is god tier

I am going back to school to change careers. Medicine has far more options and flexibility. You can work 3 12hr shifts a week or 5x8's, you can take your credentials pretty much anywhere in the country and even overseas. You can work in nursing, radiology, and a number of other fields with as little as 2 years at a community college. If you already have a bachelors degree you can go to PA school and come out making 100K+ anywhere in the country. Engineering simply cannot compete on pay, flexibility, or job security so I am dropping it.

nurses will always be in need
very good career
some of the dumbest sluts are nurses too
potential to advance and make 100k+ (takes decades and advanced schooling)

Every job is the same shit day in and day out once you have done it long enough. Even when you work on new designs or projects it is the same grind every single time.

Too many yrs of schooling to be a doctor and too hardcore. They don't even break even until like what, 40?
Ain't the goal to retire in your 20s and 30s?
And don't they typically work 80 hrs a week? I mean ik of this one place near me where they work part time so they probably have an amazing work-life balance but again, studying hardcore for all your 20s doesn't seem worth it.

There are worst jobs, but you are partially right - allied health careers are not mentally stimulating and do not allow much for creativity - you are pretty much a well paid wageslave. You also have to work with a lot of women which means petty office-tier drama and bullshit constantly that gets old very quickly

I actually like routine work which is why I want to be a k-12 teacher. Basically middle class wages just for babysitting and regurgitating basic info

same. done my prereqs and just have to get experience. got a lib arts degree... it didn't pay off but i figure it'll help me stand out in the application process. good luck to you

My wife is an MD.

>get paid six figs to refill amphetamine scripts all day
>occasionally have to tell someone they have cancer
>refer everything you don’t want to deal with to a specialist
>300,000 student debt

If you can survive nearly a decade of bullshit and brainwashing to get there, it’s ok. Don’t work for a hospital, though. They are the Walmarts of the healthcare world. Corporate hell.

Thanks. Same to you. I am not sure what path you are looking to take, but make sure to research government loan forgiveness, grant, and scholarship opportunities. Some come with some serious strings attached and others can pay off big if you don't mind living somewhere that isn't necessarily your first choice for a few years.

On average, how many times do you think about suicide a day?

I will be finishing internal medicine residency this summer. Gonna be making about 350K next year. I can say that no way in hell is it worth it. The work is mind numbingly boring and repetitive, my colleagues are some of the lamest, most dull people you could imagine, and I have lost out on enjoying much of prime years.

look everyone, an NPC.

I am a PGY-5 resident, going to medical school was the biggest mistake of my life. After I pay off my loan debt I will find a different job or move to another country or something.

>I can say that no way in hell is it worth it. The work is mind numbingly boring and repetitive, my colleagues are some of the lamest, most dull people you could imagine, and I have lost out on enjoying much of prime years.

This guy gets it.

>going to med school
I can't see how it would be worth it when you can become a mid-level so much faster and for so much less money.

I got fooled by the “becoming a doctor is great and noble” meme. I would slap my child if they ever told me they wanted to become a doctor

Family Doctor here. Defo has its pros and cons. University is not a meme and you actually have to do well or you get kicked out. Qualified 7 years ago and have 20k debt (government as britfag) left to pay off (next to nothing interest so actively chosen to pay of really slowly). Once you go past the routine junior doctor torture it gets better. Get paid 6 figures a year at the top, job can be fine one day and suicide-provoking the next. Regardless, everyday poses intellectual challenges. All in all, you’re still a wagecuck irrespective of which speciality you’re in but I enjoy what I do and don’t ever get bored. I can see how some people find specialities quite repetitive hence why I chose general practice. I am a portfolio GP so basically have an array of interests. Partner in my surgery so have to do the management side as well as the clinical but I have equity in the practice, teach medical students one day a week and get paid by the local university extra for this. All in all, despite the challenges of uni and the years of stress, studying and exams, love what I do.

Health care has been weaponized.

You will make $$$ but it's not very exciting

PS - ETH can't scale

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Dentist... not smart enough to be a real doctor

Do both. Healthcare is only becoming more and more data dependent.

>will be finishing internal medicine residency this summer. Gonna be making about 350K next year.

Where does a newly minted internist make that much $?

T. Hospital exec. who knows he makes more than the average internist. On a bachelor's degree. :)

>Entrepreneurship on easy mode
are you retarded? it's the most regulated niche
unless you run a scam like theranos entrepreneurship is virtually impossible

fuck no, it's the most depressing and soul-crushing job on the planet. no amount of money is worth this shit

MD here but eurocuck so 50-100k at best.
Can confirm the wasted life

>350k starting
L M A O unless you're working like a resident

Yes but you forgot
>ridiculous hours, 60+ per week is common and 100 not unheard of
>Largest Suicide rate of any career

> retire in your 20s

zoomer detected

>Largest Suicide rate of any career
You couldn't be more wrong. Construction is the highest followed by transportation, management, sales, and host of other occupations before you get to healthcare providers.

Oh I saw things like these headlines and believed.

Attached: Screenshot_20190129-210602_Chrome.jpg (1440x2960, 963K)

Saw headlines. Nice.
Every profession will try paint itself as the worst.
The undeniable fact is > Docs wagecuck one of the most hours of any profession and suicide rates are well above the general population. Whether largest or 2nd or 3rd is not will not matter, when you off yourself amidst the 6th 48 hour nonstop shift of the month.

I'd say vets are the most psychically damaged of all.

Locum Tenens brother. Hourly pay is 150-180+

Because otherwise silicon valley VC will fuck you and your career up when you age past 30. Being smart is able to lead a stable upwards life while doing lots of stuff at side like research / writing / teaching / biotech-business, all these a above-average MD should be able to pursue.

>Don’t work for a hospital,
This. Stick to private/shared/partnered clinics and you will remain golden.

As long as you stay in clinics (see last post), you don't have to tolerate MBA / BA / Iteration-Manager / Product-Owner / SCRUM master and whole lots of other corporate bustards usually found within "agile" corporations. MDs are subject-matter-experts (surely there are specialists) and finally you can say MBA GTFO, unless of course you are gunning for a biotech CEO.

Whats your portfolio