Taking Ayahuasca Tomorrow

I'm going to take Ayahuasca tomorrow. Anything you autists want me to look up in the galactic computer?

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You will be too busy vomiting and shitting yourself

Go to the beginning of everything you will get the answer.

It’s called the Akashic records and yes

This. Vape dmt you made yourself from the bark if you're not a brainlet

I like your dubs. But I would just ask for you to give yourself the perfect space for your journey, and remember allow the information to be given to you. Don’t go in expecting answers you feel you want vs the ones you need.

Nkn and rlc by july please user

Ask the price of LINK end of feb

Yeah your own assumed identity on Earth and how long you've been stationed here. Report back tomorrow 24:00 hours from this post for further orders.

Checked. Judging by your pic related, you already know what to do.

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Thanks. Honestly this thread is just for fun. I have some serious issues in my life I'd like to address with the Aya and I'm trying to head into it without expectations for answers to specific questions. Total openness if possible.

Yoiks this is exactly the sort of reason I didn't want to do a ritualistic ceremony with a shaman. I don't want this experience to be steeped in exoticist esoterica. I want to make sense of the experience for myself and find its personal relevance.

By some accounts I've read, the DMT experience alone is not as rounded/profound as the Aya, but I've never dont it. I'm curious to try both tho. I did ibogaine last year and I don't think anything Aya can throw at me will be as unpleasant.

You sound like the exact flavor of paranoid person whom psychedelics don't benefit

I did acid a couple nights ago and contemplated link. Lots of other things surfaced as issues in my life, but link just felt logical, obvious and comfy. Have a good trip fren.

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For anyone curious, including the straight DMT shills, I will be taking:

3g B. caapi resinous extract (cielo) 15 minutes pre-dose

~170mg 2:1:1 THH:harmine:harmaline Hcl
1g Acacia Confusa Root Bark (DMT source)
Dissolved in DMSO

For another time I also got a little Bobinsana extract, used for inducing lucid dreaming, as well as some Datura seeds although I'm a little spooked by accounts of what scopolamine can do to you.

Thanks mang. Haven't had a good acid trip in a while. I was hoping this psychedelics-oriented thread would bring the friendlier and less toxic Jow Forums people out of the woodwork.

guy from the in your pic here

do ketamine, it helps with your depression, also now i can see in the future, not events, but people sometimes visit

tell the demons not to steal your soul

> For another time I also got a little Bobinsana extract, used for inducing lucid dreaming, as well as some Datura seeds although I'm a little spooked by accounts of what scopolamine can do to you.

Did it work? I'm too lazy to meditate into lucid dream state and look for a shortcut.

I took memantine long-term, which is pharmacologically similar, can be taken long-term without buildup of tolerance, and has no abuse potential. It did work nicely for depression and anhedonia but I felt a little too detached from my body ultimately. NMDA antagonists do work great, but ketamine has abuse potential and you build tolerance.

Great research into how NMDA antagonists also minimize tolerance to many drugs like alcohol, gabaergics, opiates, and amphetamines. That was one thing I was using the memantine for.

What do you mean by "people sometimes visit?" I'm curious.

I haven't tried it yet. Pharmacologically it seems to be a harmala replacement in the Ayahuasca brew. It contains harmalines which act as an MAOI so you would need to maintain the proper diet for it to work safely.

Be prepared to be chewed up and spat out OP. Prepare yourself mentally as much as possible.. you will be taken to the point of ruin before enlightenment, and you have to come through it. You won't be the same person afterwards.

Just ask the intelligence for any updates on chainlink in our timeline. Thanks and may you have a blessed trip

Make sure you read this thread first

I mentioned this in a post above, but I did Ibogaine last year. In that experience I was chewed up--- brutalized and violated, even--- before I accepted what felt like impending death and the sad reality of who I was and had been in my life, all the way back to infancy. At that point the drug seemed to smile and let go of me and infinite gratitude and love for being alive washed over me. This was over the course of 36 hellish hours. Truly a sisyphean endeavor.

I know every trip is different and the resistance is always there, but I am ready to give myself up to it. I've been there many times.

Psychs are fucking legit. Don’t worry about biz bullshit just ride the snake. But of course when you blast off you won’t have a choice anymore, concepts like money and possessions will seem silly to you

Yeah, you probably won't have the presence of mind to look around. I basically forgot I was a person every time I've done that shit

where or how did you get access to them? Do you travel for ceremonies?

hard to find the right person for where i live

theyre going to look at you like you are stupid, caring so much about monetary things. They will tell you not to care so much about money.

Confirmed. When I first started tripping years ago I remember setting up things for me to do or look at on the trip, and none of that stuff matters when you get there. The psychs will take you where they want to go, and yes, worldly matters seems very strange and far away.

I ordered from a website of a guy who seems pretty devoted to the psych cause. Seems to be some sort of chemist or has the knowledge to create extracts with known concentrations, proper dosing/administration/solubility, etc etc.

I do not travel for ceremonies and don't want or believe in them personally. Yes, psychedelics can get really scary but all you really need is a sitter who gets it and will reassure you in the right way.

Definitely skycoin

Try using "Dream Herb" Calea Zacatechichi, can vouch it increases dream recall at the correct dose.


This. Also try not to bite off your tongue if/when you have any seizures.

I took Ayaguasca in Peru last year. AMA..

Do you have a shaman you're doing it with?

Have you taken psychodelics before?

Also, what is your current diet like?

Report back to us your experience user. Also what’s your state of mind like Rn? If you are in a bad place I wouldn’t recommend it. You are opening yourself up to spirits and entities when you mess around with hallucinogens. Best anolgy of heard is that it’s like walking through the jungle naked. Sure plenty of people have been doing it for hundreds of years, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t danger involved in it.

You can actually put questions to The Mushroom, and it gives answers

Here's Terence McKenna talking about it: youtube.com/watch?v=oLnrdYf3c90

Honestly this is good advice.

IDK if I should explain my experience here. I took it 3x and honestly ill never be the same as I was before I took it. Not in a good or bad way, but i'll never see reality or life/death through the same lens.

It's DEFINATELY not for a weak person. I fucking saw my friend get consumed by a demon during my 3rd experience. He was spitting and speaking in tongue, tried fighting me, and was groping a female in the group. He was also a weak lil bitch with a superiority complex and he wore his 'spiritual persona' like a fucking cape.

What will the future of link marines look like? Think of that and feel that

>never see life/death the same lens
Can you elaborate desu ?

Thought everybody on this board was an NPC. Guess not.

Cite your sources showing that Aya lowers the seizure threshold or induces seizures in people without Epilepsy or history of seizures.

I'm in a pretty bad place and have had a substance abuse problem for the past few years that has actually coincided with my enthusiasm for trading cryptos. Luckily I have not really lost any money during the past bull run. I have a good bit of experience with psychs including the iboga mentioned above. If you're unfamiliar with it go read some experiences online... it doesn't get much darker than Iboga. I'm aware of what lurks inside me and what I might be encountering again with the Aya.

watch this moovie goys

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My older brother and his girlfriend just got some aya (she’s peruvian) and want to take it with me. I’m tempted but my brother has aspbergers or some other type of autism and his girlfriend has never tripped before so I’m most likely gonna pass. I’ve tripped plenty, DMT, shrooms, acid, etc, and I’ve always wanted to try aya but I don’t it’s worth it to be trapped with my overbearing autistic brother and his first time tripper gf. Just sounds like too many uncertain variables.

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Bless your journey OP, I hope it yeilds everything you’re hoping for and more.

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I am not using a Shaman and will be doing what my supplier describes as a mild-low dose to begin. If it goes well I will be increasing the dose for a second night. I have taken quite a few psychedelics many times, including Mushrooms, Acid, and Iboga. I have a familiarity with the terrain and know to not resist the experience.

I don't have the ability financially or timewise to use a shaman and also really don't want to. I don't want to have this sort of experience in a group setting, for one. Thinking back to how iboga was, I don't think I want to feel that way surrounded by other people who are going through their darkness as well. It's just such a personal journey and I know from past experiences that having strangers around makes me freak out and "perform" in the sense of trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy... which ends up making me resist the experience. For that reason I also don't want the ritualistic/traditional backdrop. I want this experience to take place somewhere familiar, personal, and comfortable, and I want my navigation through it and the way I encounter things to be on my own terms... even if it is scary. I nearly died on the iboga and I had to make peace with the feeling of death on my own, alone. I'm ok with it and have no assumptions about the experience going into it, like knowing 100% that it will be fine or that I won't be scared shitless. All I will remind myself of is that it's temporary and unlike Iboga there's no reason to worry that you will die from it.

I'm not doing a multi-day dieta but I have phased out all meds/supplements, and the day of the trip I will probably fast or only eat vegetables. I'm pretty familiar with psychopharmacology and I understand what you can't eat or what would interact with an inhibitor of MAO-A like the harmala.

I heard this was really good actually

Damn, if she's never tripped the Aya will probably fuck her up

Also I'm in very good physical and mental health, despite having a bad opiate addiction. I've done intense exercise (strength and cardio) daily for over a decade, I'm socially engaged and have stable emotional relationships that I can count on, etc. I just have some deep seated issues stemming from Autism, a history of being bullied when I was younger, recent antisocial behavior stemming from drug use... serious things I want to address so I can become a better, more loving, and more effective person.

good call. hopefully they will find a good sitter

the jews dont want us to open our eyes by taking these medicines

Actually that's not true. I read a pretty thorough studies on the potential toxicity and deleterious effects of Ayahuasca, especially over the long term. There were no toxic effects in a group that was studied who regularly drank Ayahuasca for 10+ years. There were no cognitive deficits compared to control. Also, before their Ayahuasca use, many in the study group had problematic drug use and social relationships, which improved significantly after they started drinking the Aya.

I should also say, especially after my Iboga experience: Scary =\= traumatic

Is this DMT, or ayahuasca? Because Ayahuasca is a specific medicine mixed (and blessed) by a shaman. They have a similar chemical makeup, but Ayahuasca is an ENTIRELY different experience.

Ill say straight up, I don't recommend taking Ayahuasca by yourself. But that's not going to stop you, so i'll tell you that his is arguably the most intense psychedelic known to man (possibly second to some toad in africa). My first experience was me and one shaman that I met in Peru. We did a cleansing ceremony which consisted of a rose water shower, and cleansing the entire room with palo santo. It sounds stupid and believe me I was thinking the same thing before I took this medicine for the first time. This cleansing and intention setting ceremony is very important. Shortly after I ingested, I was taken out of my body and was literally flying through the universe. The Shaman was guiding my experience through his 'Icaros' which is a spanish word like 'mantra song'. The point of a shaman during this ceremony is to ward off the darkness and safely guide the participant.

I saw some crazy shit. But the best way of describing it is it was like going for a job orientation where the boss was showing me the landscape of the office building. "Here is the bathroom, the break room, the kitchen" etc.. Except there were no words (other than the shamans song) and I was being spoken to through intention..

my abuse of lsd has left me in a very weird mental state, of course there is also HPPD but that is more of a visual side effect. my thought patterns are different and I am very anti social now

It sounds like your are underestimating the impact of your opiate addiction which is unsurprising

How often did you abuse lsd ? I really like it so would like to try and avoid the state you have found yourself in.. no offence user, hope we still frens.

the ibogaine should have helped with the opiate addiction

Woah I want to hear the stoy dude

Check out my post higher in the thread. It's using resinous extracts of Harmala-containing plants and powdered Acacia Confusa Root Bark. Not a traditional brew.

You're right that I will still be trying this alone, but I appreciate your concern. I have heard other accounts that Iboga is the most powerful psychedelic. Having experienced it, I will have to see how they compare. I believe in the importance of rituals surrounding the experience in the way they set a tone, a mindset, and a sense of intention. I simply mean to have my own in my own space. Write a letter to my grandparents, call my parents, do the dishes, meditate on my life and what I want.

Based. Ketamine is fantastic.

Basically I was shown beautiful far away dimensions with waving elves on the top of castles, then I was shown dark demons and dragons at a distance. "this is good, this is dangerous". The entire time I did not have control of my body and was in a very vulnerable state, when I felt a darkness coming over my body. I literally felt myself descending into darkness and I told my shaman while in this fucked up state. the shaman literally stood infront of me and sung icaros (youtube.com/watch?v=Av2bPolPpkA&t=1887s) and told me to follow the light.

Following the light is an obvious thought in hindsight, but this medicine connects you to a place where you literally have no control. You are merely a passenger, and a good Shaman has trained their entire life to better understand the medicine.

Have you ever met someone that is unbelievably negative, angry, and always looking to bring others down? They are oblivious to their negative outlook. The duality between light and dark seems simple to consciously conceptualize , but the reality of this becomes even more real when you are faced with a state that is otherwise saved for death.

This sounds fucking crazy, but during my third experience I watched my friend get controlled by... I dont know what it was. But I do know now that he has taken a turn for the worst and I havent heard from him in months. People have literally died from this medicine.

Not trying to scare you bro, but I do highly recommend doing it with atleast a friend for your first experience. It is not like anything you have ever tried before.

about every week or two weeks for 2 years. probably total 100+ dark net tabs

damn man, you gonna be coming down from that for a while.

No, I don't mean to sound like I'm underestimating it. It has insidiously damaged my relationships and my love of making art and my overall life in very painful ways. It's a very serious thing and I know that. That's the impetus for trying the ayahuasca... I'd like to address the addiction.

It did interrupt my addiction but I don't think I was well enough prepared for what came after, or how to maintain sobriety. I think I would benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy to support sobriety or less problematic substance use. You just fall into old bad habits if you don't have a plan.

Last thing. Any type of opiate or drug is completely forbidden. Ironically tobacco is allowed. There are a number of reports of people having adverse effects to medicines.

They recommend at least 1 month of being clean of everything before participating.

hey user i make art too, can i see some of your work ?

That sounds very intense. I do intend to have a friend present... I don't think I could do this trip if I didn't feel like I had someone I could turn to for help.

Good luck man. You're in for a crazy adventure. I'd like to hear how it goes. Make another thread if you survive ;)

I should say... if your friend took the ayahuasca under the supervision of a shaman in the right setting, replete with guidance, experience, and the icaros, and yet still freaked out and took a turn for the worse, it seems like it might not matter if you're under the care of a shaman or not. I don't mean to be overconfident; on the contrary, I want to be as humble as possible entering the experience. But if your friend was bound to have a nightmare of an experience that sent him into a tailspin, it doesn't seem like the setting changed much for him.

I will report back! Thank you for the kind wishes :)

Hope you find what you're looking for. ::)

Thats how I feel in general, subconsciously. I have dreams about LINK that make perfect sense. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to my head are positive thoughts and feelings about LINK.

How did you go about sourcing all that? I want to do Aya too, but I'm kinda sketch on the shamanistic experience and them chanting over my head and shit

Do not do datura. Bad fucking idea and it has no benefits brainlet

There are reliable vendors online. For most psychs--- LSD, shrooms, iboga, ayahuasca--- there are open-air online markets that don't even really conceal what they're selling and just use code words like referring to the ingredients as "dyes" that can "color" a certain number of "robes". Key phrase "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION." I guess they're not very seriously enforced. I don't know the legality of many Aya ingredients but I don't think the harmala or DMT components are often illegal. The Acacia Confusa that sources the DMT in my mix I think is legal. You just need good info on how to use them.

Please look at what is in store for South Africa.

Yeah they're just a sample that was included. Just the seeds. I hope you read what I wrote, but to reiterate: I'm spooked by Scopolamine so I may not touch them. No need to namecall.

>never see life/death the same lens
>Can you elaborate desu ?
Not the same dude but I gotta say it isn't something that can be elaborated on. It is very much a thing that you have either experienced or haven't and if you fall into the latter category you will never understand it unless you go through it. When I was 20ish me and one of my better friends each ate around 35 hits of LSD each and I saw the process. I understand it in this weird way but it's absolutely ineffable. Words fail at their describing of my experience. Closest thing I can find in terms of descriptive words would be that I experienced death. It affects you to the point where it is impossible to return to your previous mode of reality. Quite enlightening to say the least, though I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone. Ignorance is Bliss friend.

Not kidding it sounds like your friend is possessed.

Sergey is deeply tuned into something with his devotion to decentralized oracles. It'd be cool if you could encounter the source of his inspiration. Either way I wish you all the best on your journey.

love your Jow Forums frens

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I don't want to be that guy, but if I wanted to search for such markets what should I look for, my search's don't pull anything up

lurk plebbit for info of that regard. unironically.

Took a hit of acid and sat naked in my bathroom full of steam and candles. 7 candles, of course. I thought of LINK, but mostly my friends and family and the universe. I have reached inner-comfy

Tell them to turn on the happy. Shits broken af and needs patching.

Enjoy your demonic possession faggot, or some mental disturbance

Fuck, y'all stupid

...but by chance, look up what BAT ends up in. Don't kill yourself and drink water

Do a faggot a bud light lime and look up the price of LINK during this Chinese newyear

In a way, a part of Jow Forums is going on the trip with you/as you, in this holographic tensegral universe. Good luck and looking forward to your report back to us.

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Heard and seen this before. Every single person who did it wont be the same. Some turn into nature loving hippies. Others turn into full blown schizos who cant function in our society anymore. Often leads to psychiatric admittens against the will.

Good to hear you can live with it fren

Let the interdimensional entities know they are beautiful, bro up with them.

See if you can discover any info on DOGE or UFR.

Good luck OP, bring us back a new color.

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Truth OP, this is gonna be your reality

Loving nature isn't weird and it doesn't make you a "hippy". Connection with and appreciation for nature is the natural state of man. It is the consumer state brainwashing that has convinced you loving nature is "weird".

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On psychedelics you see your true self, and if these fags all didn’t see anything wrong with LINK while tripping,then that’s bullish.

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Link is cool but I'd be really interested if you could also look into whatever ends up happening with Grin/Mimblewimble.

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Unironically this. The God's have affirmed links victory and our wealth.


I never got a benefit from it. Once with mushrooms it was fun and made my body feel constantly changing in size like some alice in wonderland potion. Otherwise on it's own it just makes me feel off and incapable, sometimes i just get confused and vomit.

> shaman
Waste of time and ruins the experience with nonsensical mysticism.

Are those experiences just Ayahuasca or are you talking about other psychs? Honestly I've found the people who freak out hardest are those that have very strong beliefs and aren't open to new ideas/concepts. They get stuck in thought loops or are too non-present and get super anxious or have a massive ego and freak out. Also generally NPCs will wig out far more.

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Watch out for strange entities that will try to get into you.

Good luck user.

What's the need for the fantasy imagery? Simply don't do drugs, especially hallucinogens when in an unstable mental state. I want to insult you guys, it's like thousands of years of progress are being thrown away.


Good choice dude. My first acid trip was with my friend who has mild aspergers and things went fine until we smoked weed like 8 hours in (which you're not really meant to do first time). The dude basically instantly went into a meditative state and was breathing in and out quickly for like 30 mins, which scared me so much and almost sent me into a bad trip until I listened to some music kek
