Economic systems that require infinite growth are good

>economic systems that require infinite growth are good

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>importing 60 IQ niggers and spics will keep a first world economy growing

Growth is a meme. Economies advances through IQ i.e. cutting costs of making things i.e. deflation.

>I'm a boomer, how can I increase my net worth?
>Oh I know, I'll import billions of foreignors and have them all fight for housing. I'll be so rich, I can buy a new sports car!
>What, I need to create a college fund for my children? I didnt have a college fund when growing up, so they're going to have to pay for that on their own

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>banks don't control the countries, the governments do

Attached: 1547057363768.png (645x729, 53K)

>iMPWIsOninG Future Generations with Endless debt? Don't Be Silly!

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Business & Finance = making money
Communism = prohibition of making money
Reminder to report and sage all off-topic commiefaggot threads

>I wanna live vicariously through the power of the state to bring everyone who is better than me down to my level of mediocrity.

Not to mention extremely low-quality.

>ThErE iS OnLy CoMmUnIsM and CaPiTaLIsM

Attached: 1543237399900.jpg (474x400, 28K)

>low-IQ normalfag meme text
Not surprised

>egonomi bad dehnologikal brodgres no eggsist durrkadooo GOMUNISM EPIC

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Lmao this. I immediately disregard a person’s opinion when they post a spongebob meme that looks like it belongs on facebook.


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This isn't even a commie thread Satan. The market should have crashed a decade ago and then corrected but it is just a literal ponzi at this point.

Explain to me how business and finance fit into your ideal system.

When the altcoin hallucination is over you will be able to buy anything you want with 0.1 BTC.

Attached: trillioncoin.png (712x233, 36K)

You don't import third worlders who work outside of the economic system that everyone else participates in and you don't use public funds to save dying companies who failed due to their own incompetence.

That isn't capitalism and it doesn't serve business or finance. Those companies should have died and that market should have corrected itself.

Now that’s fucking based. You’re fucking based.

don't forget legalizing monopolies, capital flight, pension plans, money laundering, and ruining most natural resources.

Great fucking thread. TRASHING of brainlet boomer generation with actual comprehension of what happened/is happening economically. This is why I've grown to love /biz since discovering it. Can never get enough of this type of content as I can barely comprehend the retarded state of normies on a daily basis.

Cringe and samefagpilled

This is literally what half of biz and all of pol think.

just mint a coin worth trillion... .think we call it yes...Trillioncoin.
And then we just pay all our debts bro

Attached: 1507752548945cuckshed5million.jpg (770x701, 61K)

Rare brainlet. Saved.