The world needs realtors

Imagine the alternative in a world without realtors.

Pro tip: the only ones hating on raltors are neets and wagekeks that have never even been through a real estate transaction.

Propve me wrong

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They are pretty useless. They're basically trained to say idk to every question. If people got to work with the actual brokers more often, the perception would be different. The realtor are to brokers as paralegals are to lawyers, and there's a huge range of quality between braindead and basically defacto acting broker to be found.

"If people got to work with brokers more often"
Wtf are you on about? Do you even understand the function of a broker and realtor? What experience do you have with real estate? Don't answer that because I don't want to hear a lame ass LARP.

Now, imagine the alternative of the real estate transaction process without realtors.

I've bought and sold 3 houses. The second one I sold without a realtor. The third I sold at a modest profit directly to a broker. I'm not really that invested in whatever it is you're raging about here though. You're clearly having some sort of existential crisis over redfin eating your lunch, or whatever, and it's impacting your sense of self worth. I still wish you luck broseph. Xoxo

"You sold at a modest profit directly to a broker"

What did you mean by this? The broker bought your property from you? This is how i know you are a lying piece of shit because it doesn't really make any sense. The only time a broker would personally buy a property if it was way under market value, because thats whats called savvy investing. In which case no, you didn't make a "
quick profit"

I bought for $85,300, did about $5k in rehab, and sold for $112,500. Believe he sold for $155k. I left a shit ton of money on the table. Still a modest profit though.

Instead of trying to dissect an anonymous posters experience (impossible), why not get to the root of what's really troubling you?

"I left a shit ton of money on the table"

So you are a shit tier investor/businessman. Got it. Makes sense why you are on a crypto board full of NEETS.

Such hostility! It's ok. Yep, it was a huge fuck up on my part back in 2005, but I've gotten a bit better since then.
What brings you to a board full of neets, other than valiantly tilting against windmills in defense of your career choice?

Damn so your a boomer.

This is why FSBOs are such idiots. "I didn't net nearly what i should have, but hey I saved those realtor fees!"

And in your case its even more ironic, because in your "story" it was a broker who ripped you off while you are trying to claim at the same time it's better to work with a "broker" becuase "realtors" are all "braindead indiots"

Does knowing that in some way make you feel better about the day to day challenges you face in your rapidly changing field?
Let's talk, bro. What's prompting you to post this here? Is the broker bringing in Alex Baldwin on Friday to "coffee is for closers" your office? I can't pretend to help with that, but i will tell you, you're a good person and I'm proud of you for having a job at all.

Im just having fun rustling your jimmies. thanks for your LARP, move along now

You got me rustled to the bone over here. It's nice itt; i think I'll stay, at least until we get to the bottom of why you're worried about your job. You do know that sales experience is one of the most transferable skill sets, right? Rainmakers will always be prized, even if their original industry evaporates.

We already debunked your claims.

1. You got ripped off by a broker, and would have netted tens of thousands more if you had hired a realtor.

2. You claim to have bought your third property in 2005, making you by my calculations aprroximately 40-50 year old boomer.

3. You have no actual knowledge of a real estate transaction and have refused to answer my original question.

I didn't make any claims.
What was your original question? You made a statement about the utility of realtors, and said only the unemployed and the employed (neets and wagekeks as you put it) would disagree. I responded that, like all occupations, there's a mixed bag and the most senior and experienced members of the team are most useful.
Was there another question I missed? I'd love to be able to help you.

You made a ton of claims what do you mean? just scroll up and read what you wrote.

Sorry my original post should have said "describe in a very detailed paragraph what the world without realtors would look like", so that we can get an actual intelligent discussion about the topic

>ton of claims
I filled out my own p&s for the sale second house, and sold my third, which I did use a realtor to buy, to a broker who sold it at some later point for more money. Do these claims seem extraordinary to you in some way?

As to your newly formed question: I suppose an app that lists to the mps and schedules viewings, that also allows for legally binding offers with contingency check boxes, in partnership with a national mclawfirm to do the back office stuff would fit the bill for some buyers, but not all. Segments of the population prefer different things, and there'll always be a market for in person and personal guidance through the transaction.

lmao you sound pretty nervous and desperate for confirmation. realtors are trash people

why are they trash people?

Realtors are just the landlord's minions, nothing more. It's a pathetic job but a necessary one if the landlord isn't too busy fucking the realtor's wife

LOL. This is a hilarious comment.

So a job where you can make 6 figures if you actually put in 30 hours a week is pathetic? Jeez. Sorry not all of were born into million dollar businesses passed down. 100k-200k is a great way for a person to start accumulating capitol

Yeah because they only exist thanks to convenience. They are the Mc'Donalds of jobs because people are too lazy to do the job themselves so they hire a minion to do the job for them. Basically what I'm saying is the world wouldn't be much different without realtors, landlords would just spend time selling their houses. In a nutshell, they are irrelevant

How would you determine market value without a realtor/realtors?

>doing a CMA is rocket science

Where the fuck would you get the information to do that without a realtor/realtors?

Any fucking real estate website? RE agents are the scum of the world and no better than used car salesmen.

Where do you think those website get their information from? Its all syndicated from the MLS you dipshit. Without realtors, those sites wouldnt even have the data to exist

Whats wrong with someone selling used cars? jesus christ, what do you do for a living.

Everything that a realtor does, a landlord or a buyer can do it themselves if they aren't lazy. In that case, both the seller and buyer would need to come to an agreement about the price. People have been trading goods for literally thousands of years without the need for a middleman who takes too much for a commission.

Imagien being so anxious about your existence as a rent-seeking value sucking economic parasite you take to an anonymous Bhutanese finger painting forum to sperg out

Go write redfin or zillow an email, smoke a joint, calm down lmao

Oh really, you think the general public is really savy enough to accomplish that and net the most money. Okay, well I can tell you don't know much about anything.

Lmao so you lie to yourself that most people are dumb to buy and sell houses in order to justify the existence of realtors? That job literally has one of the lowest entry barriers, anyone can be a realtor and everyone can do their job. When your job exists thanks to people being lazy you know your job is a joke, it's like cooking burgers at Mc'Donalds while earning 6 figures

Redfin, Zillow, etc. recently sold data. It isn't as good as the MLS, but it is entirely possibly. Adjustments are just bullshit values used to massage the data and have no statistical basis because most Realtors lack the IQ and analytical background to have any idea what they are doing.

>Its all syndicated from the MLS you dipshit.
If this is the angle you are taking, this could be solved by making all sale data mandatory public record and then having towns host it on their websites. Everything we do as Realtors is superfluous. Stop trying to pretend that this job is so hard and vital.

Who is gonna pay for and maintain that system? This would be a stupid option. You are pretty much calling for more government control over a market. Good job.

Lol, besides the fact that you wouldnt even be able to pull comps without the images? Have you seen for sale by owner listings, they are total shit marketing wise. Your solution is short sighted and wouldnt work

The CMAs are based off actually sold prices you dumb dumb. Redfin, Zillow get ALL their info from MLS system which is inputed by REALTORS

>it so easy
>earning 6 figures stupid

Why do realtors exist if it would be so easy for everyone to buy or sell a home hmmmm

And btw, Redfin acounts for a whopping .71 percent of market share in US markets. They are absolute trash that wont actually get your property sold. They take cell phone pics for their listings lol

>Why do realtors exist
Good question. I'd give that "profession" maybe 5-10 years more before it sees some major changes.

Oh, what do you think is going to overthrow realtors kek lets hear an actual intelligent reply please

>more government control
What are deeds, leins, property taxes, etc. Everything realted to property is under government control. Simply publishing data doesn't give them any more control.

Pictures are almost always unreliable and shit half the time. I can't tell you how many homes I have shown which looked ok from the pictures, but turned out be complete shit the moment we set foot in it. Even the data entered into the MLS is often incomplete or suspect. Four bedrooms? More like three and a room which is more walk-in closet than bedroom. 60 acres of pasture? More like 45. I see this and worse all the time.

Buyers agent is to verify ALL information in MLS

I notice you stopped talking to me (). I think you're most interested in having a raging emotional battle with other anons, because you deep down feel what they're inevitably going to say, and you really want to be having this argument with yourself for questioning your choice in careers.

Listen, there will ALWAYS be a market for a friendly hands-on guide through this process, but the trend has already started where the early adopters and to some extent, the early majority, are moving towards a more automated way of transacting. You can absolutely use this reality to your advantage in your industry, and possibly even charge a premium, with folks who insist upon doing things the way they've always been done. Eg. There are carpenters on the phone with yellow pages ad reps, as we type right now, who are talking about the benefits of a $12,000 full page insert.

What is this automated process you speak of?

Of course. How do you verify information when doing CMAs? Oh right, you don't and neither does anyone else.

Yes, it is verified numbskull, the listing agent updates the sold price in the mls at the end of escrow. This data is then saved. If they le they will be reprimanded and potentially lose their license. Soup understand?

Come on dude... don't make me feel that pearls before swine feel... Read some Zig Ziglar and Seth Godin. You're in sales and you need to start thinking in terms of market segments, and their accompanying emotional needs, instead of battling anons to satisfy your own insecurities with your industries inevitable disruption.

Peace and love, bro. Go get em.

What is going to disrupt it?

fuck realtors

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I surrender. Good luck in your endeavors.

I just want an intelligent conversation. I don't understand why people think there is some magical solution to destroy realtors once and for all

and no, chain link is not going to make realtors obsolete, HA

why do over 70% of FSBOs end up hiring a realtor to get their property sold for them?

We were never talking about the sold price faggot. We were talking about all of the other parameters that go into selecting comps and making adjustments. You are a low IQ massive faggot like most Realtors.

so where are you going to get that info without realtors

bunch of fags in here

just OP desu. He's posted over half the comments in this shit


your like a wanna be moderator dumb dumb

housemax: browse used houses and new houses online

House max is like real estate wholesalers ha you are so fuckin dumb. Any seller who uses them is just plain desperate. Try again

what blockchain project or technology do you guys see most disrupting the role of realtors, title companies, or home loan companies?

imagine a world without realters

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Realtors are absolutely required for the average person. If you want to learn the entire process for yourself go for it, but the average person does not want to do that.

Also 9/10 FSBO end up listing with a Realtor, because they find that they are unable to sell their home by themselves. That's a factual statistic.

Ppl who are anti realtor are the perfect example of dunning-kruger effect

>are used house salesmen slimy?

Can you explain your position? what e xactly makes a real estate agent such a bad person

Hey idiot
Everyone makes mistakes, over and over, including your dumb ass. Hell, I'm making a mistake by talking to you right now.

Successful people:
1) Learn from them
2) Usually don't go broke from them

This guy sold a house for more than he bought it for, you fucking imbecile. What have you done?

I’m not going to go into any sort of moral judgements, but how do you feel about people who typically lie, overtly or by omission, as a regular part of their job? Are politicians bad people? Or lawyers? Serious questions.

Well first of all he was larping.

When was the last time you even spoke to a realtor? I never lie real talk

>35 posts
Slow day at your open house?

What are you doing on here? Whats your profession?

I've never seen people make so much money doing absolutely nothing. The industry as a whole is begging to be automated. the Realtors ive dealt with, while nice people, are essentially people you pay to agree with you. I see more value in a $15/hr fast food employee

Then why did you deal with the realtor at all? there is no law saying you have to use one. And everyone keeps saying it is going to be automated but no one has actually described how that is even possible. There are so many variables in a real estate transaction that most people dont have a clue about and take into account.

I wasn't larping. Who would larp about selling a house; moreover, who would unashamedly admit they sold it for less than they could've as a larp? I even tipped my hand about not being a millennial knowing, for some inexplicable reason, that it would damage any and all credibility on Jow Forums.

Additionally, if you go back over all of my posts, perhaps not today because you're having a bit of an outburst, you'll find a few decent pointers that crystallize what realtyservice really is to the people who ultimately purchase it.

You're a cutiepie and I want to hug you.

Its called making up a story because you are bored

Is it me or OP is talking to himself?

I'm just sipping ice coffee in my workshop watching polyurethane dry, and enjoying not being out in the cold. If I was going to lie, it'd probably be about my height. I'm 5'8" and a bit insecure about that.

>there are so many variables in a real estate transaction

yeah, that are taken care of by people other than the realtor for the most part. not to mention, the system is maintained by people who have a vested interest in not simplifying it as a means to keep their job.

Why do i use realtors? because I get more out of actually working instead of house shopping. Id rather pay a woman, or a man with the ambition of a woman to do the busy work at this point even though I recognize that the current system is mostly people standing around dick-in-hand until they have to say "yeah, this guys good". So does the world need realtors? sure, but only because they are graced with a financial system and government that over complicate everything, and are resistant to change
