Top tier cringe

Holy shit lads, you can see her pussy physically drying up. Its so cringey even she had to look away

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kek what a fuckin beta cuck , holy shit if this dude doesn't Sealy kill himself I'll be so surprised. I'm not surprised he's going insane after she dumped him, his first taste of pussy and he completely lost it

New account for her, not sure how legit it is but seems real

So which mattress did you end up getting?

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even my pussy dried up and im a guy fucks sake

Can you fags stop spamming this board with this chink's drama? You are the crypto equivalent of women gossiping over supermarket tabloids. Go back to posting bizonacci videos on l*eddit you zoomer fucks.

holy fuck it's real

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>Say "Hi, sir"

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>look at this fucking beta
>Heh I'm so fucking alpha look at me talk shit to this chinky boy

Holy shit I felt sorry for the guy..

I literally can't watch this faggot for more than 10 seconds wtf. My hand just automatically moves to close the video.

I believe there is a chainlink or BSV thread that you're welcome to fuck off to

I thought these two were getting married? Although last time I watched his YouTube was in December and back then he said something about meeting parents or something. Maybe now he won't talk about personal life and will only chat about trading. Him talking about personal life is why I don't watch him

>he is a loser with a small dick!
>Everybody just silently thinks: "Well you let that loser put his penis inside you"

I don't think woman understand they are insulting themselves if they insult previous partners.

Say hi, Sarah.

wew, are they competing to be the cringiest dumbfucks?

Hi Sarah, can I white knight you next. I am well endowed (3.5 - 4 inches). I heard your a roastie after getting mud sharked for many years but I can run tightening cream on your arbys to bring the life back into it. I can also afford antibiotics to clean up any diseases you caught from the bar back sessions with the mud boys. Please write, desu (not a virgin)

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Definitely a fake account, but still funny.

I don't own either of those shitcoins, cückboy

>t. coping 3" dick haver

....yikes....its like watching brony convention clips..pure uncut cringe.

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it's all archived over here:

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My dick is 86th percentile literally.

Why are you lying on the internet

if the call the phone number she provided and ask for Philikone, the guy answering will hang up immediately.

86th percently smallest.

use your ears, retard

Listen up you little cocksuckers, you are either with Craig, or against him. He fucking invented this shit, so he has the RIGHT to destroy anything in this space as he sees fit. How fucking DARE you faggots develop anything involving crypto without his express permission? Well, you've really fucked up now, because Craig is coming after you degenerate anarchists, and you will lose EVERYTHING, and probably end up in prison because of it. You "investors" have participated in the illegal buying and selling of unlicensed securities, and have encouraged others to do the same, which is also illegal.
I'm forwarding this thread directly to Craig, as he is a very good friend of mine from the bathhouse scene. Prepare to get fucked like only Craig can fuck, you retards!

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He should buy some RLC as a suicide insurance

i don't think you understand this is a fake account manned by a guy, and the real sarah never gave chinky more than a kiss on the cheek

Yeah its fake


>all this shit about drugs and physical abuse
>also his hair is dumb!

I was on her side until the ridiculous "his dick is small and I swear I'm not just saying that because I'm mad" comment

what the fuck

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>picking sides
damn son

>her side

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Fake account you retarded nigger.

this whole freakout is way more damaging to him than her. she is a literal prostitute, who was fucking him for money. now that he fired her, who is going to want to fuck her, knowing she will sperg out and say terrible things, that might all just be lies on twitter?

and shes not even good looking, so the only reason to hire her would be discreteness in the first place.

meanwhile everyone already knew this guy was a retard, and this isnt going to stop other whores from fucking him for his money.

Why don't white women just find a nice white man and become a strong couple instead of giving into pussy pleasure and fucking abominations? It makes no sense.

You're just an incel who has no social interraction and projects whatever you see on instagram which is a fucking cesspool. Plenty of woman who aren't like this, but you won't ever know them cause you don't get out your mom's basement.

Yah you’re an incel bitch. Go back to your imaginary ethnostate where all the women are white 10/10’s.

Go to bed Elliot

Lots of projection, yikes user.

Honesty is one of my flaws.

Holy fucking shit. You can tell she’s spacing out and saying to herself “just think about the Hermès handbag”

Wanted to kill myself watching this, what a fucking loser.

Get gassed kike faggot.

get a load of this faggot.

matter what she spergs out, it§s her value going down by ever fucking an autistic elliot type hapa