15 unique IDs and I reassure my fellow anons

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Other urls found in this thread:





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pretty pls

give me a bed time story
its a cold night and i wish to be comfy

Ok faggot, I’ll bite

8 or 9




Probably larp

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Well op?


Helo fren gib comfort

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Reassure that chainlink is a wcam?
Funny user, really funny

Henlo frens

Insider here. SWIFT will be using chainlink as their settlement oracle. The reason you can’t see any test transactions is because they’re not being done on ETH...

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I’m calling larp here

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it's not. it seems it's actually sergay and the team that are imposing the nda's on this. not sure why, but that's the word on the street i.e. high-level discord groups.

Believe what you want, but there’s a reason very rich people are “investing” in sergey. The singularity meme was started by someone very well connected. Most big players shit post on here. I am just tired of my “peers” not throwing more bones.

So where do they test on? Whats the timeline for chainlink?

Why don't they? Do you have any other bones? There have been many swift dots connected already.

Nah, you're a larper. Explain me coherently why this is good news for Link


It is clear that Chainlink is needed. Try to explain this FUD without saying "Chainlink is partnered with Accord" because ctrl+f on that article = zero mentions of Chainlink while multiple mentions of Ripple.

It is unironically over for CL. Swift did not choose Chainlink

Congrats on this really resplendently homosexual post OP

>So where do they test on?
offline trusted execution environments. it was this facet of the project that got sergay out at the end of last year and now in 2019 doing all these talks.

TEU's are game changing for what LINK is doing with oracles.

Are you dense? How can I explain something you refuse to understand? R3 is a platform. Swift will be using chainlink to settle on the R3 blockchain.

>explain me coherently

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Exactly this.


Is this also the sort of work they did with Sony & AXA back in 2016?

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no idea. i was under the assumption that TEUs were a relatively new dimension of the project. this is why sergay basically spent 12 months without a single update until oct 2018 them went a whirlwind of publicity and technical events to get out the message about TEUs and LINK.

the combination of TEUs with decentralized oracle networks is so powerful that sergay literally announced he and the team had solved the oracle problem. that's fighting talk, and if untrue would look pretty bad on LINK. but so far everything's holding up.

i also think that all these other sub-par "oracle" projects making headlines right now is b/c they know LINK's mainnet is imminent and they're trying to ride the sergay winning wave. it wont work for them, but they're trying.

i shouldnt even be saying this cos i'm swing trading LINK right now and i need a dump in price to get back in. but so what. we're all gonna make it. 200$ end of month!

Will I make it with a measly 16K stinkers? Please fren I just want to make art

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Damn you guys are idiots. He is right. There was a Shadowfork and there is a Shadow-Testnet for SWIFT transaction stresstests only. When mainnet launches SWIFT will use their nodes with the 350 million Chainlink they will get otc.

Yes fren. My advice is leave this place until EOY. under no circumstances will you sell, ok?

Wait so your telling me the $1000 EOY meme wasn’t ballshit

We will all make it fren

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>i shouldnt even be saying this cos i'm swing trading LINK right now and i need a dump in price to get back in. but so what. we're all gonna make it. 200$ end of month!


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That's right goy...I mean fren...hold my bag...er uh...never sell and you too can live the dream!

Always follow the memes. Bizonacci and the shadow fork meme. These memes represent real things. Ever wonder why some obscure crypto project has the best memes? They’re coming from influential people.


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The 1000 meme was because there never was a system where 2 parties can transact without trust or a middle man, ever in the history of humanity. And the more link developedand reached out to more and more markets and users, 1000 became fud. No one really knows in 2 years what it will be worth. Probably a stupid number

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OK now I know you're a larp. Successful people do not waste their time on Zimbabwean Cum-Gargling forums. Who is using it and wasting their time here?


Don’t you remember when an user hacked the CEO of dashes twitter and spammed Link memes? Your jaw dropped if you knew who some anons were. Everyone is well aware of the memes. You really think John wolport didn’t know about Link? Everyone is playing dumb and no hype.

> hihG LEvel DiScorD

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Op, thanks for using one of my pics, motivated me to get back to finishing this animation

any mainnet speculation? Announced ahead of time or sudden reveal?

Thanks for the thread user. It’s brightened up my Thursday. Let’s get to it though, when does shit get real?

>[Post a Reply]
>What does an NDA do?

Does owning Town Crier play a part in this?

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So how do you know all this? Friend of a friend? Grandma's toyboy is a developer? You know the hacker? Just the regular old whale larp?

>under no circumstances will you sell, ok?
Ok fren, i wont leave this place because im not a newfag, im bizraeli for many years but
what circumstances can occur ? Strong dump/fud ?
Also, didnt R3 had some financial problems in 2018 ?

Yeah, this is a larp.

Okay, but at what time ? Its in work for years and still no official chainlink+swift news.

>on R3 platform
But using neets (ours) nodes, right ?

>Most big players shit post on here.
my sides

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Here’s the game faggots:

These niggers tell you to roll trips or ask for unique IDs so their threads stay on the front page. They Larp and give you BS info so you hold (or better yet buy). They dump. You faggots are so destined to be poor.



>most big players shit post on here
truly the best timeline

Tell me more about that, is Bizonacci also one of those big players?

100% make it fren

I believe this. Tom Gonsor had Link marine retweeted. These powerful guys are creating the memes.

I just asked for a few replies, don’t be a fag.

While this might be good for link, isn't this bearish for link holders? If it's on the r3 chain, then what use are these erc667 bags?

There have been so many larps this year. Can you show us some evidence?

Actually how would that even work. Node operators must be paid in ethereum link.

Chainlink can connect to any blockchain via external adapters. The token is just to distribute value and can exist on any network.

What this user says is actually pretty plausible and explains a lot. For instance, this explains why Vitalik is so butthurt about Chainlink: imagine making the best public blockchain available and having the door slammed in your face by an institution like SWIFT that instead goes with R3. Sergey is a constant reminder of that to Vitalik.

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if there was a 350m link agreement (~35m USD) why would VC such as Tom Gosner be required? genuine question.

Do you believe?

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normally true, but you can't argue the price increase, however

If you are dumb enough to believe this LARP, you DESERVE to loose your money

Polkadot for any other blockchain, fiatrelay for fiat.

I believe you.
But isn’t this another case of “yes SWIFT will use chainlink, but will not use the tokens, only the system”? Private blockchain FUD?

>16k LINK

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Supply wise, 1 eth is 3.3 link. 1 btc is 20.5 link. Take your link stack and divide by 3.3 or 20.5 to get how much eth or btc you would have.

>The singularity meme
>Most big players shit post on here

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Let's see it. Please no larp

user, I just want to thank you for your service. LARP or not, giving true believers hope in dire times is a genuine courtesy. I, like many others, will NEVER EVER EVER FUCKING SELL, and so regardless of your intentions here it's always nice to feel some positive energy around that.

The Bible's got all the reassurance you sinners are looking for. Get right with the Lord and stop hoarding tokens for Project Satan.

>loose your money

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I was planning on holding until I'm finished with college (two years) and then see where link is at. I also have plans to run a node as soon as I'm able, and if I ever want to sell any link it will come from node profits. I love you all stinky frens

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