Assuming somebody gave you 5k to build a crypto portfolio today, what does that look like to you and why?

Assuming somebody gave you 5k to build a crypto portfolio today, what does that look like to you and why?

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it looks like 12.5k LINK

Attached: DLTQA2vW4AAusXz.jpg (400x711, 49K)

i'd go in on stocks and gold, then come back to crypto in 6-8 months

All in XRP

a dumpster fire because they've traded REAL MONEY for DIGITAL 1'S AND 0'S

50% monero
50% zcoin

I'm not going to help you to build a position with your $5k, you normie faggot.

All in XRP, e-coin will win and if you think its a shitcoin, you're right. But that won't stop the power mongerers from pumping it

3.5k BTC, 1k ETH, .5K Monero

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dubs and linkpilled

knowing what I do now, all in HOT.

30% link
10% req/ zil / iexec/ bat /gvt

Rest in qnt

30% HOT 30% LINK 20% CHX 10% BAT 5%NPXS 5% FLO

50% LINK 25% TEL 25% Cash to learn swing trading


CryptoCurrency Percent Purpose/Tech
Large Caps 60.0%
BTC 25.0%
ETH 10.0%
XLM 5.0%
XRP 5.0%
EOS 5.0%
BCH 5.0%
LTC 2.5%
ADA 2.5%
Platforms 10.0%
NEO 3.0%
IOTA 2.0%
ZIL 2.0%
ICON 2.0%
HOT 1.0%
Privacy Coins 5.0%
XMR 2.5%
ZEC 2.5%
Supply Chains 5.0%
VEN 3.0%
TFD 1.0%
TRAC 1.0%
Miscellaneous 10.0%
NANO 2.0% Currency
BNB 1.0% Exchange Token
ZRX 1.0% Exchange Protocol
NAS 1.0% Platform
ONT 1.0% Platform Protocol
WAN 1.0% Inter-Chain
RVN 1.0% Asset Transfer
MAN 1.0% AI
REN 1.0% Dark Pools
Day Trading / Reserve 10.0%

LINK is a given, but TEL is a hidden gem for sure. The time to buy is now as well. You could buy 1,000,000 easy. I have 760,000. Remittance is going to be the first use case imo, even before LINK. TEL has been doing some serious work, especially in regards to legal compliance, new wallet, and website. No hype, similar to LINK. They will have opened up e-commerce to about 3 billion people that don't have access to traditional banking.

Adjusted monthly to balance weight.

Weighting re-evaluated quarterly.

Tether up and wait for dumpening.

80% LINK
10% QNT
5% RLC
5% REQ
Maybe swap req for nkn

all-in monero for the 2021 tail-emission reduction

Attached: unknown_amount_of_Monero.jpg (1121x543, 146K)

Long jr gold miners you faggots

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5k in NIM
Retire in 30 days

5k chx

or if you don't like going all in 1k chx, 1k holochain, 1k btc, 1k eth, 1k grin

terrible diversification boomer meme


>putting 1% in anything is worth doing
Yeah that’s gonna be a yikes from me

NIMs been intriguing me.
Heard chitter about it rocketing on third quarter. You got any info on how they are doing?


I’ve said too much already

All in AMB.

100% tether
in a few months 100% LINK

Unironically this