Top10 of shit

when is bottom reached?

Attached: shiat.jpg (1014x595, 105K)

When you sell, user.
We're all waiting for you to sell.

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Verge is not a shitcoin

nah dude, I am accumulating and you wont get my steals.

thats why it lost 97%, got it.
the coins you see @top10-lows, are by definition pure shit.

>my steals
Please tell me you're the Etherdelta hacker from September 2017.

nah, just a rng user getting lots of crypto for a very small amount of $

Nano is decent, nothing amazing but i won't call it a scam.

>Vechain had a tokenswap en changed the metrics. Chart compares old token price to new one.
What did they mean by this?

What are you buying user?

look at the current top 10, outside of btc/eth, everything else is either there due to massive marketcap manipulation, like xrp/eos/tron/sellar, or because it's getting the same result by being a shitfork, like bcash 1 and bcash 2.

you're left with tether (lol) and litecoin, which is growing obsolete by the day. the top 10 is rotten and shows how hollow the entire crypto space is right now, again, outside of btc/eth

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Zilliqa mainnet launch(well, bootstrap), which is a massive milestone for crypto as a whole was overshadowed by BTT borderline scam listing on binance,it really depressed me, it's not the market volatility that will kill my belief in the future of this space, it's the community, it wasn't like this at all in the previous cycle.

but zil just isnt relevant because its a completely new platform. they're never going to see any exodus from ethereum to their platform for the same reason eos didn't.

the countless "better" X projects are just tricking those that believe btc/eth exist on the same plane as the rest of the other alts into throwing their money away.

get out reddit

Are you that guy who was stealing nanos at $5?

>tfw my personal loss since ATH is only 40%
>tfw I never sold into a Stable coin or cashed out
>tfw I only started playing in May of 2017
>tfw still 5x up on my principal
>tfw I've still got better alpha than everything in the game right now

Am I going to make it bros?

I'm pretty sure Bitcoin will remain, Ethereum (as a community) will remain, Ripple as a centralized jew coin will remain, Stellar as an open alternative to Ripple will remain and Monero, as a privacy coin, will remain.

For the rest all bets are off.

>the countless "better" X projects are just tricking those that believe btc/eth exist on the same plane as the rest of the other alts into throwing their money away.


>same reason eos didn't

EOS never was a competiton, tech wise at least. Zilliqa is a whole different story.

> -99.95%
>there are still apex brainlets hodling

agree with btc/eth, xrp very possible because while i dont agree its going to make anybody rich, the ripple needs xrp to maintain value or their company has no funding. stellar? doubt it, xrp's tech isn't worth anything, xrp's only value is the human element backing it. monero, short to medium term yes, long term, i dont see a place in the market for silo'd feature coins.

but the tech just doesn't matter. how are you going to convince people to jump ship from the platform that controls half the projects (good and bad) coming out of crypto today, (theoretically) a few months to a year away from an actual scaling solution, to a platform that has no dev community and an unproven track record outside of the crypto speculation space?

>LINK is the best preforming non stablecoin

And yet no one will apologize.

this zcash price though

hal finney followed zcash twitter before dying, does that mean anything

The thing about Stellar is that it's feature complete. And it has a central organization that commercial parties can talk to. It's stability is also the appeal of Ripple. Except Ripple is a commercial organization while Stellar a non-profit. And stellar seems to have opened itself up for tokens and what not, while not having the scaling issues Ethereum currently has.

i just dont see much value proposition in stellar, especially since they have an economic/disibution model as broken as xrp's, and i dont see networks with very weak tokens like stellar being a competitor to ethereum for tokens.

stellar only exists because jed got kicked out of ripple, aside from ibm eschewing xrp for xlm, i dont see any other real interest in stellar, especially given that the core technology behind both xlm and xrp is already very dated, using the old "feature" model ethereum did away with.

with a very weak coin like xlm*

> the tech just doesn't matter

It clearly is, i don't know how one can claim such thing, especially when the use cases at current level isn't enough to reach beyond generic dapps (which have hard time running on ETH rightnow btw). If there's a better option be sure that not only we'll see brand new project deciding to build on X (Zilliqa in this case), but also project already established on ETH can make this decision (We already kinda seen it, Etheremon, the biggest ETH based game decided to move to Zilliqa, and that was even before their mainnet released, show the desperation for scalable permissionless blockchain). Dev community will come if the project is good at the core.

> a few months to a year away from an actual scaling solution

Man, your prediction is few years off, state sharding is still unknown territory. And isn't mainnet 2.0 supposed to be released in 2022 in the original plan? I think you confused POS with it.

I may look like ETH fudder here but in fact it's my biggest bag (definetly the safest), i'm just acknowledging the weaknesses and its quality rivals (Dfinity,Zilliqa etc).

Yea, it’s what killed him.

But the continued driver for platforms (and crypto as a whole) for price appreciation is speculation. Even if ZIL crushes mainnet and gets many users, the inherent value of the token is low, even as the fuel.

It's all speculation.

BCH ATH is kind of skewed. It went that high on like 2 exchanges for a very brief period where hardly anybody was able to sell. I'm sure other coins are in the same boat. /cope

What website is that OP?

Bullish as fuck on BNB

Aaaaaaaaaahahahagahahhahahah you fucking ANUS

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