The absolute state of wage slaves

The absolute state of wage slaves.

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So buy Fedex stock?

did he died?

He's cool, don't worry.

I see what you did there

Yes, but he's happier now

he was 69 years old. he should've been retired.

He probably could have been too. FedEx has good retirement benefits. Stubborn old bastard brought his own demise

>wagies freezing to death to fulfill amazon orders.

This shit is fucking insane.

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holy shit I bet his boss made him stand out there

Like 60% of boomers don't have enough for retirement (between $0-$50,000 saved), they will be going down with us on this sinking ship that THEY poked the holes in.

>dead boomers in the snow

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I don't understand how you work 50 years in the best economy ever to have been and can't save enough for retirement. I hope the luxury cruises and brand new RVs were worth it, boomershits.

They make the same amount of money as teachers. It’s his own fault he’s working this long.

speaking from what I've seen with my own parents, they sold and bought a new home every 5-8 years, upsizing each time, taking out a bigger loan for each one

you can't retire in America anymore, have to work up until your death

he could have been divorce raped or had outrageous medical expenses or been taking care of someone for all you know, i wouldn't be so quick to judge

my aunt who never did drugs or drank or ate unhealthy died at 56 from stress of working

They will still have social security though, at least. We will not have that. I mean realistically, social security will NOT make it to 40 years til our retirement.

I simply don't understand, why the masses do not revolt. And I mean world wide. I'm waiting for this to happen since '89. It is absolutely clear that slavery is still in existence and it has become unbearable.

I believe it

Too much to consume, too little time

protip: this was already attempted in 1917 and all throughout the 20th century.

The unfortunate reality is that even though many parts of capitalism suck (particularly the points at which it becomes corrupted by corporations and big business - and i emphasize BIG), wealth redistribution and primitive/barbaric confiscation is NOT THE WAY FORWARD. Especially today in the era of globalism. Go find yourself a mob with which to riot to wall street with. The billionaires will be the first to leave the city on their private helicopters and literally nothing will have changed because they will simply govern from abroad. These problems will only become more severe with time as property becomes more digital than it does physical (think websites instead of warehouses) since the former is tougher to confiscate by the unwashed enraged masses.

>upsizing each time,
avarice and idiocy. Go figure. Now we all have to pay for their sins.
Eyes shut syndrome. No one wants to look at unpleasant truths because they can't handle it. Just coping mechanisms for people who can't understand they are designed as a debtslave to the new royalty (mega-wealthy who never have to work a day in their lives.) I can't even think of it too much or I get homicidal.

the masses only revolt for two reasons
1. blatant and constant display of seemingly unattainable wealth
2. hunger
one of these without the other will not cause a revolt. they will only cause unrest. when the two are combined, a giant revolt will occur just like when you mix sodium and water.

this, Microsoft is literally putting their servers in the ocean now - good fuckin luck.

the real only solution is to do what Varg does and everyone get on welfare until the money runs out, but people are too proud for that.

too little time, everyone is distracted with their jobs (busy work). do you really think making dog toys or designing the latest toaster is necessitate to human survival? no, it's busy work. 40-60 work weeks, no community, nobody has time to riot. even if they had the time they wouldn't know who to do it with, who they can trust.

All they have to do is ignore the arrangement.
It's only as much worth as people honor it.

your only legal recourse is to get on the government dole

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Why go even so far as rioting? The masses don't even bother voting someone else in. Literally anyone - they vote for the same people every election for decades and say it's not that bad. Essentially it's the boiling frog principle. They only fear drastic change but accept a slow decline.

you literally can't vote for anyone that isn't approved and shilled by the media - they don't stand a chance at winning. pissing your vote away.

you're not going to be able to vote yourself out of this mess

But why? Why would a person submit to that life of having to slowly repay a mortgage repeatedly? Is there a generation wide scam going on? Is crypto our generation wide scam?

Wow we have truly become reddit

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Defeatism across the board is the reason you are pissing it away. If they collectively threw it they would thoathfuck the establishment voting nobodies in. Instead they follow the path as ordered like a horse with blinders. It's not that it's impossible, it's that the retards all act as ordered and don't do it.

And as you say media shilling works extremely well on them, campaign money spend predicts 9/10 elections

zip zap

Jesus christ GO BACK to Jow Forumscryptocurrency you absolute filth get the fuck out of here.

I know someone that worked in the liquor business and he was telling me about this 95 year old sales rep that just wouldn't fucking retire. It was to the point where he couldn't even do his job effectively anymore and they basically had to have another rep help handle all of his accounts. The guy had the money to retire but he just loved working.

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>voting works!

I've rarely seen anyone older than me ever advocate 'saving' money in life.

It's always advocating something to rush into without any respect that the person themselves should make their own, thoughtful decision. Things like going to college, getting married, buying a house etc.

Not that those things are necessarily bad, but we've built a society of 'keeping up' that's forcing each other to shackle themselves into consumerism and debt


>system doesn't work cause nobody uses it
brainlet, the people are the problem not the system

The world is actually economically more fair now than it's ever been for people with high IQ's. Since so many people have access to the Internet, the high IQ people will use it to become wealthy while people with low IQ's will continue to use computers to watch World Star or some other stupid bullshit, never realizing that the keys to success are literally at their fingertips. This is why basically every American has access to the knowledge of 1000 libraries but for some reason they just can't get out of poverty. The easy accessibility of the Internet has single handedly proven that racism is not keeping people down.

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People die when they dont have a job, or at least a purpose. Its a shame we dont have specific jobs that we can give old people.


You forget regulatory hurdles keeping you from entry in a market. Information is cheap but monetizing your knowledge end's for most still in a wagie position. You still get fucked by people who have simply more money and control the market , your only choice becomes turning into their golden goose for bigger scraps than the average wagie.

Did you get into a better school system from this? That's what separates the Goal Boomer from the Meme Boomer.

kys unironically

A 69 year old FedEx worker would definitely have a pension. He just liked working

That job is the only reason the guy made it to 95

It's worse when you consider that average age here is probably 18-24 and 40 years from now puts people in the lowest benefits category for social security NOW.

Initially, we'll see the rate of increase reduced, as well as earliest retirement age pushed back, eventually stringing it along until there's no point to it.

>not heating your cagies

>loved working
Hated his wife and family.


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