Let me get this straight

I go to Bitmex, and go long on ETH.

$100 entry price
20x leverage
$50,000 capital (15btc)

Now, if ETH goes to 100, how much do I make?

Attached: 4DBE4180-0A58-4AA6-8452-9704E63CDF34.png (2000x1374, 61K)

To $1000

I guarantee it'll dump and you'll get liquidated

no one ever wins on bitmex

Yeah but IF it does go to $1000 how much do I make?

3000 bitcoin unironically.
but you will get liq'd if you use that much leverage and 15 btc because mexico has access to all the liq's and stop's and will hunt you. either that or a fund will hunt you

gambler and degenerate never wins on mex'

>not waiting for $50
I feel for you son

there is no if, bitmex literally won't let it happen without liquidating you first.

Are they really that petty that they'd care about my relatively small position? And isn't that illegal if they can see everyone's positions and use it to their advantage?

Use 10x leverage MAX. And thats only if you get an amazing entry.

50k capital of MARGIN

or 50k capital of total order value?

Margin. I will put in 50k myself.

>isnt that illegal

>Now, if ETH goes to 100, how much do I make?
nothing since $100 was your entry price

Why not? It sounds illegal to me. Atleast unethical. Do these people not fear Hell?

there's a calculator on that site, nigger basedboy

with 50k 20x leverage you can buy 10k ETH, which you can sell for 10 million dollars at 1k.

10 million usd but if ethereum drops from 100 to 95 you will get liquidated. You will 100% get liquidated if you do that.

No they literally make their money liquidating people.

>isn't that illegal

Attached: bitmex.jpg (906x559, 35K)

>Fearing a fictional place...
Fuck me you shouldn't go anywhere near bitmex with this kind of IQ.

Use deribit

There's a calculator on the website you retard why did you make a whole thread for this and why are you retards replying? Also ETH is dumping to at least $40 but possibly even $20 in the next couple of month so your trade would not be smart AT ALL. And even if it did shoot up to $1000 in a week, you'd still be liquidated beforehand for using 20x on a volatile alt like a dumbfuck.

>$40 eth

ok u are a retard

>$40 ETH
feels like stealing at these price

Attached: media.io_Comp 2.gif (300x300, 475K)

OP's future

Attached: bitmex degenerate.jpg (1913x1075, 574K)

Don’t do it op, sure anything could happen, but is such a risk worth losing your 15btc for. Don’t fucking gamble with margin trading because you will lose everything getting greedy. I could buy 100 eth and ether drop to $10 but at least I still have my 100eth.

i know right, lol its going to zero
what a dumbass

crypto market is the wild west broski.
every market manipulation tactic there is, is used in crypto by whales.
no bitch ass SEC here

dont go above 2x leverage

Attached: zxfor3tn73c21.jpg (768x768, 86K)

What does liquidation mean?
I'm new to finance and english isn't my first language.

It means you lost everything

to turn something solid into something liquid

Yeah, 40$? Going to the moon baby.

Attached: 1.png (688x500, 34K)

it's when the bitmexican takes your corn away

>And isn't that illegal if they can see everyone's positions and use it to their advantage?

like mexico gives one half of a fuck about rules
u gonna get rekt ~100

If you really have 15 BTC and don't need it to pay for expenses, get a fucking cold wallet, send it there and keep it locked for 5 years. You will be a multi millionaire in that time instead of losing everything you have now.