Estate Tax

Say something nice about our next President, Bernie Sanders, biz.

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Nigga 3.5m gets you a two story cardboard box in NYC

Yeah 3.5 million is way too low for this bullshit


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Sure thing nigga
Tax them 99%
Fuck yeah

So let's say I'm that 1bil owner.
So for me it's 77% tax, on what?
What this estate value tax, tax me on?
It can't be 1 bil, since it would look like after three years government left me with cardboard box.
What does this tax makes deductions from?
I just don't understand
Props for brainwashing Bernie, simple people would think that he takes 770M away from riches. Which is not.

Bongland the estate tax is 40% on anything over 750k, but free transfer to a spouse.

it's when you die. by law everything you own when you die is transferred to a representative and they have to pay tax to be allowed to transfer it to the beneficiaries of your will. Currently i believe the first $11 million is tax free.

And when there is no more money to take then what happens?

Big taxes on the rich are dumb, but these brainlet tirades aren’t doing you any favors

Taxing money that has already been taxed to give to illegals. Pass.

The nicest thing I can say about this commie is that at least he was too weak and lazy to become a tyrant like his comrades. Hope he dies

If I had this kind of money, I would literally build an armed compound and make them Waco my ass

>brainlet tirades aren’t doing you any favors
I'm not american and we don't have taxation systems like you do.

but that would require you physically hold the money in the compound. Also you'd be dead when the tax kicks in.

bernie sanders is just a prototype and trial for the incoming first female president and welfare/big brother society. On a similar vein current surveillance systems in china are just a trial for what is to come for all of us

feels like theres no way out of this frens, it's all so tiring

Imagine thinking stealing this much money from rich people will solve any problems


20 trillion dollar deficit in the US, what you should be worries about is when the currency becomes worthless and hyperinflation hits

>3.5M dollars
Fuck you Bernie.


I would fully expect to be defeated and have my money taken. I would just refuse until they showed up, tell them I have no qualms with law enforcement, but the government will not tax me twice. Make it very clear I am otherwise peaceful but will open fire if they enter my domain.
>die in a hail of gunfire and die a martyr for the revolution part 2 electric bugaloo

every current social/political issues and new development in technologies all somehow just fuckin connects toward a singular direction that favors them

Everyone's too brainwashed and will gladly shoot themselves in the foot. There is literally nothing you can do now apart from treating it as a natural disaster and trying to survive through it

These people will simply leave. Why don’t leftists understand this?

>tfw you live in poverty and watch millionaire ex-footballer sol cambell cry about a mansion tax

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>3.5m to 10m
Fuck no, that's a farm or small business. Raise the cap to 25m.

Why does the government deserve that money?

Yeah, for sure the super billionaires will leave, but someone with a 3.5m estate isn't leaving, so really this tax just hurts people like that. lmao 3.5m is nothing.

Riddle me this commie fags. What do you think is going to happen when you massively tax the people with the most global mobility?

Bernie Sandniggerlover.

How do these retards not understand that people who have estates valued in the tens or hundreds of millions are savvy and rich enough to avoid estate taxes via legal loopholes?

i love bernie but a lot of rich people will renounce their citizenship and move to singapore (max income tax of 14% regardless of wealth). it's gonna take a fuckton of money to fix this shit hole we call the US and everyone knows it.

>Lower taxes
>Close loopholes so they actually pay them
President Trump did this, he got $38,000,000,000 from Apple alone in a single fine for offshoring cash that they gladly paid, as the new tax rate that came with the demand was lower than the offshore one they were using. Hundred of major companies were fined the same. But fixing things these days is "tax cuts for the rich" if old Jews in the government and media scream it enough.

In germany, you can inherit 400k tax free. You can pass on 400k to each child, its less when youre, say, a brother. This is net assets, so debt counts hugely.

That's his point - it's slow nationalization.
In fact it automatically nationalizes every company worth about $100M.

That's the way to go but why isn't obvious to schmucks like sanders who have literally seen it all?

Agree. Instead of the government controlling everyone by law, it will be the majority of the population controlling the minority through social networks and media.
In particular "bad capitalists" will be targeted by this, obviously not the top of the richest, but people who own rental property, for example.
Another trend i assume is naming and shaming, but without any proof.
You achieved smth that someone wants to take from you? Fabricate evidence of racism or sexism or eviction of a poor poor single mom from your property, and youll be hanged on social media.

This will only serve to consolidate those who have something to lose against the literal masses of wageslaves, further dividing the population and diverting from the core issues, such as the centralization of crucial power in state organizations.

It is obvious. They're not genuine. Most of these people are foreign nationals or working for foreign countries. Pelosi's driver for 20 years was caught being a Chinese spy, he was her handler. Schumer is an Israeli citizen who has worked happily with Trump on every pro-Israel issue and believes Israel needs a wall. Sanders was caught drinking with ruskies in the USSR in 1988. They're all foreign national agents and their favorite game is accusing Americans of doing what they do.

Is Bernie aware that most billionaires aren't liquid for a billion?

Gay and fake. No one would propose taking 70 of someone's fortune every year. That's not sustainable.

It’s an estate tax you retard.

Just when you die.

>Son, this is my pizza shop business. We were finally able to buy all 4 of our restaurant locations. It took my entire life's work, 60 years of toil, and I want you to have it.
>Oops, worth 3 million in real estate
>And 3 million in business
>Better hand over one of your locations to the State™
>Looks like pop's last 15 years meant nothing

Are you aware of how estate taxation works? Clearly not you fucking idiot.

That's pretty fair to be honest.

Inherited wealth and assets should not be a thing. Everyone should have all their wealth and assets seized by the government upon their death.

Let everyone start from scratch as a blank slate. No old money families and no trustfund babbies.

Abort yourself.

The tax is only after you are dead. Why would they enter your domain when it won’t be relevant until after you are gone.

Vastly underrated comment

I hate this piece of shit planet and the bottomfeeders who think the government should take even more of our money.

Rich people avoid this shit easily
Only middle class pay estate tax
Close the loopholes and reduce it for everyone

Is this a one time tax? Or an annual one. Because if its annual bernie can tax the cum from my nuts. If its annual, lets say hypothetically you hit it big with crypto and earned 100MM. In one year, you would lose more than half of that, bringing you down to
>45MM from taxes alone.
>Next year 22.5MM from taxes alone
>Next year 11.25MM from taxes alone
>Next year 5.625MM from taxes alone
>Next year 2.8125MM from taxes alone
and so on and so forth. None of this includes any money you would spend on yourself. So within 5 years of an annual estate tax you would be fucked right back into poverty.

When I make it the government (particularly NY State's government) will have done nothing but get in my way. They deserve no cut of what I own but I will still pay all that I am legally obligated to when I am a hardworking and honest citizen. They can fuck right off with this inheritance bullshit though.

My child will also inherit a gun and the belief that taxation is theft. Have fun with that, commie.

Inheritance tax is when you die. It fucks your kids over, not you.

>Say something nice
Thank goodness I have two other citizenships (one of them is the UK but still)

Inheritance tax is retarded regardless but all that does is literally stop middle class families over generations. It will kill upward mobility while the current rich get around it entirely.

what fucking rich person would live in america if this got passed... i would just move to somewhere like siwtzerland or austria

>the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money

Pls no

This is so ridiculous...Taxing any estate under 5M dollars will only be hurting family business. Those are the only people who fall for the estate taxes in the first place....Opening a trust or LLC to dump all the holdings into automatically bypasses this. Any "Real" businessmen know this....only and old european grandpa or asian dad giving his shit to his kids will fall prey to the shit.

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if you inherit a private business you will have to shut it down to pay the bernie tax

It also taxes the whole estate which is ridiculous, it should just tax whatever is over agreed upon amount.

Maybe rich people are the bad guys if they're going to be selfish cunts?

>gib me dats
You are a parasite who deserves nothing.

american gov is just going to spend the money on jew wars abd immigrant wellfare

absolutely this.

We should be penalizing large companies from hiding money overseas, and charging real estate tax on church real estate holdings, and grant huge subsidies for corporations that provide jobs to middle class families in the US. Thats how where the real money is hiding. Not shaking down grandma cause she bought three houses in brooklyn in the 1940s.

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>3.5m after working for 45 years

Lets be real. They are parasites and they know that Grandma can't fight back.

and an omnipotent state that controls everything instead of many, decentralized little families planting trees whose fruits they wont pick
im sorry but you really need to rethink some stuff about societies. as an idea: the family is the core of every functioning society to date

If this ever passed, he'd probably be paying that estate tax within a week.

yeah but let's get real. he isn't going to inherit anything of value beyond that. you're not old money fag.

I wonder what Bernie's son thinks about the fact that his dad doesn't plan to leave him a cent.

Why the fuck is multimillionaire grandma a victim?

I support this.

3.5m isn't old money. If you're against old money then raise it to 25m where it should be. 3.5m is a nice family farm.

Rich people dont pay estate taxes.
They make a corporation and put their children as percent owners.

They put all of their assets in that Corp. Not sure if I made that clear.

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Based richfags. The government doesn't deserve a cent.


"Tax Cuts for the Rich" my ass.

>Close loopholes
>Lower tax rates for everyone. EVERYONE.
>Punish tax dodgers
Exactly what we should be doing, we're finally doing it, and you protest it like a faggot.


If you're old with no spouse and knows you're going to die soon, why not just gift the money to your kids so long as they continue to let you live in your house until you die? Gift tax is at max 40%. I'm sure there is a better workaround, but even that let's you dodge this bullshit.

death tax should be zero. this all goes to give welfare gibs-takers money to pump out fatherless babies. fuck this shit

Nice post, but it would be better without the first word.

the answer is no death tax whatsoever

It's not our fault your parents were stupid.

I'm still a shitty Massachusetts liberal but these days "shitty liberal" means to the Right of most conservative politicians. I should be a radical psuedo-commie bothering people, but everyone around me is so much worse that I have to drag them back. I just wanted to be a 90s liberal ;_;

He's way too old. I don't think he can do it.

he's a lib but it's a start

Kys commie.

Literally no regard for psychology. The rich are humans too. So many experiments have been done on what happens when you tax more than 50%

president sanders 2024 put in place tax code
by 2026 crypto reaches a staggering 5 trillion in marketcap

To kill you and take the estate tax

He cant....They'll tax all his assets!

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People should actually vote for him. Seeing how communism destroys the most powerful nation in the world within one presidential cycle would doom communism forever. The internet and cameras will record the failures of communism like never before.

Why don't we just tax business owners who make those values every year. Why base it on estate size?

>Seeing how communism destroys the most powerful nation in the world within one presidential cycle would doom communism forever.
not real communism

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live periscope streaming of bread lines

Only in America do retards unironically think that a progressive tax system = communism

Wow so 77% of everything you make plus when you die 40% of the left over 23% gets taken which leaves you with 13.8%. No more than 13.8% of all the money you make in life will make it to your legacy assuming you are a billionaire. Over 86.2% of your lifetime earned money will go to taxes.

I keep asking this and getting blank stares. People will leave. Just look at France. Let them try it. I'll put my money into Monero and Bitcoin. Unconfiscatable.

almost enough to stop trying, submit and accept UBI isnt it

All this will cause is billionaires to distribute their wealth to family before death