Grin is the next king

Grin is the next king.

Attached: stateofgpus.png (868x653, 317K)

As much as I'd love to agree with you, there's no way in shit it will be at the moment. The current inflationary/mining rate is way too high.

Years down the road? Sure. The amount is a much lesser burden, as the inflationary model is linear.

Gpu manufacturers are fucking hurting right now
This is the last gimic they came up with

Not knocking grin but it's scammy as fuck to brand like this

bruh grin might not be next btc.. i can name a dozen cryptos that havent been released yet that could be the next btc

wtf is grin

scam coin 2019


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how much will grin be and why ?

its tanked 50%

pretty much nailed it.


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why scam

>wtf is grin
brainlet street shitter detected. This might be a scam but you are a fucking retard if you haven't heard of it by now.

Why would I buy this thrash when Vega FE is 100/150 more, and with radeon VII releasing?
These chinks want 400 for a 470, lmao.

Who the fuck has time to keep up with all the scam coins that come out almost weekly? Only fucking neets with no fucking life that's who.
>Neet detected

Around $2 in October (GPU miners last dump before ASICs)


GRIN is fucking stupid

SWAP and BEAM will blow its asshole inside out

I work 60 hours a week dickhead and I still have time to keep up with this. Grin is one of the most hyped coins among VC insiders.

nuff said.

You have also outed yourself as room temperature IQ if you think this is anything like 90% of the pajeet scams shilled here.

im already grinpilled and linkpilled

First implementation of mimblewimble

BEAM launched first.

whats your source user ? for keeping up with good ICo

ty for VC tip

I thought so too. At second look it’s rrally fine. Still low stock high flow Right Now so yeah prob best to wait 6 months

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Thanks for pointing that out, I've got reading to do

Beam might be a scam not sure

It is literally impossible to prove between counterparties that you either sent or received grin. It’s completely unusable.

Beam will fist grin’s cornhole all day. launched BEFORE grin, with a slick gui wallet, 100% usability, a pioneer-friendly inflation rate, proven cryptography. Grin is just Beam’s testnet.

>but muh 20% tax
Grow up. You want professional end product, then you want a professional team working to make beam better. Mac OS vs gentoo. Which has a better shot at widespread adoption?

100% false. You’re just don’t understand the math. It’s quite different than bitcoin.

Sorry Rakesh, I can't give you my sources. Just keep lurking here I will be leaking information the second I can. I promise I really do want every single autist lurking here to make it but I have to take care of myself first.

>deploying a new pow coin
>deploying a new pow coin in 2019

Muh mumble wumble, the only thing that matters with pow is do you have more hash power. Good luck taking on monero.

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>Will blow itrs asshole inside out